Carrying on her legacy

Woof hello friends,

Two weeks ago, I took Layla for her last adventure to spread her ashes in a place that she loved to go to in her younger years, where she wandered around, sniffing all the smells and barking at the ducks in the lake.

I went with Alice, one of my closest friends who we used to do adventures with, visiting the different lakes in the Bay Area, so this was the last adventure for the three of us, we sat at the lake with a picnic and then I went towards the lake and spread her ashes. It was hard, sad but I knew in my heart it was the best thing to do as she is now back in nature, barking at the ducks and turtles and at peace, not as I felt stuck in a box on my shelf. Pine Lake in Stern Grove for me is like heaven, just beautiful, natural and quiet which is what I wanted for her. However hard it was for me, I am now finally at peace, moving forward with a more positive attitude and finally taking care of me.

Pine Lake

The Duck welcoming Layla

I have been going out more, lunch with friends, a jazz concert in a park, and much more but I must admit I find it hard without pushing her in the stroller which is something I am slowly getting used to. Her strollers I have donated to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue and her other things I am going through slowly at my own pace.

As I vowed, I would do is carry on her legacy and this week I am going to talk about fireworks, as the 4th of July is around the corner. I personally hate fireworks and feel the money could be given to nonprofit organizations who are struggling, rescue organizations and so much more instead of burning the money.

The fireworks scare the wild animals that many flee in fear and get injured or killed by cars, our pets who sit in our houses shivering from fear, the Vets that suffer from PTSD and so many more.

I think it is unfair to all those that are afraid and disrespectful especially when you live in a city and people  just stand in the streets shooting them off and our apartments are shaking from all the noise. I used to have my TV on the Jazz Station loud during the night to disguise the bangs as much as possible, I would make Layla a bed in the shower with her water, toys and food and put her in there where she felt safe and secure, cover her with a blanket and let her stay there all night with me checking on her every 30 minutes.  What I did give her was the Relax Calming Chews from Real Mushrooms which helped a lot and actually once calm she would fall asleep and sleep through it all, these chews were a blessing in disguise as they kept her calm and relaxed especially as she got older.

So to help other pet parents we are doing a give away for a bottle of  chews to help your pet. They are for both cats and dogs so everyone can enter to ease the stress and anxiety from the fireworks.

What are they :

I have been sponsored by Real Mushrooms for this giveaway.

You can read more about them on their website where you have a 10% discount with coupon LaylasWoof.

To enter go to the link below and fill in all that is asked from you.


This Giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 years old to enter.


Good luck to everyone, you enter you will have a calm pet in the house.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom





2023 is over WOW

Good morning,

The weekend has arrived but guess what, it is the end of the year also. 2023 has gone so fast it is scary and 2024 is a few days away. WOW.

This past week it has been cold and rainy so we have stayed indoors dry and playing with snuffle ball and napping, it can be boring for me but Mom does not want me to get sick, so she is very firm with her plans when it rains. I do not like the rain so in a way I enjoy being home although I do have the stroller with a cover to keep me dry but Mom gets wet and she is not happy BOL.

I lucked out Mom spilled my treats so am vacuuming with my tongue

New Years eve is a nightmare for so many of my fur friends because of those horrible noisy fireworks, in my younger days Mom would make me a bed in the shower with my water and favorite toys so I would not hear them plus she played the Jaz station all night long but now I am old I do not hear them that much which has made Moms life a lot less stressful and easy. She never leaves me alone, so I feel very safe and secure.


Please keep all of us safe and it can be very scary to be outdoors with all bangs going off plus as I woofed to Mom I feel very sorry for the wild animals and birds that suffer from it all. Do you agree with me?

Did you know that January is overflowing with pets because people have dumped their pets for selfish reasons, they do not think that pets are part of family and should live all their lives with them. Layla was dumped in January and I rescued her on the 31st of January, a total matted mess but I lucked out with the most beautiful little girl in the world and her ex family lost out.


