Walking Nili in the rain

TGIF!! It has been raining nonstop all week, and I am sure Layla is chuckling as I fight Nili to go for walks or should I stay swimming. She does not like the rain, and she does not like raincoats, so we walk without one and we come home drenched. Nili does not  like the hairdryer either so I have to towel dry her for as long as she allows me and then I put the heater on to warm her up. (I am scared to know what my bill is going to be). Another new quirk with her is grabbing a toy on the way out so she has one in her mouth while walking, I always take them away from her before leaving as I do not want her to get them dirty.

Mom is calling me a wet rag from the rain and my walk

I have come to the conclusion that once she starts walking, she is happy as the entire street smells food and I try to avoid it all but when she manages to get something in her mouth, she is happy and I am not. But I have come to the conclusion that this little girl was a stray and used to eating off the ground so her tummy is used to it and I cannot fight her anymore and getting bit and bleeding. I know it sounds crazy and until she gets proper training (am waiting for a trainer) the walking food fight is going to carry on. One of her cute quirks when walking her is she walks up to people for pets and the rolls on her back for belly rubs, everyone just laughs and rubs her belly, it is really cute and reminds me of my dog Baby who was with me before Layla as she used to do the same. I call her the meet and greet on the street needing belly rubs. She is very stubborn, and it is either her way or no way and she will sit. Every day I am learning something new of her. Never a dull moment. I am open to all suggestions to make my life easier when walking her.

So, with the rain, and us being stuck inside, I have been keeping Nili playing with her and her squeaky toys and we are already minus 5 toys that she has totally killed, stuffing all over the house, a squeaker in pieces and she is having the time of her life, never boring.

Below is a video of her evening ritual, I sit and talk to the toy and it talks back, I am going crazy LOL.


That has been our week, I am hoping next week it will dry out a bit although we need the rain but I need some outdoors with her so she can burn off energy and not be stuck here, although I am lucky to live in a locked building with a large hallway so when we come home from walks I let her do zoomies and she is happy doing it.

How has your week been? Stay warm and dry, be safe.

Love and woofs from Nili



It is April Fool’s Day Tomorrow

Good morning, friends,

They say Spring has arrived but in my eyes it is an early April Fools joke as it has been stormy and rainy here all week and I am not laughing.

I have once again been stuck indoors excluding going out for potty breaks in my stroller and I said to Mom I need to get out and smell, sniff and see other people, life is boring at the moment.

My raincoat made from a broken umbrella, recycling is very important and I am ready to roll now in the rain

Mom has been keeping me busy with my snuffle ball but she is making me eat my food first before getting treats and that is so unfair. Who agrees with me.

Gobble Gobble B=Gobble so I can get some treats

Woof it is snuffle ball time

So as you can read nothing exciting has been happening here but tomorrow weather permitting we are going on an adventure woof woof woof

I am so ready to go out of this house for an adventure, when we going ?

Have a safe weekend everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla


What a wet week

TGIF !!!!


Hi everyone and oy vey today is Friday the 13th. This day brings back so many memories of my childhood with my grandmother who was so superstitious that it drove all of us crazy. I must admit that thanks to her I wear a Hamsa all the time around my neck and has a blue stone in to protect me against evil. Layla has one on her harness too. (In Jewish culture, the Hamsa hand represents protection from evil and a reminder to pray. Five is a significant number in Judaism and is considered the number of protection)

Her blue stone fell out and I have glued new ones but they do not stay in, the fish on the hand symbolize luck and in the circle below the loop you will see Hebrew word Chai means Life

Some of my memories of my grandmother was her spitting on her hand and then touching her head, always avoiding walking under ladders and the funniest of all was when my sister crawled through a window to open a door so my grandmother made her crawl back through the window or she would not grow. We were not allowed to put keys on the table, we had to set our shoes in a certain way and the list can go on and on and I am giggling here while sharing.

So Friday the 13th brings back so many memories for me and what a wonderful weird life it was with all the superstitions.

Now lets go over to this past week, what a week !!!! Climate change is really happening and the storms in San Francisco is proof of it, the rain has been relentless, the hail, thunder and lightening WOW it has been hard to take Layla for long walks as we swim not walk plus Layla has this new thing of standing and staring into space so we stand for like 10 minutes every time getting drenched and that is how we were caught in the hail storm also. Thank goodness for the stroller and plastic cover I picked her up and put her in immediately and we ran home LOL.  Two wet old ladies, me and Layla.

Today thank goodness it did not rain so we went for a long long walk about 5 times, I am exhausted and Layla is sleeping at the moment. I hope she sleeps through the night which has become a new thing of her waking me up at about 2 to go potty and then we come inside, she moans for a treat of course and then I sit on the floor with her till she settles down and goes back to sleep which can take at least a half hour if not more. I am slowly becoming a zombie from lack of sleep and Layla is full of energy as she sleeps during the day also. It is a hard life for her LOL.

