Welcome to Layla’s Legacy Woof!

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Layla crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 5 May 2024 but her legacy will carry on speaking out against Animal Abuse, Domestic Violence, Breeders and how to keep your pet healthy, happy and living a good life.

55 Replies to “Welcome to Layla’s Legacy Woof!”

  1. Layla is so cute and seems she is very playful. Love her name and the meaning. It is nice to get to know you both. I am also happy your focus is rescue and important matters like domestic violence. I suffered domestic violence for 5 years and I know how important it is to get help.

    • Adriana thank you and yes she is a cute lil one. I am sorry you suffered Domestic Violence and so happy you are free today. We must speak up so that the suffering will stop

  2. I love the meaning of her name. I think the topic of domestic violence is very important. A lot of people don’t leave the abuse because they are afraid of what will happen to their furry friends. Our local animal shelter actually has a program they operate with a women’s shelter to help keep everyone safe.

    • Holly thank you. Yes we must speak up and I am so happy to know your Animal Shelter has a program to help those that run from abuse with their pets, this is a problem which keeps so many in the relationship as they do not want to leave them behind.

  3. love your new blog. i did not know Layla meant something in Hebrew. nice to know. hope all is well. i never took Hebrew. when i was growing up, it was mostly for boys to take classes.

  4. Hi Layla!! We can never have enough chatter on the connection between animal abuse and domestic violence! I can’t wait to read and share your posts!! Btw- you’re super cute!!

    • Shannon Hi Hi and thank you for visiting us. We agree we need to speak out about Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence to help those that are in need. Thank also for the compliment and Mom thinks I am cute too BOL

  5. I enjoyed reading this bit of background, and apologies to Layla for mispronouncing her name this whole time. I always thought it was a beautiful name but knowing what it really is I love it even more!

  6. Sweet Layla! I never knew the meaning of your name. Cool. I like learning about you and your mom in your posts. It’s a wonderful thing you both do to spread awareness and educate others.Love the new look of the blog too. Woof!

  7. I’ve been visiting your site for so long, but I never read this post. However, as a long time reader, I can say that you’ve accomplished your mission of sharing all of those important topics under one blog!

  8. Your new blog looks amazing, Layla! I look forward to continue following your adventures and efforts to help other rescue dogs!

  9. I didn’t realize your mom was Jewish. I think we have some Jewish roots on my mom’s side of the family tree. I am just a plain ol’ Christian myself; I’m curious how does one do things differently for their dog being Jewish?

    • Jana I always joke about me being Jewish cos I am so concerned about everything that Layla does, eats or sleeps LOL

  10. Oh, Layla…you could be a model. Your harness looks like one my Eskie pup wore until she outgrew it and gave it to a friend. I am glad that you are your mom are living with purpose…so many will benefit and feel your love.

  11. I’ve never seen this intro post before, it’s perfect! These are such important topics that can’t be communicated about enough. I love reading about Layla’s adventures, and I look forward to your content going forward. I love this new look!!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    • Thanks Cathy, the intro is new like the new look, spring arrived and I decided to do an over haul on the blog, I am so happy you enjoy our adventures, Layla is a funny one LOL

  12. I love that you shared the meaning of her name! I recently learned that Rooney is Welsh for red-headed which actually works out well since he is a reddish Corgi (as opposed to the normal blonde). I look forward to reading more from your blog!

  13. I can attest to how lucky you were to find your mom – of all the potential homes you might have found, I know hers was the Best one for you. She loves you more than anything sweet Layla!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

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  15. Hi Laila! We just found you from Comedy Plus’ site and our Mom is all agog. She loves schnauzers (hi, I’m Xena the schnauzer) and sees tons of schnauzer in you! Anyhow, she thinks you’re beautiful and precious and and and. Blah. We’re sick of hearing about it. Oops, didn’t mean to say that. Anyhoo, hope you’re having a good Chanukah with your Mom and we’ll be back to see you soon.
    XOX Lucy, Xena, Chia and Riley

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