Pet Appreciation week
Woof Happy Wednesday Everyone,
I thought every day was Pet Appreciation Day but Mom told me when we were in the park on Sunday that actually there is a special week set aside for this. Wow I never knew that and I am working it hard with her for lots of things BOL.
Pet Appreciation week was started in 1981 by the American Veterinary Association.
This year started it on June 4 and ends June 10 although in our house it carries on 24/7 which I am sure happens in most homes but what we love about it is that it highlights so many points as to why we appreciate out pets so much and reminds us also of the unconditional love they give us.
When I look back at my life and remember all my pets I remember how much they taught to me to appreciate them, to treasure them and to make sure they were loved all the time. I also think that is the reason that I stayed in the abusive relationship was because of Baby and how much I appreciated what she did for me and that list is a long one, but most important her giving me the strength and courage to run with her the moment I had that chance. It is something money cannot buy, that feeling of freedom with her and not having to walk on eggshells in the house anymore.
Layla is Layla, I appreciate everything she does for me, her antics which keep me laughing, her unconditional love for me, her getting me out of the house and walking, and the list is endless. I cannot see my life without this little funny clown that is sleeping at the moment. For those that know her in person I am sure you are all chuckling about it. Our neighbor visits, Layla sits on her lap and howls as if she is part of the conversation, she then will get down and start digging up the bed and hiding her chews under the covers, her sitting moaning next to the desk demanding cuddles and attention, and so much more. But I would not change anything.
What does Appreciation mean : In my eyes it means unconditional love, understanding, patience, laughter and much much more. And I think that the one thing that Layla really appreciates is that I rescued her and have given her a home, love and I can say she gone from pound to princess.
So let us think about why you appreciate your pet ? What is so special about him or her ? What are you going to do special this week ?
And why we are on the subject of appreciation we appreciate all of you reading our blog, commenting and sharing your stories with us here.
Let us appreciate what we have, enjoy it, keep the negative away and keep the positive with us, have a wonderful week,
With woof and love from Layla
We don’t have Pet Appreciation Week here but Harvey says to tell you he is apprecited every day (except when we try to feed him renal food!)
Awww but Pet Appreciation Week is for everyone everywhere and Harvey is one lucky cat. LOL at the renal food as Layla agrees special foods can be yucky
I appreciate my cats and dog every day. But it’s nice to have these special days to highlight appreciation and show our pets some extra love…with treats, as Layla says!
Rachel Layla agrees the extra love and treats makes it extra special
I appreciate my dogs so much for the comfort they bring to my life. I also spoil them rotten!
I so agree with you and often feel like Layla eats better than me too
I appreciate all my cats. But there’s a couple special ones. And then there THE one. Treeno. I call him my heart and soul cat. I found him randomly on Petfinder and drove 12 hours to get him. We were meant to be together. He’s 11 now and I tell him everyday he’s has to live forever because I can’t imagine life without him.
Aww sending you a big hug and understand you fully, I cannot see my life without Layla either
Where to start? Montecristo has been my therapy. He’s done more for me int he 8 years we’ve shared so far than 20+ years of seeing “professional” help. Mostly with regards to my anxiety. So yes. I adore him.
I so understand you, Layla is the reason I go to dog parks, and so much more, I adore her with all my heart and thank her daily. Sending a hug
I appreciate almost everything about my cats! (hairballs are an exception, lol). Bonding with a pet is one of life’s greatest joys, IMO.
I so agree with you Julia, life without a pet in my eyes is a miserable life
I appreciate each and every one of our pets. I couldn’t imagine our life without them!
Amen to that, neither can I
It’s also ongoing on at our house. Mr. N has had multiple play dates this week and a hike and bully sticks. Maybe another play date this weekend.
