First week with Nili

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Good morning, friends, we hope you have had a wonderful week and like us looking forward to the weekend.

Yesterday was National Mutt Day

As you all know I arrived home last week, wow a week at home already and I have become the official spokesperson for Layla speaking out and keeping Layla’s legacy going. It is very important as we must not be silent.

Today, the first of August was Dogust Day, it is the Universal Birthdays for Shelter Dogs as many do not know when their actual birthday is, so we celebrate ii on the first of August so that they know they are loved plus of course we want to fulfil their dreams of having a home for themselves with love, a comfy bed and so much more. A place they can live with happiness and a family, so I, Nili who is one of the lucky ones, prays that their dreams come true also.

My first week home with Mom has been exciting, fun, lots of food and toys to play with, lots of cuddles from Mom which I love but Mom has also come to the conclusion that I have lot to learn.

  1. Pulling on my leash – Mom is training me at this moment as best as she can before she says she falls and hurts herself, oy vey.
  2. Eating off the sidewalks – yumm although Mom is not impressed and she is taking things out of my mouth all the time, I need to stop that, but it is so yumm I do not want to, BOL.
  3. Trying to jump on the kitchen counter, it is too high but I try although Mom keeps everything on top of the fridge.
  4. Barking, I love barking and if I could stop but am starting to listen to Mom and slowly giving up on that although I told her I am guarding the house she is not impressed.

I am trying to be a good girl, listening to Mom but she says the sooner I learn the happier our walks will be, so I think I need to try more but it is not easy when the temptation is there although I should remember that Mom has food and treats at home for me always.

My favorite past time is looking out the window of our home and barking at all the people going by but even Mom is proud of me as I am not barking at them that much and the best of all is squeaking my toys and playing with them. Mom bought me my first own toy this week as I have not had one accident in the house phew and I got a lamb chop squeaky which I love.

The video shows how busy she is and the constant toy mess on my bed, she was looking for one of her toys in the video below LOL.

So, friends, I am a young pup, maybe 3 years old that got lost in a big city as I was not microchipped which I am now, and I need to learn to live in a home with lots of love, cuddles, Moms bed which I hog and so much more I am very blessed. But being young I need to learn also and am going to try harder now as I am safe. Please make sure your pups are microchipped and the information is up to date so it will not happen to your pets the way it happened to me.

Mom took me for a bath today, I do not like them ewwww but she says I smell clean and fruity now so she is happy. She was not impressed with me though cos as we left the pet store after my bath, I grabbed a packet of treats and tried walking out with them, Mom took them from my mouth and gave to the cashier apologizing but everyone in the store thought it was hilarious BOL.

This weekend, if I am good, I am going on my first adventure. Because I do not get spayed till the 9th I cannot go to dog parks yet to play so Mom is going to take me to Layla’s Uncle David so we can sit in his garden and I can wander around. I am really excited as it will mean me going on a train also in the backpack which I will have to be strapped into so I do not try and run.

Have a happy weekend everyone, take care and hug your pets

With love and woof


14 Replies to “First week with Nili”

  1. You’ll catch on to all the Mom rules sweet Nili, just remember, they are all to protect the sweet you. I enjoyed your video and I hope you have fun this weekend. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Terry she is catching on really quickly and I am really relieved as it will make life so much easier for her. Thank you as always for your Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop as it is good to remember what we are Thankful for.

  2. How wonderful! It sounds like Ms. Nili is settling in very nicely and soon will know the ropes. She certainly couldn’t have a better Mom! The video is absolutely adorable! Looks like she’s made your bed into her own personal playground. I LOVE it!

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing about her adventures at Uncle David’s home. Sounds like a fun day and one I hope you capture in photos and videos.

    I would’ve been on the floor laughing with Nili grabbing her own treats and trying to leave the store with them. She’s a funny pup!

    Enjoy your week ahead with all your training and adventures. And pets from Henry and me.

    • Terri she is settling in so well and learning fast also I am really proud of her. My bed has become her playground and for me if she is happy that is all that counts, she loves cuddling also and if she had her way that is all we would do all day. The whole store laughed at her walking off with the treats and thank goodness they know me so it was no big deal LOL. She had so much fun at her Uncle on Saturday also and you will see the photos on next weeks blog.

  3. Welcome Nili, sweet girl! You have a lot to learn, and it will take some time, especially the barking aspect. But that is very important, you don’t want neighbors in the building to complain about you! I think it’s hilarious too that you tried to sneek a bag of treats out of the store LOL! I cannot believe you weren’t microchipped OR spayed! I’m happy you are now w/ a wonderful dog Mama who is an extremely responsible dog owner. Obviously your last owner was not!

    • Cathy I am very blessed and she is an absolute doll, testing me here and there but I cannot complain. I agree her last owner was not responsible and should not be allowed ot have a dog again unless have learned from their mistakes.

  4. LOL You need to look at Mom’s rules. They will keep you safe and well. The sidalk is nOT a good dinner plate young pup! II am also glad you are learning not to bark. We have a barky dog near us and it really is not fun. I know you are a keen learner so Mum will teach you everything you need to know.

    Enjoy your new life!!

    • Marjorie she is slowly learning and it will take time plus I think she is testing me at the same time. She is really good and I am so lucky to have rescued her and she is keeping me on my toes LOL. She is slowly enjoying her new life too 🙂

  5. Oh, Nili sweetheart, you are so lucky to be in Furangel Layla’s family! You have a wonderful momma and I can’t wait to see all the fun and exciting adventures you will go on! You will know so much love! The video is adorable…I love her little bark! Oh, let the fun loving times begin! Welcome to your fabulous forever home, Nili! xo

    • Thanks Dorothy she is quite a little clown and very busy all the time in the house, I am exhausted LOL but she is a really good girl and I am very blessed. I also cannot wait for the adventures to start, big hugs from us xxx

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