It is Give Away Time

Good morning Friends,

We have had a crazy week. Layla has been sick with a Colon infection poor old baby. I took her to the vet, and she is on antibiotics and seems to be slowly getting better, I am just relieved she ate today for the first time in two days which for me is a good sign. So, we have been taking it slow. Of course, Madam embarrassed me by pooping all over the vets office LOL, they put pee pads down but she would walk around and do it on the floor. Thank goodness the vet understands and said to me at least she did not have to do a stool sample as she saw her poop all over the floor. The good news is for her age her heart and lungs are good so am relieved. The antibiotics are making her sleep, which is all she is doing unless she needs to go out to potty. On the way home from the vet Madam started howling in her stroller and I learnt when she does that she needs to potty, I kept apologizing to the driver but she laughed and said it was better than listening to a baby cry nonstop. I suppose I need to see the funny side to it all and just breathe a sigh of relief that she is going to be ok. So, no park this week for her.

This Saturday we are doing DogFest in the park, which is a fund raiser for an elementary school in my area, it is an annual event with lots of booths of dog’s thing, fun children’s activities and so much more. I will have a booth there for Real Mushrooms and will be handing out samples of the mushroom relaxing chews plus. Am immune system chew for your pets. I have managed to get a pen for Layla so she will sleep under the table safely on a blanket and I will be able to work. I am looking forward to this event as it is so much fun, noisy but its also great to see if there is anything new on the market. The weather is going to be cool which will also make it easier to work and overheat, this is San Francisco. So, if you are in the Bay Area come visit and meet us.  We will have all the photos in next week’s blog to share with you.

For those that are interested this is the Real Mushrooms link, letting you into one of my secrets, I love love their Hot Chocolate with mushrooms, it is so good and chocolaty you cannot even taste the mushrooms.

Now, let’s have some fun with a new give away as our dogs or cats always need quality treats to keep them happy. I am doing this giveaway for one of my favorite companies, a small family-owned business called Raw Paws Pet Food. (I love supporting small family businesses) Their products are fantastic, they have great raw food, supplements and so much more and what I love is their treats are for both dogs and cats so everyone can enter.  This give away is for Freeze Dried Smelt Minnows which Layla cannot get enough of Freeze-Dried Chicken Breast Which Bossy Barker barks for all the time, now finally Freeze-Dried Chicken Hearts which she gobbles down so fast am scared she will choke. I think they are all moreish and a must have in the Treat Jar for our dogs or cats as they are fantastic plus healthy. They all have only one ingredient, which is something I love about them.

Hmm they smell good which one first


Mom makes me work for them grrrr

Yes my nose is working and I can smell them yum

You can read more about them on their website :

As Layla barks, she approves of them and wishes everyone who enters good luck.

I was sponsored by Raw Paws Pet Food for this giveaway, and it is for the USA only.

The link for the entry form is below.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone, please be safe as always with a woof and love from Layla



Keeping your dog busy on hot or cold days – Giveaway

Good morning, friends,

Thank you for visiting our blog this week as we love reading your comments and sharing what we have spoken about as sharing is caring.

This week we are going to talk about keeping our dogs busy, especially senior blind dogs so that their brain is still working and they are not sleeping the day away plus it is a great idea to keep your pup busy during the day on hot or cold days.

Layla as you know is blind, a senior like her mom and I try to keep her busy playing with her snuffle ball or doodle bug which is a godsend as she loves them and the challenge of getting the treats out of them keeps her occupied as she is rewarded by finding them.

Come of doodle bug give me my treats, Layla

You can see her doing it on the link below :

I have been researching good healthy treats for her and came across this company which I really liked. So, I would like to introduce you to Farm Hounds, a company that started in 2004 and is focused on dogs. Their goal is to provide the very best nutritional options to us parents of our fur kids. Since they started they have partnered with the local farms to provide us with good top quality treats, chews and other products for our spoiled fur kids that we know what we giving them is only the best.

Website :

So, after contacting them they sent me these treats for Layla that are called trainers, perfect size for the Madam and she is loving them, barking every time we come inside as she wants her stuffed snuffle toy and a happy dog is a happy Mom. You can see on the photograph the flavors she received and if she had her own way LOL she would have eaten them all by know. As a picky eater I cannot believe how much she is enjoying them and me loving watching her busy trying to find them.

Sniffing her packages after they arrived, what I love is that each packet of trainers tells you what farm it is from which I think makes them really special

As I have taught Layla sharing is caring so we are sharing with all of you a chance to win their products but we are doing it with a  $50.00 gift card so that you can shop and get what you want for your pups.

