Carrying on her legacy

Woof hello friends,

Two weeks ago, I took Layla for her last adventure to spread her ashes in a place that she loved to go to in her younger years, where she wandered around, sniffing all the smells and barking at the ducks in the lake.

I went with Alice, one of my closest friends who we used to do adventures with, visiting the different lakes in the Bay Area, so this was the last adventure for the three of us, we sat at the lake with a picnic and then I went towards the lake and spread her ashes. It was hard, sad but I knew in my heart it was the best thing to do as she is now back in nature, barking at the ducks and turtles and at peace, not as I felt stuck in a box on my shelf. Pine Lake in Stern Grove for me is like heaven, just beautiful, natural and quiet which is what I wanted for her. However hard it was for me, I am now finally at peace, moving forward with a more positive attitude and finally taking care of me.

Pine Lake

The Duck welcoming Layla

I have been going out more, lunch with friends, a jazz concert in a park, and much more but I must admit I find it hard without pushing her in the stroller which is something I am slowly getting used to. Her strollers I have donated to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and her other things I am going through slowly at my own pace.

As I vowed, I would do is carry on her legacy and this week I am going to talk about fireworks, as the 4th of July is around the corner. I personally hate fireworks and feel the money could be given to nonprofit organizations who are struggling, rescue organizations and so much more instead of burning the money.

The fireworks scare the wild animals that many flee in fear and get injured or killed by cars, our pets who sit in our houses shivering from fear, the Vets that suffer from PTSD and so many more.

I think it is unfair to all those that are afraid and disrespectful especially when you live in a city and people  just stand in the streets shooting them off and our apartments are shaking from all the noise. I used to have my TV on the Jazz Station loud during the night to disguise the bangs as much as possible, I would make Layla a bed in the shower with her water, toys and food and put her in there where she felt safe and secure, cover her with a blanket and let her stay there all night with me checking on her every 30 minutes.  What I did give her was the Relax Calming Chews from Real Mushrooms which helped a lot and actually once calm she would fall asleep and sleep through it all, these chews were a blessing in disguise as they kept her calm and relaxed especially as she got older.

So to help other pet parents we are doing a give away for a bottle of  chews to help your pet. They are for both cats and dogs so everyone can enter to ease the stress and anxiety from the fireworks.

What are they :

I have been sponsored by Real Mushrooms for this giveaway.

You can read more about them on their website where you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.

To enter go to the link below and fill in all that is asked from you.


This Giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 years old to enter.


Good luck to everyone, you enter you will have a calm pet in the house.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom





I might be old but I am healthy

Good Morning Friends,

We hope you are staying cool in the awful hot weather and of course drinking lots of water. Today I am going to share with you my secrets on why I am so healthy for an old girl and am very blessed to have a doting Mom like mine, who makes sure I get all the nutrients I need to stay healthy.

When Mom rescued me, I was living off kibbles yuck, and she immediately changed me over to home cooked food with lots of veggies and fruits. With aging she has added some supplements to my food to help my old body stay well and although it might sound crazy it seems to be working BOL. I also make her walk as much as possible as exercise is very important for her joints plus to keep her brain active I fill snuffle toys and make her work getting them out. It keeps her busy and therefore not sleeping the day away.

You can read more about how bad kibble is on this website and why raw food is healthier for your dogs

park time

Food – In this house we do not believe in kibbles of any kinds, gross, they have fillers and other not good stuff in them. I like my home cooked food although Mom has introduced me to raw food also and we now alternate as changing my diet keeps me interested in food BOL. The company Mom gets my food from is Raw Paws Pet Food, great yum products, and worth checking out. The plus is the raw food has fish in it also, so I am getting the balanced diet I need.  Coupon LaylasWoof15


Mushrooms – Mom has gone crazy about mushrooms but honestly there is a method to her madness. She loves supplements that are powder so she can mix it in with my food and that is what is so great about these. She mixes in the 5 Defenders and Lions Mane Mushroom Powder Extract into my food daily and I feel the difference and Mom sees the difference in my brain functions from the Lions Maane , for an old girl my brain is working well. I also get their calming supplement which relaxes me at night, and I am sleeping through the night which Mom is loving, BOL. The Mushroom company has now started supplements for my cat friends and as Mom says we must not forget to remind our humans that the hot chocolate is so good for us coffee lovers. Real Mushrooms are the best.  Coupon code for 10% off with LaylasWoof

My old joint and muscles – Mom is determined to keep me mobile and walking without pain and thanks to this amazing formula it is working and I am as energetic as a you pup with the Hip and Joint Supplement plus muscle formula, I am a happy camper here.

Senior Supplement – All In from Vetericyn. This is one that keeps my insides healthy, relaxes me during the day and soothes my aches and pains if I have any. Mom started me on this supplement when I refused to take the one for my liver and since on it my liver levels have stabilized so if  Mom is happy I am happy. If you sign up for their emails you automatically get 10% off. They also have fantastic anti Itch products which I keep in the house for emergencies.

