July Pet Holidays and Observances

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July 2024 Pet Holidays and Observances


WOW June has gone, and July has arrived. That means a new list of pet holidays and observances, Layla’s legacy will carry on speaking out and celebrating every month.

Please remember this is firework month also so make sure your pets are safe, microchipped and tags are all up to date.



  • Dog House Repair Month.
  • National Lost Pet Prevention Month™. You can see how to keep your pet safe on our blog.
  • National Pet Hydration Awareness Month. Please make sure they have enough water all the time.


  • 3rd Week in July: National Feed a Rescue Pet Week:Instead of buying fireworks buy food for the Shelters.



  • July 1: ID Your Pet Day. – very important
  • July 4:Independence Day.  I call this the nightmare day for all animals as the fireworks terrify them.
  • July 10: National Kitten Day. To avoid over population please spay or neuter your cats.
  • July 11: All-American Pet Photo Day.
  • July 14: Dog on a Lead Day. Please keep your pets on a leash when walking them.
  • July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day. Be prepared with an emergency plan and bag in case of a fire.
  • July 15: Feline Leukemia Day.
  • July 21: National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day.If you are crafty this is a great way to make toys for your shelter pets so that they can have fun while stuck in cages.
  • July 21: No Pet Store Puppies Day. This day is important as it is a day to boycott all stores that sell puppies from Puppy Mills.
  • July 31: National Mutt Day. This day is also celebrated in December but we can never speak out enough for Mutts.


Have a safe July everyone, make memories, enjoy your moments with your pets plus most important please keep them safe.


With a woof and love

From Layla’s Mom




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