But however I share all this, watching her age is heartbreaking, and I would not change any of her quirks however irritating they can be sometimes, she is my fur kid and needs the best of best love and attention.

Her snuffle doodle bug was the best thing I ever got for her I think, she loves it and lately when she does not want to eat her food because of the supplements, I put the food in the snuffle doodle and she sniffs it and eats her food that way, it has become a game so am washing it all the time and cleaning the floor also. Never a dull moment here.

Doodle Bug Time

So no adventures this week, only swimming in the rain and trying to stay dry, have a wonderful weekend everyone, stay warm and dry and please be safe,

With a woof and love from














January is here

TGIF !!!! It is Friday and what a week we have had.

San Francisco has been wet with rain for over a week, Mom is not happy as walking me in the rain is making her wet and cold all the time BOL but as she says we need the rain.

I am getting old, so I love to go out in the middle of the night, I moan to Mom to tell her and then sit and wait for her to get out of her warm bed, get dressed and bundle me up for the cold weather. I think it is fun and wag my tail while Mom curses under her breath.

Mom surprised me this week to help me stay extra dry and warm from the winds and bought me a plastic stroller cover, so I sit under a tent as such and do not get wet. We learnt the hard way last weekend when it was pouring, and my stroller became a pool it had so much water in plus everything was wet, so our bathroom turned into a laundry room with everything drying.

There were no small ones in the store so bought whatever size I could find and it is working

Because of the rain we have not been out that much, and the past 24 hours have been really bad so we are doing short walks so that I can potty, but the best is coming home for treats and snuffle ball time which keeps me busy.

I am very lucky as I have a raincoat made out of an umbrella that a friend of Mom made for me, so while Mom tries to hold the umbrella, I wear one BOL and it keeps me warm and dry. Mom also bought me some fleece t-shirts which I sleep in so am cozy when I am in the house.

Layla loves sleeping with her head under the bed LOL

So, I should not complain as Mom does her best to keep me healthy, happy and warm in the cold weather and she dries me off when we get home and changes my clothes also so I am always wearing something dry.

That is what is happening in our neighborhood, please be safe and warm everyone,

With lots of love






I am aging gracefully

Good Morning Fur friends and Hooman friends,

One week into the New Year and it has not stopped raining since Saturday. I have been singing rain rain go away Layla needs to walk and play but it is not helping.

Layla has never liked the rain and it stems from her having been an outside dog in her past life as I call it so it is a battle to get her out when it rains and if she sees her raincoat she goes and hides in her box and stays there. So the past week I decided to try a new approach with less stress and it seems to be working.

In the mornings I let her sleep for as long as she wants and when she feels she needs to go out we go out, she tells me by getting up and walking towards the door. I am doing that also during the day or evening by letting her tell me and wow what a difference it has made. She is more relaxed, happier to go out and not fighting me with the raincoat. It might not be long walks like we are used to but at least she is going out to potty. I cannot believe that I never thought about this in the past but as I am saying to myself better late than never.

Layla will be 12 this year, like me she is aging and with it comes all the new quirks or triggers and am having to deal with them on a daily basis. She is also losing her sight in her left eye which does not make things easier. She does not like going out in the evenings when it is dark so her last walk is like 6 or 7.

Her new fear is clapping and when we in the dog park if someone claps for their dog she dives under the bench to hide. I am not giving in to her by leaving but the opposite I pick her up and cuddle her to give her a feeling of security. There are days that it works and days that it does not. Treats always work though LOL.

Our lives are changing because of it, I am working through her fears/triggers/quirks on a daily basis and learning at the same time. Thank goodness her appetite or water consumption has not changed which is keeping me more relaxed. I have also found an amazing chew for her, not as hard as bones but it keeps her really busy during the day in this weather. It is a turkey tendon and she loves them. My pet store has a great deal at the moment of buy 3 get one free so have stocked up on them to keep her happy.

She is still doing zoomies when we enter the building, full of puppy energy and as I call her Ms. Piss and Vinegar, that she is. She even plays more with her squeaky toys lately which is awesome as I love watching her jump on the bed and grab one to squeak like crazy.

I have started a new part time job which is taking me out of the house for about 4 to 5 hours each day and thank goodness I do not have to deal with anxiety as she seems to be handling this really well.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment, we are stuck indoors because of the rain, Jazz playing in the background so life is good here for us two old ladies.

How are all of you coping with the cold weather and rain ?

Stay warm and dry and please remember pets are family and need to be kept indoors safely,

Have a great week with a woof from Layla