Preparing for goodbye

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Good morning friends,

It has been 13 days since Layla crossed the Rainbow Bridge, the house is empty and cold without her, she was so part of my life. I keep looking at her bed to see if she is sleeping peacefully.

I miss seeing this daily when she was asleep under her blankie

I am going to today share with you how I was preparing for that awful day as I thought I was prepared but am realizing now you are never prepared although I am at peace that she is not suffering anymore.

About two plus years ago I realized that Layla, with going blind was aging quickly and I so wanted to make it as easy as possible for her, a stress-free life especially when she started with Dementia. She became more withdrawn, sleeping more but although blind I was determined to have fun, keep her nose going instead of her eyes and keep the routine we had been in for all these years.  While preparing mentally for the awful day I started researching, finding ideas, and praying each time I found something it would keep her happy. It is a catch 22 as such but I did not give up. I started giving her new supplements, got her a stroller to ease her walking, especially on adventures and then got her the stroller that she was in towards the end. You can see on the below link the supplements I gave her plus the treats I used for her snuffle toys which she loved and kept her busy. I am listing the link to the list of what she got. th

The stroller was and is in my eyes the best invention ever and I highly recommend senior dog parents to get one, your life is so much easier and your pet can enjoy being outdoors sniffing the air and all the new smells. I got it from a company called Mr. Peanuts it was light weight, roomy for her to sleep in, a big basket underneath for shopping plus I kept a water bowl there all the time for water and would put a bottle there every time we went out. Another thing I loved about it was it has two straps to clip them in on either side so that she was safe, and I had no worries. That was the stroller I rocked her in on her last night, walked her to calm her down covered in a blanket and although it did not help much it eased it a bit for her while she was fighting her last breath.

Sleeping in her stroller comfortably

This is the link from where I got it :

Another thing I did was got in contact with an animal communicator as I wanted to know what was going through her mind so that I could work with that, I know it sounds crazy, but I was reaching out for every answer as it mattered to me as a Dog Mom.

I am sharing the session I had with Cherokee Billie so you can hear how helpful it was as I want others to know that it eases your life also in many ways.

I am also going to share with you how bossy she was in the good old days, and she knew how to work me for treats, and this is something I really miss in the house now, I keep imagining I am hearing her bark ☹

On Saturday the 4th of May the awful day arrived, it was a day etched in my memory like it was yesterday but I am at peace as she is not suffering anymore and I know in my heart that I did everything I could to make her life as happy as possible but when the quality of life is not there it best to release them to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge. It is traumatic to hold them when they pass, a nightmare in some ways BUT it is important to be with them and show them your unconditional love the way they have given you all their life. I was blessed to do it at home, but it was my choice to keep her as relaxed and comfortable as possible with all the familiar smells she knew.

I cannot and will not accept people that dump their seniors at shelters to die in a cold cage because they do not want to deal with their senior passing or at a vet telling the vet to euthanize their pet and leaving. That is cold disrespectful and unimaginable what the pet must be feeling as they pass. A pet has a soul, has feeling and emotions and to put them through that is unforgivable. Your pet is scared, frightened and if they were part of your family, they should be honored by you being with them when they pass. I often feel people that do this would do it to other family members also. They should not be allowed to have pets again.

I was surprised last week as I received an email from a friend who had had a tree planted in her name in Israel through the JNF Memorial fund This is an non profit organization that plants trees in Israel in a human or pets memory which I was so thankful for as being Israeli she is now part of me in my country plus a tree is a symbol of life and what could be a better memory than a tree growing with your name on, her name/legacy will carry on forever.

Her Memorial in Israel


Please hug your fur kids as much as possible, life is precious, we are blessed to have fur kids in our lives and we must treasure that daily, make memories that will make you laugh and cry but those memories are in your heart forever

With love from

Layla’s Mom





21 Replies to “Preparing for goodbye”

  1. It sure is never easy and she was such an important part of your life. I know she enjoyed the happy times strollering with her Mama. That tree planting memorial is very special. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Terry it is not easy and I know you went through it recently but she loved her life till it lost quality and now she is at peace and I am left with her memories. I am so blessed to have a tree in her name growing which is so special. Thank you as always for your Thursday Blog Hop as I so love reading what your cats are up to.

  2. I’m so sorry, I know how impossible it is to say goodbye and how lonely it feels after they leave. It’s possible to prepare ourselves to some extent, but it’s always a blow no matter what. I’ve been at the vet’s office and seen one of the owners wait outside because they couldn’t bear to go in. There’s no sugar coating it, it’s a horrible experience but at the end of the day it’s only about the dog and not about us. If one of his people is with him that’s okay, but if none are? It’s a scary situation and he or she needs someone familiar to comfort him. I agree with you about the stroller. Ever since I bought my first one I’ve said it’s the best invention, a literally a life changer for everyone.

