It is Woofing Wednesday

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Woof everyone,

It is woofing Wednesday and we have been busy which is making me exhausted.

So what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood ? Lots !!!!

On Saturday I went with Mom to volunteer as usual which was lots of fun as I got lots of hugs and pets from everyone, it is the best way to start a day with love. In the afternoon we relaxed and then went for a long walk.

Did you know ! I walk Mom now and she needs a new leash BOL. It goes like this, Mom wants a shortish walk in the afternoons and I decide I want a long one so off we go and when she wants to turn around I just sit down and refuse to move or pull her along in the direction I want. Guess who wins ?? Me of course while Mom is muttering under her breath HA – slaves should not mutter.

On Sunday we had an adventure which was fun although I did not like the drums. Mom and I went on the MUNI (tram) to the Native Contemporary Arts Festival at the Yerba Buena Gardens – it was a beautiful day, cool but sunny. We found a shady spot to sit under a tree and listen to the poetry. music and then dance.

Well when the drums started, I became antsy, did not like it and Mom laid the backpack on the ground open so I could lie in it, but when she saw that I was not relaxing and shhhhh spoiling her relaxing time as she wanted to listen, Mom being the good Mom that she is decided to bring me home.

Phew was I happy to sit in the backpack and get out of there. It was a learning lesson for both of us as Mom says she knows now that when it comes to different events she will have to plan things in a different way.

So this week, excluding walks and park time we are lying low and spending quality time at home. Mom is still teaching but otherwise it is just us.

This coming Saturday is Pride Weekend in San Francisco, loads of chaos so we are not planning any adventure on Sunday but to relax in the dog park. Though on Saturday I become mini Dyke and we are going to the Dyke March. I will allow Mom to do that one plus I have the backpack to sit comfortably and watch it all. Photos of course will be in next weeks blog.

On this note now that I have finished sharing what is happening in our neighborhood, I am off for my afternoon siesta which is needed.

Happy Pride to those celebrating

With a Woof and Love

46 Replies to “It is Woofing Wednesday”

  1. I love Layla’s method of getting what she wants. Just lay down and refuse to move. Her Mastiff friends Junior and Sulley have used that tactic too and it works every time. Must be a dog thing. 😉

  2. I love your pride leash, it’s so pretty! I don’t blame you for not being into those drums – that is too much loud for a lot of dogs. I’m glad you’re enjoying some Summer fun though!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    • Elizabeth I love busy weeks but always make sure there is time for her especially on weekends and doing different things is great

  3. That does sound like a busy Wednesday. With my job, all days of the week are about equal, even though some end up busier than others. For Cookie, of course, she gets her time allocated to her no matter what.

    • Jana it is so important to allocate the time and I make sure to do it everyday because that way I am relaxed also knowing she has had some fun time

  4. Yes, Lyala you should be tired with all that socializing! You’re lucky your mom puts you in a backpack. For the Fourth of July, we have a parade that goes on the street behind our house. Some of my dogs had not liked the drums and bands playing so loud!

  5. Layla you have a very accommodating human! I’m glad that she realized you didn’t like the drums and got out of there. I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Oh, my goodness, you have been busy! Lots of celebrating! You and Miss Reese may look alike but it seems she is the opposite of you on walks. Reese will sit in protest AGAINST walking lol. I have to pick her up and carry her while we finish the walk with her brothers.

  7. You’re cracking me up Layla! Bernie does the same mid-stroll halt. At 37 pounds, when Bernie parks his Doodle butt, I end up stopping too. I really wish that boy could talk to me. He usually just smiles, and I say, “Let’s go,” and we keep on walking. No sniffing or other delay. He just likes to randomly stop every once in a while. Looking forward to all of your Pride pictures next week!

  8. What a wonderful and full weekend! Need to get a better leash for Mom (BOL)! You are just so cute, so of course you would win! (winky-winky). The native arts festival sounds amazing. I was at a music festival years ago with a band I managed and there was a Native American musician and his music was just beautiful, I bought his CD. When I was a very young girl, I cannot recall where we were, but my parents took me to a village where there were beautifully dressed native dancers and drumming, we toured a teepee, and they had some really stunning pieces of silver jewelry artisans had made. My Dad bought my Mom a wedding band there with symbols of love imprinted in their native tongue. I will alway remember that day…and I had wished I had found that ring when Mom passed. Thank you for bringing back such warm memories for me with your post and pic of the dancers! Oh, and Layla, love your rainbow pride harness!

    • Dorothy I love ethnic music from all cultures so this was a treat for me too. Thank you for sharing your memory with me and I am so sorry you did not find the ring which must have been so so so special. There music is beautiful and I love listening to it whenever possible, it can be very soothing also. As for my leash LOL I would trip over it. Layla woofs thanks for the compliment of her rainbow harness, she wore it well this weekend.

  9. I would have enjoyed the music and drums but not Kilo. He is quite clear that he likes his territory and that is it and we obey usually- like you and Layla. Makes things easier and safer in our case. Happy Pride. We support but Kilo stays home.

    • I understand you totally and that is why I am going to leave her at home when it comes to concerts / events but otherwise do different adventures with her

    • LOL I so understand that two cats keep you busy but hey Paula you could put them in a stroller and all three of you go for a walk 🙂

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