Puppy Mill Awareness Day

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TGIF phew the weekend has arrived.

Tomorrow is a very important date in our calendar, Puppy Mill Awareness Day.

It is held on the third Saturday in September to encourage those looking for a new dog, to adopt, not shop. An observance dedicated to improving the lives of dogs, the day spreads the word about the poor conditions of puppy mills.

We need to educate people so that they will realize where their puppies come from and the life the mothers of the puppies have.

What is a puppy mill?

It is a place where dogs are kept in cages in the dark, with no medical care, not enough food or water and are treated like baby making machines with no life.

Missouri is considered the leading puppy mill state in the country. Over time, puppy mills have spread to other states, the highest concentration is in the Midwest, but there are also high concentrations in other areas, including Pennsylvania, Ohio and upstate New York.

Dog farming is a large part of the economy for many Amish communities. Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Holmes County, Ohio, and Shipshewana, Indiana are home to thousands of breeding dogs that will spend their lives in puppy mills. This might surprise you given the reputation of the Amish, and is a side of the Amish community of which most people are not aware of and would never knowingly support.

What is a dog auction?

Not many people have heard of a dog auction. Dog auctions are common in the puppy mill industry, and are particularly common in Amish communities. A dog auction is the same as a livestock auction; it is simply limited to selling dogs as well as housing and breeding equipment.

The dogs sold most of them suffer from chronic untreated painful conditions such as ear infections, rotten teeth, urinary tract infections, sores on their feet, mastitis, and more.

Layla speaking out for all those suffering

These dogs have never felt the warmth or love from a human in their lives and need a lot of patience once adopted to adjust to their new lives.

One of the important reasons for speaking out about Puppy Mills is because of the lives the poor dogs live, but also to stop pet stores for selling puppies which most of the time come from Puppy Mills.

So we are speaking against Puppy Mills or any breeder as there are so many dogs waiting in shelters to be adopted and being euthanized because of lack of space. Enough is enough.

To all our readers please do not shop but adopt, save a life as they save ours, and a dog does not have to be pure bred to be perfect, mutts rock and in my house mutts are what I rescue.

Be safe and please spread the word

With a woof and love from Layla


18 Replies to “Puppy Mill Awareness Day”

  1. Animal mill breeding is so horrible, no matter what type of animals are involved. So many people are against puppy mills yet buy products that support other types of unethical animal breeding facilities. I hope that, someday, humans can learn to show more compassion to our animal counterparts.

  2. There was a lot of trouble for a local pet chain a couple of years ago when they were rumoured to be using a puppy mill. I have never been in it since (and they are useless as they don’t do our favourite cat food).

    I can’t believe it happens in 2021. It is obscene and inhumane. The one light at the end of the tunnel I se is that one by one American states are enacting lasts that ban the practice. It’s a start and we have to keep pushing but one by one, life by life, we wills top the suffering.

    • Marjorie it is just sickening that in this day and age there are puppy mills. In San Francisco it is illegal for pet stores
      to sell pets thank goodness. I boycott all stores that sell pets also

  3. How horrible humans are to allow such a thing to go on or turn a blind eye to it. There is no excuse! It turns my stomach and it should turn any breathing person’s as well. Why animals don’t turn on the human race, I’ll never know. Perhaps, proof that animals are better than humans.

  4. Totally agree- adopt, don’t shop! There are plenty of adoptable kitties and doggies out there for everyone. How much you love an animal shouldn’t depend on being a thorough bred animal. I didn’t realize that the Amish were a big part of the puppy mill market. That’s really disappointing.

    • Robin you are so right, adopt dont shop, there are too many animals looking for homes. I was also surprised when I learned the Amish were a big part of the market.

  5. Puppy mills are such a horrible plague on humanity and dogs. It is so sad that still, at this point, we weren’t able to eliminate them–they quickly adapt to new measures. How are we to solve other world problems when we cannot solve something that should be so straightforward?

    • Jana the problem is that there are so many back yard breeders also and to track them down is really hard. That is why all pet stores should not sell pets and it would slowly hopefully slow the puppy mill market down.

  6. Some states and cities have laws against pets being sold in pet stores – hopefully more regions do the same. There are so many wonderful breeders to get a purebred from, and just like your family, we also love mutts and rescues over here!

    • Lindsay pet stores in San Francisco cannot sell pets thank goodness, Breeders need to go away also as there are so many pets dying in shelters because of the over population and its the pets that suffer in the long run

  7. Puppy and kitty mills are terrible. I hate the phrase “adopt, don’t shop” because it gives the impression that all pets that are purchased are bad. There is nothing wrong with buying a purebred dog or cat from a reputable breeder, but one must do their research on the breeder and check out all reviews and professional organizations, such as CFA and the dog organization. I researched almost 1 year before getting Truffle and Brulee and have been very pleased with the quality and care my cats received. Puppy and kitty mills on the other hand are different because of the living conditions of the animals. I believe one of our dogs we got when I was a teenager came from a puppy mill because I remember the conditions the dogs lived in (this was in the 1970s before we knew better).

    • Paula unfortunately we need to say adoptdontshop as too many pets, including pure breeds are dying in shelters because of the over population. A person can rescue a pure breed from a pure breed rescue organization and not support a breeder.

  8. I recently learned that the Canadian Government has cracked down on the puppies that are being imported into the country in an attempt to help combat the puppy bill and backyard breeder problems. It’s MUCH harder to bring a puppy under 8 months old across the border now. We realized this while bringing our new rescue pup over, however, I will happily deal with the extra paperwork if it helps to tackle this problem.

    • Britt I think it is fantastic that your Government is cracking down, it is one step to stop backyard breeders and so much more. Your new pup is adorable and am happy you were able to bring him home.

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