TGIF!! Friday has arrived and as Mom says she needs a break from all to relax and recharge her batteries.
I went last week to the vet for a checkup, day before my birthday party so the party was extra special as we celebrated my health, although the vet found a mass on my side which we going to monitor and I have started kidney disease at my old age so am dehydrated all the time, so drinking lots and making Mom take me out more times to potty including in the middle of the night. Mom says she would rather do that than clean the carpet all the time. BOL. The vet put me on some stuff to drink for the dehydration and it upset my tummy so oy vey Mom had a big mess to clean up, but all is good now.
NOW my birthday party which I have promised everyone I would talk about; it was the BEST ever. We left the house to go to a friend’s house where we were having the party as it was too cold and rainy to do in the park, plus our apartment is much too small for parties. On the way there we stopped at Rescue Row (see photo below) which is a street named for all the Rescue Organizations in the city. There is an amazing Rescue Organization that we stopped at to say hi which is called Muttville Senior Dog Rescue, it is a great very well-organized Rescue Organization and Sherri plus the volunteers are so great. Mom explained to me that whatever is left of my party we would be dropping off at Muttville for the volunteers and dogs so everyone can have a party. Mom told me that when she was a child her mother used to make their birthday cakes in the shapes of houses, cars, planes, dolls and so much more and at their party they could eat everything but the cake as She would then take us and the cake to the Childrens Ward at one of the hospitals for the children to enjoy. I think that is a wonderful idea as that way everyone celebrates with a yum cake.

Walking to my party
At my birthday party was my favorite people and of course my dog friends, Dash, Storm, and Musik. We all wandered around looking for food and treats of course as that is what a birthday is all about. Carly from Paw Patch Pastries made me this delicious pink bacon flavored cake, it was so so good I am still licking my lips thinking of it although it is finished, grr. We each got a bag of treats to take home with us which were so delicious.

Me and my cake yum

Dash Storm and Me and of course I am sniffing the cake

Layla and Musik
My one Uncle also surprised Mom with the human cupcakes that Mom says were delicious and had happy birthday to me on them, they looked so cute.

The human cupcakes

The human table of goodies with our treat bags, my cake and of course BOL coffee cos Mom needed some
You can see on her website all the yummy cakes and treats, and did you know she ships treats all over the country? And most importantly she bakes for cats also, so they are not left out.

They are so so good yum, I pawsitively approve them, Layla
I was very spoiled and got a new bed from Uncle Ron and a new snuffle caterpillar from Uncle Troy, but as Mom says the funniest part of the birthday party was when I tried digging out the treats from Uncle Troy’s pocket of his jacket which was hanging at the back of the chair and instead BOL started pulling out the roll of poop bags and unraveled most of them, everyone laughed at me but it shows them I am 18 and still can get into mischief.

Pulling poop bags is fun

My new bed and snuffle caterpillar

I needed a nap in the middle of the party it was too much for me, Layla
I wish all of you could have been here to share in the fun, you were all missed but who knows maybe during the year we will have a get together.
I am now off to have my afternoon nap as dictating to Mom is exhausting.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, be safe and warm
Lots of love from Layla