I must now go to sleep as an old girl needs her beauty sleep, Happy New Year Everyone, may 2024 bring peace, love, health and happiness to everyone,

With a woof and love from






2022 is over

TGIF !! I cannot believe this is the last Friday of 2022, what a year and it has gone so fast its frightening. Where do we begin.

Layla and I are now officially senior citizens, I hit the 65 mark and lately am feeling my age LOL although I am still very active and busy there are days when I look at her and want to nap like her LOL.

Gidget is spending the week with us so she is keeping me on my toes LOL, doing double walks but I adore her and although she has become bratty with age I would not stop it for anything, her new favorite is to play the squeaky toys at midnight just as I am planning to sleep and her other favorite is sleeping in Layla’s bed which Layla in not amused with LOL but sharing is important and sharing with Gidget is a blessing.

I got the bed while Layla sleeps on the floor BOL

We have lost some amazing people this past year, Paula the fantastic cat blogger who I think about each time I use my sleepypod products I won on a giveaway she did, a close friend of mine and neighbor that every Christmas baked the most amazing goodies and they were sorely missed this year and the world lost them also plus many more.

So reflecting on the last year, it has been tough but like everything else we need to look also at the positive in our life and the one most important positive in my life is Layla, who is 16 years old, blind but still walking, eating and everything else a healthy dog should do and I am so blessed. I have tried going to as many events with her this year also, to make the memories but also keeps us going and getting out of the house and doing things means seeing others, I am using the stroller more for her especially when we go out but she loves it and sits in it like a Diva, which she is LOL. She is very smart cos if she wants to  potty she stands up trying to get out of the stroller and the minute I put her down she potties so I am really proud of her,


As we always do we remind everyone to keep their pets safe on New Years Eve, especially with the fireworks which I personally hate and the money people burn on them should be donated to charities that are battling to stay open, plus I think of the pets and animals that are petrified from the noise, the people that suffer PTSD, and the list can go on as I think those setting off the fireworks are selfish, inconsiderate and only think of themselves.


How do I keep Layla safe from the fireworks, which is my routine and works wonders with her, I give her a calming supplement early in the evening, I walk her early so there is nothing to scare her, I make a bed in the shower with water, food and some of her toys plus lots of blankets and she sleeps there through the night, I also keep the TV on the Jazz Station which keeps her relaxed. It works wonders for her plus having a tshirt on even makes it better for her plus I am relaxed. I do not go out anywhere but stay at home with her as I feel it is only fair to her. What do you do for your pets on New Years Eve.


So to all our friends, Happy New Year but please keep your fur kids safe and you safe of course also,


With love and hugs from Layla



Hide the Fireworks are Coming plus Give Away

Good Morning All,
Me the social butterfly has been really busy as always but it is keeping Mom and I young which is what i keep telling her.

I went to the vet last week as my eyes were really red and Mom was concerned, I hate that place. Anyway my favorite vet was there and she checked them and told Mom I have really bad allergies and dry eyes, so she gave Mom some ointment to put in my eyes and I think it is working cos I am less itchy. 

On Saturday we went to the Shih Tzu Meetup which is one of my favorite events as there are lots of dogs my size and they are all fluffy. It was loads of fun, the weather was fantastic and also being in a different park always makes things more interesting.

In the evening we met up with one of my favorite Aunts who was here in the city for 2 days. She is a very special lady as she runs a Fospice for pets by rescuing the seniors that have been dumped in shelters so that they can live the rest of their lives with love. You can read about her Sanctuary on her Facebook page.

This is the link to her Facebook Page :

Sunday we just relaxed, Mom says she had no energy for anything so I took control and made sure we did lots of long walks. I am not interested in her being tired as I do not have a computer and need to check my pmail.

NOW as you all know 4th of July is around the corner, the nightmare for many pets because of the fireworks. It is so important that we, the parents keep our pets safe in the house and this is what I have found works for Layla.

