Dogfest is over and it was fun

TGIF!!! Good morning friends, wow what a weekend last weekend and thank goodness we had a sort of quiet week.


Layla is still not well, we have a good day and then a bad day so we taking each day as it comes and as my vet said to me she is over 18 years old so it takes time to heal from infections but what is worrying me is she is not eating the way she did in the past. I have been giving her Entyce which stimulates an appetite but it is not working so she is now on Nutrical which is a gel full of nutrients so am hoping it will build up her immune system again. Time will tell.

So, let’s get on with some fun, DogFest. As I told you in my last blog this is an annual fundraiser for an Elementary School, it is a day full of fun, dog costume shows, Lots of booths with dog food, treats, accessories and then so much more. As you all know I ran the booth for Real Mushrooms and yes Layla was with me. I had borrowed a pen from a friend and put a blanket in it so she was comfortable, able to move around plus have her water and food there. She munched on  lots of treats instead of her food but I decided as long as she is eating that is all that matters. I had big baskets of the table with Relax Chews and Immune System Chews for your pets. Bless San Francisco you always have the weirdos also like some that asked me if the mushroom chews were psychedelic mushrooms LOL or the best of the best was a woman walking around with a shopping cart, stopping at my table, picking up the basket to put all the samples in her basket, and when I stopped her and told her she could only have on of each she cursed me and on top of it does not even have pets. In a nutshell it was an exhausting day and by the time I got home I needed to take my shoes off and put my feet up. Layla and I slept all Sunday to recharge our batteries.

Layla in her pen, I put my jacket over to give her some shade as it was warm

THe red carpet for the dog events

Even a cat came

The food truck with treats and other goodies for the dogs

Love this hat

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence always volunteer

Fun in the park this week

So that has been our week, taking it slow, going to the dog park to enjoy the sun and of course all the every day things also.

And before we go to bed we must not forget this Sunday is Mayday for Mutts – Mayday for Mutts is a special holiday celebrated on the first Sunday of May to spread love and acceptance for mixed-breed dogs.

My beautiful happy Mutt, Layla

We hope you have a wonderful week, be safe as always


With woof and love from



Fun times



Woof, the weekend has arrived and hopefully this weekend there will be sun and we will be able to go somewhere to enjoy the outdoors.

They said Spring has arrived but it has been storming like crazy here in San Francisco and it was not spring showers but buckets of water and lots of snow in the mountains. Mom says they better not talk about drought this year as she thinks we have caught up with the water and praying so also.

Last Saturday we went to sit on the Bay, it was a small place to sit with a comfy bench for all of us, Mom kept me on my leash so I would not fall into the water but it was so nice being out with Aunty, smelling lots of new smells and relaxing. It was what Mom needed and so did I to get out of the house for a bit, although I cannot complain as Mom takes me for lots of walks in different directions all the time but when it is raining they are short walks so to spend a couple of hours outdoors is just pawsome.

The Goose swimming happily

Smelling the sea air

Smelling the flowers

Having a quick nap while Mom and Aunty chat and drink coffee

Best photo of all, Layla smiling with happiness, first time in months I have seen a smile on her face

So this has been our week, swimming in the rain BOL and otherwise staying indoors and me of course playing with my snuffle ball filled with treats, yummm. Life is good


Be warm and safe all my friends.

With love from Layla


I am a Social Butterfly

Morning All,

Friday has arrived and with it my schedule as always is filling up. Yes I am a very busy little dog but it keeps Mom and I young and healthy although BOL she has to carry me a lot. It is also Pride Month so am now wearing my rainbow harness with Pride.

Last weekend, Saturday we took it easy as Mom was really tired. We just went for long walks and otherwise slept and did nothing.  Mom decided she needed it as it had been a long week for her.

On Sunday to make up for it, we went to the Chihuahua Meet Up where I become an honorary Chihuahua plus it is always held in an amazing park Stern Grove.

Below Facebook link is the video of her running into the park all happy, Miss Wiggly butt with her feather tail flying.

This is one place that Mom calls heaven, as it is so lush, green with lots of place to roam around plus the lake at the end of it makes it really peaceful. There were lots of dogs at the meetup which was fun as I got to smell a lot of them. I like this meet up as it is all small dogs so I feel safe. 

Mom was really proud of me as when we went for our long walk I even went off the path exploring which is something I do not do often but it was so much fun, so many smells to check out and so much space to roam around. Mom of course kept an eye on me as Coyotes have been seen in this park but in the middle of the day they are normally sleeping. 

It was such a pawsome day, we relaxed, ran around, and perfect weather just helped it all. I told Mom I cannot wait for the next one which is in July.
When we got home we were both tired so I was nice to Mom and let her sleep, she does deserve it sometimes.

The rest of the week has been slow as Mom has now finished work for the summer but last night we went to a big fundraising event for the Shanti/PAWS Organization and we will share it with you in our next week’s blog.

This weekend I know we are going to the Tri-Pawed Meet Up which is always held in our dog park so I will get to meet some new dogs which is exciting but other than that we have nothing else planned. 

So as you can see I am a very busy dog with a full schedule and I love it as after being stuck indoors during the winter it is so much fun to be out and about again.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and please share what your plans are.

With a woof and love From Layla, the social butterfly