My Tushy – after my UTI and discussing with my vet as Mom realized us old ladies do not clean ourselves the way the young ones do so she bought some Tushy wipes and wipes my butt clean after each potty, it is keeping me clean and smelling good, what could be better than that. Plus, she is now using the facial wash on me so my face is nice and clean all the time as she cleans it with a microfiber towel so I am pampered daily. They have amazing other grooming products also, a must have in our house.

Shnoozing on my walk, life is good

Debating whether I want to walk or not

So, to all my friends, we might be aging slowly although Mom says its too fast for her but with all the above which Mom has discussed with her vet before giving to me I am plodding along, doing good, riding in my stroller, so life is good in the Layla neighborhood.  Please discuss with your vet before you change anything.

Have a safe weekend, stay as cool as possible!

With love and hugs









Thank you

Dear Friends,

As you know Thanksgiving is next week and November is the month of thanking everyone, so I have decided to write a letter to everyone thanking you.

I first want to thank my followers and friends for supporting us the past year, reading my blogs, sharing my stories, and laughing with me about my fun adventures and anecdotes.

A special thank you to my vet, Dr Gervais of the San Francisco Animal Medical Center for putting up with me, keeping me healthy and giving Mom tips on how to keep me safe in my old age.

I also have a special thank you to the fantastic pet products that are keeping me healthy. As you all know I am a senior now and must stay healthy so am going to share with you the products that are helping me and Mom swears by them

Dr Harvey’s Food and Treats

Mom feeds me Dr Harvey’s Raw Vibrance food, which is full of all the fruits and veggies I need, she adds chicken to it which makes it extra yummy, plus giving me a perfect balanced meal. And of course, Fish Oil which is so important for my skin, fur and brain. And I must not forget their treats which are the best of the best, yummmm.

You can find all the information on their website :

You have a coupon for a 10% with Layla10

Thank you Dr Harvey’s

Real Mushrooms 

Mom calls them the magic mushrooms as she has noticed a positive health change in me since I am taking them.

I get the Lions Mane which slows down Dementia and since getting them mixed in my food I am so much more aware of what is going on around me, which of course makes me happier.

The other mushroom mix I am getting from them is the Five Defenders which is a blend of organic extracts of Reishi, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail mushrooms and Chaga.

You can find more about them on their website:

And of course, you have a 10% coupon with LaylasWoof

Thank you Real Mushrooms


This company has fantastic wellness products for hot spots, wounds, ear wash and so much more which Mom uses on me all the time. Their one product that Mom is really happy with is their ALL IN Senior Supplement. This supplement keeps all my insides healthy and oy vey am pooping good, BOL.

They are having a Black Friday sale Thanksgiving weekend with savings of up to 35%.

Thank you Vetericyn

You can find all their information on their website

So, as I finish this letter I want to thank a very special lady, my Mom for putting up with all my nonsense, bratty moods, keeping her awake at nights when I do not want to sleep and so much more, you the best Mom and thank you for rescuing me, giving me a loving home, spoiling me and keeping me healthy, you are the best.

Happy Thanksgiving friends, please be safe and have a wonderful weekend,

With love from


Never a dull moment

TGIF and thank goodness the weekend has arrived, I need to put my feet up and relax and take it easy.

Never a dull moment in our house, Layla has been doing so well since she is on the Lions Mane Mushrooms (read more below) and yesterday she came bouncing out of the house when I got home, ran in the hallway and did not see the stairs, and the next thing I knew she was howling, she had fallen down the stairs.

I immediately ran down the stairs picked up, checked her and then brought her into the house, she was limping with her right paw in the air so I gave her some CBD oil to relax her and put her to bed. She ate well and drank but would not put her paw down so I took her to the vet today and they checked her. She has bruised her paw but otherwise very healthy for her age so am relieved now. She is on bed rest for the next two weeks and if it does not heal to bring her back in. Her walks are now stroller only and to take her out of the stroller to do her business. They also put her on Galliprant to help with the inflammation and pain but otherwise she can get CBD.

Now to Lions Mane Mushrooms from Real Mushrooms.

As you all know Layla is 15 years old, I with research felt she was starting Dementia and wanted to catch it to make her life easier. So, I found that Lions Mane helps so have started her on it, that is where I realized it was working as she had become a shell as such from the blindness and adding the Lions Mane, she is more alert, trotting along a lot better plus so much more. I swear by it and my vet said to me if it works in the East then it should work.

Signs that your dog might be starting CDS.

Below is a very interesting article I read from the company that I am buying the mushrooms from.

If you are interested in buying them for your dog or the other one that Layla is getting which is the 5 Defenders which is a mix of 5 mushrooms and really helping Madam, you have a discount code LaylasWoof for 10% off on all shopping.

The link for Real Mushrooms is :

On this note, Madam is sleeping phew, so please everyone have a safe wonderful weekend,

Sleeping away zzzzzzz


With a woof and love from Layla











Pride weekend has arrived

Pride weekend has arrived, San Francisco is full of Rainbows, in the streets, supermarkets, stores and so much more. It looks so pretty and happy, and I really love this weekend. I am not sure what event we going to do but I am sure we will do one at least, am going with the flow and seeing how the weather will be.