I put a bed in the shower, water and some toys, making it comfortable for her if she needs it. I also keep music on, give her last walk at about 7 before the chaos starts and most important of all is I give her Hemp Oil. I am a firm believer of the Hemp Oil as it keeps her calm, relaxed and less worrying for me. 

The Hemp oil I use is from a company called Restorative Botanicals and swear by it. What I love also is that they have products for us also which makes a difference and when I am stressed out I drink their delicious coffee which keeps me calm. A must for us coffee drinkers.

This weekend we are going to Pride in San Francisco which is exciting although I hate the noise of the motor bikes so Mom will be giving me the Hemp Oil to stay calm, actually with age I am getting scared of many noises so this product is really easing my life in a big way.  

You can read all about them on their website :


So we decided to leave the BEST NEWS for last and that is Mom surprised me this week with some wonderful new treats, chicken jerky yummm and raw turkey necks to chew on especially on 4th of July which will keep me busy as I am inside more than normal plus what could be better than chewing away on something good.

What is the give away ??????? 

Freeze Dried Wild Caught Minnows. They are a single ingredient treat for both cats and dogs. This single source treat is perfect for pets on a limited ingredient diet, who have food allergies or stomach sensitivities. Minnows are easily digestible containing no grain, gluten, artificial flavors, additives, or preservatives. Sourced and packaged in the USA. 
I, Layla personally puts my paw of approval on them, they are delicious and I strongly suggest you enter to win as they are a must for the treat jar. I am also excited as once again I am sharing for both cats and dogs so everyone can enjoy.

You can find them on the link below and remember if you do shop there you have a discount of 15% with the coupon Layla15.

We have been sponsored for this give away by the company. It is not open to Canadian residents only the USA.

All you have to do is enter on the link below :

Before I log off here for the week we must NOT forget that 5th of July is the busiest day in shelters as they are saving and keeping all animals that have run away from the fireworks safe, so to all my fur friends everywhere, both domestic and wild, please be safe, try to stay calm and remember the stupid humans are to blame for us being scared on 4th of July.

Happy Pride to those that are celebrating this week and Happy Safe 4th of July Everyone.

With a woof and love from Layla 

New Year is around the corner

Hello fur friends and human friends,

Christmas is over and New Years Eve is around the corner. The pets nightmare as I call it as so many are afraid of the stupid fireworks and that means pets getting lost.

I have spent the whole morning trying to update Layla’s microchip as I got a new phone and number and it is a nightmare. I contacted Avid as I thought that is where she was registered to be told she is not, LOL, the first thing I did when I got her I registered her. So I went digging in her files and emails from the day of her arrival, thank goodness I have a Layla file on gmail and found that she is registered to another company called PetChip I checked that company and all is good there with her profile etc but Avid is saying it is one of their microchips so she should be registered with them.

So have emailed that company and now waiting for a reply from them with the update of the new number.

This has totally confused me and have decided to leave it as is at this moment. Layla thank goodness is like velcro in the park and wears a tag on all her collars and harnesses where someone can scan with a phone and find me.

New Years Eve, one of the nights I hate when everyone gets drunk and sets off fireworks everywhere that it is scary. My heart goes out to all the animals that are in shelters shivering already from fear, and then have to endure the fear of the fireworks with no one around to comfort them. I wish we could just empty those shelters and all animals would have loving homes.

How do you keep your pet safe during the fireworks ? I as always puts Dr Bach Rescue Remedy in her water, a couple of drops of CBD oil on her tongue and from there just keep an eye on her. I do not take Layla out after like 8 in the evening unless she tells me she wants to go out. I make up her bed in the shower where she loves to go sleep, water is next to her, and a I also put a t-shirt on her which seems to help a lot. TV is going of course and that is how we spend our New Years Eve. I do not go out as I will not leave her alone.

Unfortunately we always have to remind everyone of the safety tips for their pets:

And most of all everyone please remember this when out partying:

So on this note we want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, may 2019 be a good year for all of us with lots of love, laughter, health and happiness.

Woof with love from