The weekend is getting closer

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Woof it is Wednesday,

Middle of the week which means the weekend is around the corner. That means a new adventure with Mom which is so much fun.

On Saturdays I volunteer at a food bank which I love doing, Layla sometimes comes with me and she is in seventh heaven being loved by everyone so when I get home I am exhausted, but it is worth it as it makes me feel great giving back and helping. We always laugh as I am a Jew volunteering on the Sabbath in a Lutheran Church.

I decided this year that every Sunday we would be out of the house doing something fun with Layla. Living in San Francisco I am spoiled as there are every week different fairs or events and I am planning to do as many as possible plus of course the Dyke March again this year.

The plus is having the back pack has eased it for me as Layla is safe and happy, my hands are free to take pictures or whatever else I want to do.

layla in backpack

Last Sunday we went to the Haight/Ashbury street fair where there were lots of booths selling all kinds of things, fantastic food trucks with yummy foods so it was great to just wander around, look at the booths or stores and the weather was perfect. It was a fun late morning start and I took the tram up the hill to the fair and then we walked home through the dog park. Layla was exhausted and so was I but we both got lots of exercise. AND the best of all was Layla became a little hippy for that day – all part of the history of San Francisco.

haight ashbury fair

This coming Sunday there is another event which really interests me and I am planning to go to is the Native Contemporary Arts Festival Free Performances at the Yerba Buena Gardens. It is an event celebrating the creativity of North America’s indigenous peoples, the 21st annual Native Contemporary Arts Festival showcases a diverse program of native music, dance, spoken word, artist vendors and native crafts. Will share pictures in next weeks blog.

I am also researching what dog events there will be so Madam can have her share of events also BOL plus of course the different dog parks to visit.

What are your plans for the summer ? If anyone is in San Francisco and wants to join us let us know – we could have a dog play date !

Now Madam is off to have her afternoon sleep, I am as always working as someone has to pay the bills and buy the treats.

Have a wonderful week, with a woof and love from Layla

36 Replies to “The weekend is getting closer”

  1. Happy Hump Day, Layla! I love that you volunteered with mom at the food bank – it doesn’t matter what religions we all are, when people need help, they need help! You must have made so many people smile with your adorableness. That backpack is so great, what a fun way to travel & enjoy events while mom plays pack mule and carries you around like the Princess that you are LOL!!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    • Happy Hump Day to you too and yup she is spoiled everywhere we go, the lucky Princess. You are right it does not matter what religion you are but giving back and helping is such a wonderful feeling.
      I have become the pack mule since she got the back pack but on the other hand it has made my life so much easier, love and hugs from us

  2. I love your Sunday tradition to spend time doing something fun together, and even moreso that you volunteer and give back. How cool that Layla can come. That street fair looked like fun too. Keep it up, you’re on track for a really awesome summer!

    • Thanks Debbie and yes I am really working on it as it is good for both of us. I love the volunteer work, it is lots of fun and the street fair was awesome, cannot wait to do more, have a wonderful summer also.

  3. Layla your mom is hilarious!! It is funny a Jew volunteering at a church on Shabbos no less!! You’re a lucky pup to live in such a fun city with so much going on. I was in your fair city many years ago and had a blast. I loved the Castro (if I remember correctly), Haight Ashbury, Girardelli, sourdough bread and of course going to the end of the tram line and watching how they turn them around!! Have a fun weekend Layla and say hi to your mom for me.

    • LOL Hindy I always look at the funny side of things, we need to in the world today. Layla is a lucky pup with lots going on and she joining in. Next time you visit you must tell me in advance so that we can explore together. Layla woofs hi to you back as she is sleeping at the moment, it’s a hard life. Have a great weekend too and Shabbat Shalom

  4. Layla you have the best seat for all of these wonderful adventures with Mom in that backpack! Now, if Mom could hook up a camera to you and we could see what you see, that might be fun! The Native Contemporary Arts Festival and street fesitivals sounds fabulous! When I used to go up to Lake George, NY with my daughter in the summers, they always had fantastic arts and crafts and music festivals along the lake. Cannot wait to see photos!

    • Dorothy what a clever idea now will have to figure out how to do it LOL. I am enjoying the festivals as it is great to be out and about and her being safe in the backpack has made my life so much easier. Photos to come

    • Thanks Beth, these events pop up on FB as my friends go to them so if it something interesting I love to in my own time go also, its good to be out and about. Have a great weekend also πŸ™‚

  5. Summer festivals are so much fun! That one next weeks sounds awesome. I lived just south of SF in San Mateo for 18 years, and then up north in Petaluma for 10. Dog or no dog, I’d totally go to both of those festivals with you if I was still in the area!

    • Julia it would be fun to have someone to join us, I am loving seeing what events are going on and then planning my week according to that.

  6. Wow you live in a great area for doing things in the community with Layla. She’s a lucky girl. Her backpack is great for giving her a nice ride if she’s tired or making it easy for you to carry stuff. You sure are going to have a fun summer.

    • Thanks Holly and I am really looking forward to this summer as the backpack will make my life easier. San Francisco is awesome when it comes to free events, I am really lucky

  7. It’s awesome that you have so many festivals happening near you. Layla is going to be spoiled getting all of that attention! My summer is going to be filled with a lot of writing and recording. My audio drama podcast is getting close to launch time.

    • Robin that sounds like so much fun and cannot wait to see them. Layla is going to be spoiled this summer like she isn’t at this moment LOL

  8. There are so many great festivals around SF and with the new backpack, you really can take Layla almost anywhere. Can’t wait to read about your adventures! Here in the Old Pueblo, we’re taking morning walks very seriously:) In the afternoons, we have some training classes and field trips planned to various indoor shops. I’m hoping to plan some day trips for the fall when the weather cools here. Cheers!

    • Irene it sounds like you are going to be really busy and I understand the heat does keep you indoors more. Having the backpack is a saver even on hot days as I can protect her paws from the hot sidewalks

  9. Jasmine and JD cared about weekends very much–they got to go to the horse farm with daddy. Cookie lives at Jasmine’s ranch; it’s weekend every day.

    • You have it good over there, WOW. I wish I lived in a place with a yard as I am sure Layla would really love it also and a ranch OMG

  10. Layla’s lucky to go on so many adventures! The San Francisco weather is just perfect, not too hot like we have now in Chicago. I’m sure you can do so much more with Layla in her backpack. Since I got Buffy a stroller, I can take her on much longer walks and she just sits there like a primadonna, while everyone smiles or says, “cute dog.”.

    It’s so good of you to volunteer at the food bank. I only wish I had the time. I hope to when I retire in a few years. Thank you for doing that.

    • Thanks Sandy and I love giving back where possible. The stroller is a great idea but using public transport for me the backpack is a better way, and she is in her element when she sees it as she knows we going somewhere. There are hot days here not like yours but I keep her indoors so she does not over heat

  11. You are motivating me to start getting outside and taking care of myself. It’s been a long year since my retirement and it’s time I get over this depression and live my life again. Maybe I’ll even work on training the girls on a leash to go outside. I hope you had a great weekend.

    • It is a big step for me but I need to do it as I feel better once I get moving plus for Layla its great and not fair to her to keep her in the same area. You should get them a stroller to make your life easier πŸ™‚ Take care and have a great week

  12. Sounds like you had a really fun and amazing weekend! We will also be spending two weekends in San Francisco. Last weekend we went to CorgiCon in Ocean Beach and this weekend we will be marching with other Corgis in the Pride Parade!

    • WOW we will be at the Dyke March, if you are there look for Layla in her back pack πŸ™‚ Would love to see you – Enjoy Pride and cannot wait to see pics

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