Happy Pride and 4th of July

Good morning, everyone,

For those celebrating Happy Pride, we hope you have a wonderful safe weekend with lots of fun.

I am slowly getting used to not having Layla by my side to celebrate as she always came to all the events with me, it is not easy, and I am shedding tears here and there, but I know she would want me to go out and enjoy myself. San Francisco is all colorful with the Rainbow Flags everywhere, people are already dressed up in rainbows plus so much more and the atmosphere is wonderful. We are putting it all aside and enjoying this weekend with so much happening.

The Pink Triangle is up in its usual place, and for those that do not know, during the Holocaust the Gays had to wear a pink triangle to show they were gay and many were sent to the gas chambers so this triangle symbolizes the hatred and reminds us that WE MUST NOT FORGET, NEVER AGAIN.


Last week I went to a Pride Party and cried as Layla was with me last year, I called her my mini dyke LOL, and today I am doing a double decker bus tour of the LGBT history of San Francisco which I am really excited to do. It is organized by the Perpetual Sisters of Indulgence which is an amazing non-profit organization that helps LGBT youth and others who are homeless get on their feet, which I think is fantastic.  They are all drag queens.

The Sign announcing the Bus Tour

Sister Roma

I am taking a rest for the rest of the weekend, it is too much for an old lady like me LOL.

Layla sitting on a bike at the Dyke March a couple of years ago

Waiting for the Dyke March to start, another memory of her


With all the events going on we must not forget what is happening next week, as that is so important. The 4th of July is around the corner and that means the nightmare starts for our fur kids. The fireworks grrr. I hate them. Please make sure your fur kids are safe in the house, tags are up to date, microchip is up to date and most of all they are safe inside. Shelters unfortunately will be filling up with strays who have fled from fear and if your pet does not have the correct information on them, they will never be able to get home. I am listing below what I used to do with Layla plus the 4th of July hazards to keep them safe and healthy when you are celebrating.


Please keep them safe

Happy Pride to those that celebrate, and we are blessed we can celebrate in this country and are not persecuted like in some other countries PLUS have a happy safe 4th of July to all and enjoy your long weekend.

One of my favorite memories of Layla


With love from angel Layla and Me







Pride weekend has arrived

Pride weekend has arrived, San Francisco is full of Rainbows, in the streets, supermarkets, stores and so much more. It looks so pretty and happy, and I really love this weekend. I am not sure what event we going to do but I am sure we will do one at least, am going with the flow and seeing how the weather will be.

Photo take in 2015 at the Dykes on Bikes

Madam got groomed on Wednesday. They did an amazing job and cleaned her teeth, ears, plus so much more so she is all clean now, and smells of fruit thanks to her shampoo. She was exhausted when we got home and has been sleeping, eating ever since.

Her halo arrived finally and I am so happy because now we can go for proper walks and I do not have to worry about her head. I was trying it on her in the photo and it needs to be adjusted which I will do before a walk.

Layla seems to be feeling so much healthier, eating like a pig oink oink since I have put the mushrooms in her food, I feel like she has more energy which makes me happy although I do say sometimes slow down as I am tired BOL.

If you want to try the mushrooms, especially what I am giving Layla (you can read all about them on last week’s post). The bottle I got for her is 5 Defenders Organic Mushroom Blend for Pets. Please discuss with your vet before you buy.

The link is below and guess what you get a 10% discount when shopping. You might even be surprised to get a bigger discount on some of the products.

Link :   https://shop.realmushrooms.com/discount/LaylasWoof

I Layla pawsitively approve them as they have made me, a senior feel better plus all my internal organs are being kept healthy, what a concept!!

Last weekend I took Layla to the park, which was great, she was happy sleeping amongst the daisies and of course begging for treats LOL which of course I gave her.

So, in a nutshell, life is good in the Layla neighborhood, we are both aging gracefully though,

Happy Pride to everyone that celebrates, have a wonderful weekend, and please please stay hydrated.

With a woof and love from Layla















The link is below and guess what you get a 10% discount when shopping. You might even be surprised to get a bigger discount on some of the products.




I Layla pawsitively approve them as they have made me, a senior feel better plus all my internal organs are being kept healthy, what a concept!!


Last weekend I took Layla to the park, which was great, she was happy sleeping amongst the daisies and of course begging for treats LOL which of course I gave her.


So, in a nutshell, life is good in the Layla neighborhood, we are both aging gracefully though,


Happy Pride to everyone that celebrates, have a wonderful weekend, and please please stay hydrated.


With a woof and love from Layla

Its Pride Weekend plus a Give Away

Happy Friday Everyone.

We have cabin fever do you ? 

Update on Layla. After three visits which are hard as you cannot go inside with your dog they have come to the conclusion that she has degenerative arthritis in her spine so is now on a third medication. My goal is to keep her comfortable and not in pain so we are working on it and she is sleeping most of the time.
They wanted to put her also on an opioid patch but I said no as it would mean more medication plus it would mean me taking her every second day to get a new one and they are costly – 64 dollars each.  So during the day or at night if I see she is uncomfortable I am giving her Hemp Oil.

The oil I am giving her is from a company called Blossom and is fantastic, she is alert and like her normal self when she gets it which relaxes me a lot. It is grown in Colorado but made in California and what could be better than supporting a local company. 
What is good about their oil is it is instrumental in building and repairing tissues plus it has the two primary essential fatty acids — Omega 3 and Omega 6. 

