A week of my life

TGIF !!!!!!!!

Wow it is Friday and we have had a busy week. Things are finally opening in San Francisco plus the trams are now going so we can get out and about a bit more, I am really excited and so is Mom.

On Saturday I got punished and went to the groomers. Mom pulled the wool over my eyes and took me for a long walk bribing me with treats till we got to the groomers, about 7 blocks from our house. She then had the chutzpah (audacity) to leave me there with the groomer for a couple of hours. He cut my hair short, all the hair from my face which Mom wanted because of my allergies, and he trimmed my tail, Mom not so happy about that one. He did my nails and in a nutshell I had a spa morning which I hate and was happy to see her when she picked me up about two hours later.


Because the trams have started Mom decided to take the tram home, it was the first tram on that line running in over a year so it was extra special. I loved it and got lots of pets from some of the passengers.



We got home and I decided to take revenge on Mom, BOL, every hour or so I decided I wanted to go out and pee so Mom must have walked me maybe ten times on Saturday, I  loved that revenge BOL.

Sunday we relaxed and then Mom had to go to the supermarket so she took me with her, I got lots of compliments from people on how cute I looked and Mom did her shopping. Yes I got some treats also.

The rest of week has been busy doing things and Mom has been caught once again with giving me my pills, so am on pill strike here and she is not happy, so she has now bought hotdogs to give the pill to me with it, hmmm wonder how long that will last. See the video below to see what I have been doing to her, I am so smart.


Today, Mom took me with her on the tram and she went to her favorite grocery store to get a few things and then on the way home we walked through the park so I saw all my friends. It was fun being petted and spoiled by all of them.

National Rescue Dog Day falls on May 20th every year and is a day that was created to encourage people to adopt a dog from their local pet shelter. Every year, approximately 3.3 million dogs enter animal shelters nationwide and are in dire need of being adopted.

It is a very important day especially as I am rescued and need to speak out for all my friends that are in shelters they need homes and love and family which I have been blessed with so let us all go to the Shelter to adopt a dog BUT remember we are for life.

So now I am going to relax and looking forward to the weekend, have a great weekend everyone

With woof and love from Layla


May is nearly over

TGIF !!!

How are all you of you doing ? 

We are sorry we did not blog last week but I needed a break from social media which was really good for me, plus Layla was in her element as I was with her all the time.

This lock down has taught me a lot, it has not been easy triggering things inside me that I had buried, but worked through them, plus I have also realized how in a funny way I think Layla misses me dog sitting and having the other dogs in the house, although she does not play with them it is more the companionship and I really noticed it when Gidget came to spend a couple of hours with us last weekend and although Layla does not play with her, she was happy to see her, and they were lying and sleeping next to each other, which of course was adorable.

Layla is aging and I am noticing it more and more lately, she does not want to do long walks, I carry her into the park as she is afraid and if a person claps or any other odd sound she tries to run out, and this is worrying me. I now leave her leash on in the park as it is easier to catch her plus sit as far away as possible from others so she will relax. Once relaxed she sleeps LOL.

I also am noticing that she is not eating as much as she did in the past, treats yes, her food no so am trying to figure out what to add to her food to make it more appetizing. She loves her gizzards but needs more than that. 

That is what I am working on at the moment and if anyone has any suggestions am open to them.

With the sun shining today I did take her to the park, but it was good for both of us to be outside for an hour, I do not stay long as it starts filling up and I am really keeping social distancing as much as possible. Plus Layla will this week be getting her own mask, a friend of mine got her one so will post a photo with her wearing it next week, cannot wait.

Nothing else exciting happening in the Layla Neighborhood. Like everyone, we are going day by day and praying life will get back to normal one of these days.

I am happy that groomers are opening and maybe next week will see if I can get her an appointment which she desperately needs as I have been cutting away matts as much as possible.

We hope you have a great long weekend,

With a woof and love from Layla