Why do we have adventures.

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TGIF, the weekend has arrived, and I am still not sure what our plans will be.

Layla is off her antibiotics; I am praying we kicked the infection and life can get back to normal whatever that Is in this household. Layla rules the house and I jump to attention for whatever she barks about, it is insane but that is how it goes here.

Madam suddenly does not want to eat chicken as I was hiding her medication in it so on Monday we went to the markets and bought chicken gizzards and she is now a happy old lady and Mom is happy also that she is eating but by the photo below you will see who the Boss is.

I want chicken not gizzards, did you hear me Mom


The reason I do adventures with her, trying different parks, going on the train and so much more is to keep her brain going, different places mean different smells and I am always looking for a new place which is easy to get to, I do not drive, so all is on public transport and her being in a stroller I am learning I have to go to easy accessible places as living in San Francisco there are lots of hills and pushing the stroller up them is not easy especially as the princess has a new game, get comfy in the stroller then stand up to walk, and she repeats herself most of the way so by the end of the day my back is killing me. Another reason I do them is I have found if she does not go out for a couple of hours during the day, she sleeps a lot and then in the evenings wakes up and wants to go out every hour, barking to get her own way and it is exhausting for me and I have started eating cold dinners LOL.

So, what we have done the past week, last Saturday we went to the park on the Bay. The weather was perfect and it was just so relaxing to be outdoors by the Bay where I could watch her and the boats on the Bay. Layla was wandering around. All of a sudden, I could not see her, nearly had a heart attack and then turned around on my chair to see her scrambling through a gap in the hedges. She was caught on a branch thank goodness, so I had to untangle her and bring her back to the lawn. Thank goodness the hedge is along a wall so she could not have gone far phew. But once back on the lawn she was happily walking around and of course doing her weekly bark in the park, once she started napping, about 2 hours later, I packed up and brought her home. These outings exhaust her, so she normally naps when we get home and phew I manage to catch a nap also. Lucky me.

I smell something in the grass

On Sunday and Monday, we went to the park around the corner from my building, it was great to just sit outdoors, she do her thing and of course bark and me drank coffee and relaxed. The weather has been perfect for these outdoor days plus good for her. Plus being in that park she knows where the benches are where some of the dog people sit with all the treats so off she goes like a bullet to beg from them. I keep an eye on her and if there are a lot of big dogs there, I pick her up and put her in her stroller and push her there. There are only two people she can get treats from so if they are not there, I just bring her back to the blanket and give her a treat.

Sunshine on my face feels awesome

The video below shows Layla trying to get into my bag to get the treats LOL

Life with a senior dog is not easy, tiring especially when they wake you up in the middle of the night or 4 in the morning to go potty but I would not change it for anything as I am very blessed to have a healthy happy blind senior that is getting me out and exercise.

So, all my friends, as you can see, Fall has arrived, we are busy and each day that it does not rain we are outdoors for a couple of hours each day.

Have a wonderful weekend, Be safe,

With lots of love from Layla


12 Replies to “Why do we have adventures.”

  1. You’re such a good Mama to sweet Layla. Our cats rule here too so what you do for your sweetie seems totally normal to us. I’m glad she enjoys her out and about time. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Thanks so so much for popping by this week and as always thanks so much for your Thankful Thursday Blog Hop, it keeps me on my toes. I try to be as good a Mom to Layla as
      possible and always worry I am not doing enough although in my heart I know I am the way you look after your adorable cats. I love reading about them and their antics.
      Stay safe

  2. Life can be hard with an elderly dog, we found putting Badger’s medication into Vivi Treats (made especially for giving medication) worked fantastically well, previously he could spot a treat with medication in it from 100 yards away until we started using them. What a lovely adventure you’ve had,its our first time hear and look forward to catching up on your posts

    • Dawn welcome to our blog. It is challenging but we as Dog Moms find the solutions and then are relieved. They are very smart and we sometimes forget that. I love doing the
      adventures with her as she is getting exercise, smelling new smells and staying active which is so important. Badger sounds like a smart senior and he is training you well LOL

  3. You’re so right, life with a senior dog has it’s challenges especially their mental acuity changing. Taking them out to different places is so mentally stimulating, I notice a big difference in Icy when she gets to go somewhere and explore. You must have freaked out when you couldn’t see Layla for a minute! I had a terrible scare like that with Icy this past winter – she never ran off like that before but she’s getting older and changing a little. I will never let her off leash unless it’s fully fenced off, anywhere again. We have an extra long leash, about 12 feet long so we sometimes use that to give her more leeway.

    • Cathy I freaked out but thank goodness it is safe there and she cannot go far but with Icy I understand you she does need to stay on leash and having an extra long one
      is good for her but also easier for you, let tugging on your arms. They need the brain stimulation especially when blind, a snuffle ball is great but being outdoors sniffing
      and exploring is even better. Have a safe week

  4. I hope Layla is all better now that she’s finished her antibiotics. That is always worrisome. The photo of her with her plate of chicken is adorable! I also love the video of her trying to get to her treats. As I watched it, I just smiled and thought what a lucky pup she is to have found you and you to have found her. Perfect match!

    It’s so wonderful you share the daily adventures with Layla. Folks learn a lot from your trials with her, which is very meaningful . Thank you for sharing and helping others through your experiences. As always, I’m sharing to help others learn (and bring them a smile as well).

    • Terri she seems to be a lot better but am monitoring it to make sure it does not return. I loved her facial expression in that photo it says it all and as for the video
      she is quite a clown when it comes to her treats LOL. Thank you so much for sharing ad I hope by my writing it will help others to understand how important it it to keep a senior
      dog busy and of course their brain as it is so important. Have a safe week

  5. I love how you two go on adventures! I believe all the new and fun scents for her really helps, too, add the to the excitement of life for a senior doggy! When we moved, Wolfie and Bandit were my last two seniors of my five and I was worried about new surroundings after spending their lives at our previous home. Well…those new scents along the way on our walks re-energized them and they were always so eager for walks! Warms my heart to see Miss Layla enjoying them so, too! I always look forward to hearing what you gals are up to!

    • Thanks Dorothy for your compliment, I love going to different places, it is good for her and good for me plus her being outdoors is so important. Your Sibes were so blessed to have a Mom like you and i am sure they enjoyed every moment you spent with them on their walks and outdoors. Stay safe this week and a big hug from Layla

  6. Senior pets do need more care but they love us so much, we cannot let them down can we? We care and we tend to their needs.

    Layla is a totally magical dog!

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