Blossom Info: They craft all of their full-spectrum hemp oil using proprietary strains of hemp, thoughtfully grown on our Colorado farms. Each batch is lab-tested on-site to ensure the highest consistency and quality in every bottle.

Pets come in all shapes and sizes, that’s why blossom does too. Their simple and easy to read serving guide takes the stress and guesswork out of administering hemp oil to your furry family member.

Presidio Natural Pet: We love making treats, but its solving problems through better ingredients and recipes is what gets us out of bed in the morning.

Below you can find the links for the Hemp Oil and Treats which is our Give Away this week :



So the gift box will have the following :
Cat sushi (if you have a cat) Tincture of Blossom, Pill Buddy Natural treats, Off Leash Mini Trainers, Off Leash soft Bake treats

I have been sponsored with this giveaway and the age limit to enter is 18 years old. It is for the USA only

To enter click on the link below :


This weekend is Pride weekend, 50th anniversary, but because of the lock downs San Francisco cancelled the entire event which I am sad about as I enjoy it every year so decided to share some old photos of Layla at the Dyke March that we have done. plus one of the Bikes on Dykes videos so we can all enjoy and hopefully next year we will be doing it again. Layla has been doing them with me every year since I got her, my mini dyke I call her LOL so we are going to just have to watch different events on TV this year and enjoy Pride that way.

And last but not least one of my favorite photos of Layla from one of the Dyke Marches we did.

The Dykes on Bikes


So to all our friends out there that celebrate Pride – Happy Pride, have some fun and of course wear a Rainbow which always brings a smile to my face.

Have a wonderful weekend

Layla and Me 

4th of July is next week

Good Morning Furfriends,

June is nearly over and July is nearly here. This year is going too fast for us and we cannot keep up anymore BOL.

Last weekend was a busy weekend for us, it was the annual Pride and Dyke March in San Francisco. The weather was great and a wonderful way to be out and about.

On Friday evening Mom and I went for a long walk to visit a Rocket Dog Rescue event not far from our house, I got spoiled with a yummy treat from the pet store there and Mom got a t-shirt saying “Be Kind to Animals or I will kill you” Rocket Dog Rescue. This is one of my favorite organizations in the city and they do amazing work. Pali the founder is just incredible.

You can read all about her here on her website :

Rocket Dog Rescue

On Saturday I became Mini Dyke and Mom took me to the Dyke March. The weather was hot so we went early to find a spot on the street where they march and there was shade for me. Of course we went early as Mom always says the earlier the better. It was fun to be out in my backpack of course, where we sat in the shade and just watched the world go by.

I do not like the noise of the Bikes but have decided as Mom likes it, I will suffer for that and give her something she likes, so you see I can be nice sometimes.
The Bikes roared up the road, Mom filmed while I sat in the backpack and the bikers all loved me, petted me and I was spoiled although I do not think I would want to ride on one. Then came all the people walking, lots of them plus dogs all dressed up in rainbows like I was. We walked with them, although me the Mini Dyke sat in the backpack and Mom did the carrying, so I became mini Dyke in backpack. What could be better thank that.

You can see the film of the Dykes on Bikes on our Instagram account :

Dykes on Bikes movie

We must have got home at about 7 in the evening and Mom was tired, and I was hungry and exhausted also, so we ate dinner and just went to bed.

On Sunday was the big parade, we had been invited to join in on a trolley and ride with SHANTI/PAWS but Mom decided it would be too much for me so we stayed at home. Now she is regretting it ha ha ha.

Our weekend was awesome, this week is going to be busy but with 4th of July looming we must discuss that.

4th of July – Mine and many of my fur friends nightmare – those damn fireworks.

This is a day to celebrate with families but we must not forget :

Although this is a day for partying, having fun, picnics and BBQ’s it is also one of the days when we should be also extra cautious with our pets, making sure they are safe at all times, they are wearing their collars, and especially when the fireworks go off they are inside the house, in a calm place with their blankets and whatever else makes them feel safe and secure. We must also remember not to raise our voice to them but treat them extra gentle to help with the stress.

4th of july

When the fireworks go off : “They will do anything to escape. Dig, climb and sometimes injure themselves to get away as they do not know what is happening.

I, for example, from the morning give Layla CBD oil to start off the calming effect, walk her not later than 6 in the evening as their are always those early birds with fireworks and most of all I make up a bed in the shower for her, which has no windows, keep the lights off there but the door is open so she can hear me, and I keep the Jazz station on the TV. There is also of course her water bowl and food.
I have found this works wonders with her, and she sleeps through all the chaos. I will not take her out later than 6 in the evening unless she comes and tells me she needs to go out, which she is smart enough to do.

July 5th is the nightmare for all shelters. That is the day when all those irresponsible owners find their pet is missing and the shelters are over flowing with pets. It is the busiest day in the US for Shelters and unfortunately we must not forget those also that have got injured when fleeing the noise.

So a reminder, when you go off to enjoy yourselves, make sure your pet is safe in the house, TV on with music, and all windows are closed so that they cannot escape. That way you can sit back and enjoy yourself and not have to worry. I personally, do not go out and am more relaxed being home in the evening with Layla.

So on this note, we are wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July, be safe, have fun and protect your fur kids,

Layla is now doing what she does best, sleeping

Mom and Layla