That sounds awesome and cannot wait to hear more 🙂
Aah, I gotta tell Cookie about this so she can show some appreciation for her pets/toys – the froggies 😉
LOL we love Cookie, she is so cute and tell her to demand extra treats
I appreciate many things about Bernie and Lizzie, but this week, I’ve really noticed how much we’ve all grown in the McSquare pack in our ability to communicate well with one another. There’s much less jumping on people and more harmony. Sometimes it’s difficult to see or appreciate the small victories, but when I think about life one year ago, we’ve come a long way.
Irene you are so fortunate and yes each day brings something new and your two are just adorable
Thank you! I do feel incredibly fortunate. You and Layla are so good together as well. Even though Madam sometimes refers to you as “slave” on social media, I always get a tongue-in-check feeling from her. Looking at her adoring expression, she loves you and can’t imagine life without her person!
Hi Irene, thank you so much for those kind words. I could not see my life without her, she is a very special girl and I joke about being her slave but would not change it for anything. We are all blessed to have our pets with us.
Miss Abby (Abigail Emma Christine), my beagle mix, knows when I’m not up to par or have over done past my abilities. This is when she finds the need to snuggle under a light blanket on my lap as I rest in the recliner. If I’m OK she needs to bring me each and every one of her balls for me to throw down the hall for her to chase. She keeps me active so I don’t lose more of my abilities.
She sounds like a very special dog and love that she brings you her balls 🙂
I consider myself very lucky to have had a lot of pets in my life. Each one has given me so much joy!
Beth that is awesome and so true, each one gives us so much joy and fills our lives with so much love
What a lovely post! Every day is appreciate day here as I just love the joy and love my Huskies bring to my life. (Right now I have all four relaxing around me, with my oldest gal watching me as I type). Having them not only makes me happy, I truly enjoy their company, their shenanigans, and their individual personalities. I have learned so much from them, too. I am truly blessed to have these five (now four with my one, Gibson, now a furangel) beautiful, loving, silly, crazy, amazing Huskies in my life. <3 And lovely Miss Layla, I sure hope Mom handed over that treat bag! 😉
Dorothy I love your Huskies and reading all about them, they are so whimsical in so many ways. Like you Layla is sleeping in her bed next to me as she has a hard life LOL. She did get extra treats because I am a softie 🙂
Aww, little Layla is such a sweetheart. You no doubt have a lot to be grateful for! I love my Loki to bits and appreciate her every day. For getting me out on walks every day, for keeping me company when working from home, and all the other goofy, hilarious quirks she has.
I so understand you Karly, Layla is the best medicine in the world for me
My two told me it’s Pet Appreciation year lol. Just kidding – I didn’t even know we had a week – good to know.
LOL it is what I call double dosage of treats that week because it is all year round
It’s 24/7 in our home too! I do like that there’s a week set aside each year to remind everyone to appreciate all the good pets bring to our lives. We made time for some fun outings with Icy and Phoebe last week. They’ve given us so much.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
It is 24/7 here too but so important that one week as you say to bring the attention to others – I love your two they are so adorable
Love Layla
Thanks for bringing attention to this holiday! I had no idea. I’m so thankful for my dog Lucy and can think of a million reasons why I appriciate her. Lately it’s been because she gets me out and helps me meet new people… otherwise I would stay home alone all the time!
Tori I understand you fully and it is my pleasure to have brought this holiday to your attention. Layla does the same for me
Yay! Another excuse to get away with excessively spoiling Chip!
LOL so true
I hope my girls appreciate me as much as I appreciate them. They are my life and I would do almost anything to make sure they are safe, secure, and happy.
You are an amazing Mom and am sure they appreciate everything you do for them
I appreciate my dogs because they have helped me follow my passion. They taught me to never give up and they show me how important empathy is.
They are blessed to have you as a Mom and I agree they can teach us so much
Amos is my first dog and I never knew i could love a dog as much as i love amos. I adore him and every second i get to spend with him is amazing. he makes me smile and we have so much fun together.
That is awesome Mel and I so understand you