This giveaway is for the USA only, you have to be 18 years old to enter. We were sponsored by Farm Hounds.

Let the fun begin and good luck to all that enter, have a wonderful weekend,

Below is the link to enter :

With a love and woof from


Keeping Your Senior Healthy

TGIF!! The weekend has arrived and never mind Mom I am exhausted and need a rest.

Mom has been running around all week, nonstop, like an energizer bunny and she needs to put her feet up but hey I love keeping her busy.

On Wednesday Mom took me to the Eye Vet to have my eyes checked up.  They have found that I have now an ulcer on my right eye so have doubled my eye drops and hopefully all will be good. We have another appointment in 6 months’ time unless something happens before then.

As you all know I have a Jewish Mom that drives me nuts trying to keep me healthy and happy so she decided that I need a new dog food to add to my homecooked food so it would be very balanced and healthy. I sometimes worry that she will make me chicken soup and matza balls BOL.

So, as we love the Dr Harvey’s Foods Mom got me their new one, The Raw Vibrance as she got excited when she saw it has milk thistle, green lipped mussels and so much more and it takes the worry off her shoulders with me not getting a balanced diet with all the right supplements. The plus with eating Dr Harvey’s food is it Holistic, Chemical Free and made with organic ingredients. What could be healthier than that.

The ingredients in this food are Broccoli, Green Beans, Squash, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Crushed Eggshell, Spinach, Beets, Raw Goat’s Milk Powder, Apples, Blueberries, Bone Meal, Sesame Seeds, Chia Seeds, Shiitake Mushrooms, Green Lipped Mussel Powder, Ginger, Kelp, Parsley, Eggshell Memb 

I love this food and it is pink from the beets which is my favorite color so am gulping it down as quickly as possible when it is put in my bowl.  Mom also takes it to the park for me so I can have a picnic.

Mom has also started making me treats with the food which she mixes with my homemade food and bakes it, then cuts it and puts it in my snuffle ball and it is yummy. I am a very lucky old girl here.

Home made dog treats with the dog food

So, because we love this food, and want to help everyone keep their babies healthy and happy, we have decided to do a giveaway for a bag of Raw Vibrance which one lucky winner will win.

We were sponsored by Dr. Harvey’s with a bag of this food. The giveaway is for the USA only and you must be over 18 to enter.

Below is the Rafflecopter link to enter:

And of course, if you want to check out Dr Harvey’s website this is the link – Your code for a discount is: Layla10. The great thing is you can order samples of his food to try on your dog before you buy a big bag.

I solemnly swear with my paws that your dog will be a happy healthy furkid.

Good luck everypawdy, with a woof and love from



woof it is give away time

TGIF! Friday has arrived and that means weekend is here for some fun, I am not sure what we going to do but go with the flow and be outdoors.

I need my daily dose of dog park, Layla

Woof as you all know I have now have a stroller and as Mom says every princess needs a crown. I will not wear a crown, but a fancy collar is just as good if not better.

So, Mom my slave has been searching for something special and as we believe in giving back, helping women and their families, hand made crafts,  Mom came across this amazing site and they sent us a collar.

Princess with her beautiful collar

Who are they?

Sambboho – Sustainable fashion to empower women.

Their Mission :  They started their store to empower artisan women of their little hometown in Brazil. With your purchases you allow them to safely work from home so they can take care of the household and be independent financially.

They are also dog lovers so a percentage from their profits goes to a No Kill Shelter in San Diego which I think is awesome.

The collar I got for Layla is called Paris Sambboho dog collar and I love it. The colors are perfect for Madam, and she looks adorable wearing it proudly.

Princess modelling her Paris collar

It is beautifully made, the beads are triple hand sewn onto leather, the glass beads are imported from Slovakia do not break or fade, they are water resistance, the leather is treated with organic beeswax for comfort, and of course there is a D-Ring for the leash.

So, this week we are dedicating the blog to this fantastic business who is helping others and with Christmas/Hanukkah 4 months away giving you ideas as to what to get as gifts and helping the women feed their families plus enabling them to have a fantastic Christmas also.

You have an 11% discount on all your shopping with the code Rescue11.

Now as we love sharing, we are this week doing a give away for the USA only for a collar for your dog or cat, yes, a cat can enter also woof, all you must do is fill in the below link and keep entering so that you have more of a chance to win.

Link to enter :

To see their all their stunning products pop on over to their website:

So let us get the fun going and good luck to all those that enter,

Have a wonderful weekend, with woof and love from Layla