    • Hindy thanks for your kind words and being with me throughout the process of losing her. As for people leaving their pets alone it makes me sick and however traumatic it is for the pet parent it is worse for the pet lying their not know anything and not having anyone familiar with them
      The stroller is thanks to your post and it made my life so much easier in every way, thank you

  3. This is beautiful. Thank you for writing and posting it. And, I agree with you about leaving a pet to go through their journey with strangers – no way. I cannot imagine doing that.

    • Roberta thank you so much for your kind words and support, I am relieved you agree with me about leaving pets to transition alone, it is so so wrong and cruel

  4. Sending lots of love and healing thoughts to you. I know that Layla was your everything and how much you miss her.

    All three of my senior dogs crossed the rainbow bridge within the last year. It has been very hard emotionally, but their passings were peaceful. When we took Sophie in, I told my vet, “This must be the worst part of your job.” She replied, “No, the worst part is when people don’t bring their pets in to be euthanized but instead hope they will die peacefully at home. Hardly any of them do.” That helped me gather the courage to let Theo and Nelly go before they suffered too much.

    • Beth thank you so much for your kind words and I am so sorry all three of yours passed away last year. Your vet is so right and I am blessed to have been able to help Layla cross over at home which was less stressful for her. Sending you a big hug

  5. You were THE BEST Dog Mom to Layla! You two had a great life. Even if we had an eternity, it wouldn’t be enough time. It’s never enough time.

    That is so lovely that there’s a tree for Layla in Israel. A beautiful idea for a beautiful soul.

    I couldn’t agree with you more on being with the fur kids through it all, especially at the end. I’ve said for years that people should have to take a test to have a critter or kid. It only makes sense to me. You take a test for a driver’s license. So, why not protect animals and kids as much? I suspect we both could get on a soapbox about this one for hours.

    Sending you lots of hugs. Take care of yourself. Remember we are here for you.

    • Terri thank you so much for your kind words and yes I agree they should take a test to see if they are suited to be parents to both kids and animals. Like you I could go on a soap box about this. Sending big hugs to you and Henry. Have a wonderful weekend. PS. I love the idea of the tree in Layla’s memory in Israel.

  6. You preapred as well as you could and made Layla’s later life vibrant and full of smells. She could not want for a better Mom than you have been.

    Yes, I am horrified that dogs (and older cats too) are dumped like rubbish at shelters. May they find justice.

    • Marjorie thank you for your kind words. I agree with you it is sickening that people dump dogs and cats like garbage at shelters, may KARMA get them.

  7. I had to reread and rewatch the videos a few times…then go dry my tears and come back. What a beautiful life you gave Miss Layla, and how well you prepared her (and we are never really prepared, are we?) Sometimes it was hard to believe she was 18 and blind…she did amazingly well with your help. She will be missed, but so happy her legacy will continue on.

    People who dump there dogs I will never, ever ever understand. We would love another day with our beloved pups, and they dump theirs? Shame. My heart breaks for the pets…and always hoping they get a better, loving forever home, like Layla, like my FiveSibes.

    Sending you huge hugs. xoxo

    • I am so sorry I brought tears to your eyes sending you a big hug. We were blessed to have our pups in our lives, yes Layla lived a good one with no worries or stress but we are never ever prepared to say goodbye however much we try to do it and make their last days as best as possible.
      As for dumping pets, it makes me sick inside and their should be a national list of these peoples names so they never can get another as they have no respect.
      Big hugs to you too xxx

  8. When they give so much to us, as Layla gave to you ~ it is the final gift we give to them. To hold them tight, close to our own beating heart, full of love and thanks in that moment when they cross from this life to the next. You gave her that gift of peace forever, to take with her on her journey, it was and is everything. Be at peace, she was ~ with you. Ann

  9. It is so heart wrenching to let our furbabies go. I wish they could live much, much longer. Rest peacefully weet Layla until Mama joins you once again at the Rainbow Bridge.

    • Cathy it is so so hard but she is at peace now and not suffering and that eases the pain for me, I cannot wait to see her again one day

  10. Ugh, it’s so hard to live without them when they have been a foundation in our lives for so long. You were (and are) such a great mom to Layla throughout her journey on Earth with you. From planning as best you could to giving her all the special comforts and love any furry friend would envy! May she rest in peace now. You are so right, we prepare the best we can but it’s never quite what we expect once we live through this experience.

    • Amen you are so correct, however much we prepare it is never enough and we have to learn to be alone once again and learn to live on a daily basis without her. Big hugs and thank you as always

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