Photo take in 2015 at the Dykes on Bikes

Madam got groomed on Wednesday. They did an amazing job and cleaned her teeth, ears, plus so much more so she is all clean now, and smells of fruit thanks to her shampoo. She was exhausted when we got home and has been sleeping, eating ever since.

Her halo arrived finally and I am so happy because now we can go for proper walks and I do not have to worry about her head. I was trying it on her in the photo and it needs to be adjusted which I will do before a walk.

Layla seems to be feeling so much healthier, eating like a pig oink oink since I have put the mushrooms in her food, I feel like she has more energy which makes me happy although I do say sometimes slow down as I am tired BOL.

If you want to try the mushrooms, especially what I am giving Layla (you can read all about them on last week’s post). The bottle I got for her is 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend for Pets. Please discuss with your vet before you buy.

The link is below and guess what you get a 10% discount when shopping. You might even be surprised to get a bigger discount on some of the products.

Link :

I Layla pawsitively approve them as they have made me, a senior feel better plus all my internal organs are being kept healthy, what a concept!!

Last weekend I took Layla to the park, which was great, she was happy sleeping amongst the daisies and of course begging for treats LOL which of course I gave her.

So, in a nutshell, life is good in the Layla neighborhood, we are both aging gracefully though,

Happy Pride to everyone that celebrates, have a wonderful weekend, and please please stay hydrated.

With a woof and love from Layla















The link is below and guess what you get a 10% discount when shopping. You might even be surprised to get a bigger discount on some of the products.


I Layla pawsitively approve them as they have made me, a senior feel better plus all my internal organs are being kept healthy, what a concept!!


Last weekend I took Layla to the park, which was great, she was happy sleeping amongst the daisies and of course begging for treats LOL which of course I gave her.


So, in a nutshell, life is good in the Layla neighborhood, we are both aging gracefully though,


Happy Pride to everyone that celebrates, have a wonderful weekend, and please please stay hydrated.


With a woof and love from Layla

Are Mushrooms Magic?

TGIF !! Another week over and the weekend is starting. I cannot believe how fast this year is going it is scary in a way or maybe I am just aging LOL.

Last Friday we had a picnic in the park with one of my closest friends, it was the first time Layla was in the park in months as she has become afraid of them, but she surprised me and was totally relaxed, wandered around a bit, and then went to sleep. It was relaxing for me to see her that way and not worry so have decided that am going to try it again today for a couple of hours. I think it was because the park was not full.

As you all know Layla is aging, it worries me big time and having lost her sight has made walking hard as I am so scared of her bumping her head, so I got her a halo which is arriving today. I am praying it will make outings less stressful for me as she will be able to walk on a longer leash and I will not have to keep pulling her in before she hurts herself. I think the pulling on the harness is hurting her back poor baby.

I have also been doing research on mushroom supplements for her and now am trying one on her.  She seems to be more energetic with it which is fantastic. What it is a capsule with 5 different mushrooms in.

A breakdown of the mushrooms and benefits below :

Reishi : have antioxidant properties to nourish, detoxify and protect the liver. It can also renew liver cells, strengthen the liver and improve the detox process.

  • Shiitake :
  • High Fiber Content Supports Digestion
  • High in B Vitamins. …
  • Contain Vitamin D. …
  • Protect Oral Health. …
  • Help Immune Function. …
  • Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds. …
  • Good For Heart Health. …
  • Promote Healthy Coat And Skin.
  • Turkey Tail Mushrooms: Boost The Immune System.
  • Support The Digestive, Urinary And Respiratory Tracts.
  • Provide Phytonutrients.
  • Protect The Liver.
  • Increase Longevity In Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma.
  • Fight Other Forms Of Cancer.
  • Reduce Side Effects of Chemotherapy.

Maitake means “dancing mushroom” in Japanese.

  • Preventing cancer.
  • Supporting the body during chemotherapy and other cancer treatment.
  • Helping manage diabetes.
  • Supporting dogs with liver problems.

Chaga Mushrooms

Some of the earliest uses of chaga mushrooms were for ulcers, stomach pain, and inflammatory bowel disease. It’s believed that the immune-stimulating traits of chaga help balance the gut bacteria and ease ulcers and gastritis. Chaga mushrooms can help regulate blood sugar levels for animals with diabetes

I approached an Organic Mushroom Company – to get a bottle for a review as they have one capsule with all 5 in and I can open the capsule and mix in her food.

I am giving her their 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend Capsules for Pets.



Their customer service has been fantastic, they have answered all my questions and I would recommend them to any other dog blogger who is interested.

I have not changed Layla’s diet or other supplements but adding the mushrooms have given me peace of mind that I am controlling her body health wise inside and out.

If you are interested in learning more about them this is their website :

So, on this note as I pack to go to the park to relax a bit which I need, I want to wish everyone a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun, stay cool and hydrated,

With a woof and love from Layla