May has arrived !!!
Spring is here I hope for everyone and the flowers are blooming, the chill is disappearing and everyone will be able to spend more time outdoors with our dogs. What a wonderful feeling.
May also brings back memories for me, not good ones but ones that I can say I am blessed to have had and those are with Baby R.I.P.

I will never forget going to the shelter to choose a dog, my ex told me to choose and then like anything else in an abusive relationship it was what she wanted or nothing so Baby came to live with us. That was 07 May 2006.
She was a cute little chiweenie, full of love and I could not have asked for a better friend through the hard times. Because of her I was able to escape the daily abuse by taking her for long walks, sometimes sitting under a tree and watching the world go by with her in my arms, she kept me alive in many ways during that awful period of my life.
She was the reason I stayed in the Domestic Violence relationship as I was not prepared to leave her there but the minute I had the chance I ran with her. It was hard, stressful but I would do it all over. She was my hero.
Many Domestic Violence victims to this day say I stayed in the relationship because of my pets and I so fully understand them, they are your children and you would not leave them behind to be abused so would rather take the abuse to protect them.
So as those May memories go through my mind I am blessed to have had her, we had a couple of years of freedom together where I over spoiled her with no regrets, when she passed which was one of the hardest days of my life, I waited and then adopted Layla.
Layla is my rock, she keeps me amused, makes me smile, and is blessed to have not gone through those dark days with me but instead has had the chance to have sunny ones and this month brings the sunny days to us.

So let us all count our blessings, say thanks for what we have, material items are great but they cannot measure the unconditional love of a pet and if I had to choose between the two i would go for the pet.
Layla is now off to sleep as usual while I carry on working,
With love and woofs
What a wonderful story. Im so glad you got away from that terrible situation safe with Baby. I wish for more domestic abuse shelters to accept pets. Some do, but not near enough! I have a 15 year old Chihuahua and I dread the day I lose him. Great post. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for reading and yes I am blessed to have got away. I understand you regarding your dog and sending you a hug <3
Baby was a quiet little heroine for you wasn’t she. She looks gentle but with a core of steel that gave you both courage when the time came.
Marjorie so true, she was a real little hero and so part of my life and I will always be thankful to her
I’m sorry to hear of such a horrendous chapter in your life, but you’re strong to have left…sadly many don’t. Over the years I have read of shelters or programs that help those in a domestic abuse situation by either allowing them to bring a pet to a refuge or have foster families who can help until the person gets set up in a new home. It truly is incredible the many ways dogs improve our lives, and I love reading about your special bond with Layla.
Thank you Hindy and I am blessed to be one of the lucky ones who got away with Baby. Thank you also for reading our blog, Layla is a very special little one and our bond is very strong, she keeps me on my toes LOL
It’s hard to know what to say, other than I’m happy you were able to get out from an abusive relationship and have the love and companionship of your dog with you. Our pets can give us courage, support and love when we need it most.
Kelly thank you for those kind words
Oh my doG, so glad you survived and got away with your sweet dog. They get us through tough times, indeed. Baby sounds like a wonderful and special companion. Thanks for sharing–and I hope your post encourages others to bravely leave abusive relationships.
Thank you Amy and I agree with must not keep quiet, I was blessed to be able to run with Baby and we need to speak out so that others know it is possible
I’m so glad you had a friend while you both went through that tough time in life. Baby was a very special girl. She was there for you and you are paying it forward by advocating for others. I’m also glad you have Layla with you for these happy, sunny days.
Thanks Sadie, I was very blessed to have her in my life, lucky to be able to get away with her and give her the freedom she so needed.
I don’t think my peep would ever leave us behind, either, even if doing so was her only way to escape something or someone. She just wouldn’t. Not for anythin’. It’s a real shame more shelters for survivors of domestic violence don’t allow people to bring their fur-babies with them. I believe doin’ so would save lives. PURRS.
Seville you are making a good point but it is a lot more complicated when taking a pet into the shelter as we must think of the kids and what they have been through, allergies and so much more but it would on the other hand be awesome
Fur friends bring joy in the darkness don’t they? Baby was adorable, I’m glad she was able to experience the joy of freedom with you.
I believe our pets come into our lives for a specific reason … sometimes more than one reason. Baby helped you survive, gave you a reason to fight for a better life, supported you and gave you the strength and courage to leave the abuse behind. I’m so glad you had your Baby.
Thank you Julia as it is so true, we are blessed to have them in our lives
I was a victim of domestic violence suffered it for 5 years until I was able to break upo from there. And yes constant worry were my dogs. But a fried helped me she gave me shelter so that I could scape and bring my dogs with me. I can perfectly relate with your story.
Pets have a way of getting us through the hard times. I’m glad you and Baby had each other during a difficult time. I remember very well my heart dog who got me through the tough times and the day he left. Very tough day indeed.
Christine it is hard when they leave us but I also felt that Baby was my rock and when she did, it was because she knew I was safe and wanted me to adopt a new one for my new life
I try to focus on what can be and not on what has been, but I’ll admit, it’s hard at times! I’m so glad you have Layla now to help you move forward with your life.
Thanks and yes I am so blessed to have her in my life, she keeps me on my toes
You’re such a strong woman to have survived that experience and to be able to tell others about it. I hope it empowers other women to do the same.
Thank you for those kind words, I always feel that if we speak out it will help others plus let them know they are not alone
I’m so glad you were able to escape your abuser. Thank you for sharing your story and helping spread awareness about domestic violence.
Baby is adorable, I’m sure she is patiently waiting at the rainbow bridge
So happy you and Layla have each other, you’re a good dog Momma!
Jane thank you for those kind words, it has been a long road, but have no regrets and I am so blessed to have Layla as part of my life
I do believe animals are put in our lives for a reason. Baby was with you when you needed her most. What a blessing you had her and that you are now free of that awful abusive situation. I’m so sorry you had to go through that! I love your positive outlook and wish you and Layla nothing but the best!
Thank you Stephanie and I do believe the same
I’m so glad that you got out of that relationship! I know personally that abusive relationships can bring you down pretty far. But at least you had a little furry friend to keep you company and help you through everything! I’m very happy for you!
Thank you Bree
Good thing that you got out of that relationship and now it’s all in the past. And thank you for protecting Baby during those hard times.
I am very lucky Monika and protecting Baby was my top priority during those lousy times
That was such a nice tribute to your sweet Baby and Layla is such a cutie. I’m thankful that many domestic violence shelters are now letting pets come too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, we appreciate you hopping in.
Thank you Brian for reading it and yes it would be awesome if more did. We would like to thank you for the Blog hop as it is always a great way to see all the blogs under one roof