TGIF !!!!!
Friday has arrived, it is a long weekend for relaxing and spending quality time with Layla and I am sure you will all be spending time with your families, Enjoy !!!!! Stay cool and make sure you all stay hydrated.
September is National Responsible Dog Owners Month, which is a really important reminder for all of us who are dog parents.
The reason for this is to help us raise healthy happy dogs and it is a good reminder for all of us.
Some of the basics of responsible dog ownership include:
- Regular Vet Exams : Keeping them up to date on all their vaccinations
- Keeping them fit and not over weight. Feed them a healthy diet only and if possible no kibbles.
- Putting dog care in our monthly budget
- Making sure their microchip and tags are all up to date
- Keep your pets inside so that they do not suffer in summer or winter
- Spay or neuter your dogs as there are so many in shelters looking for homes.
- Be prepared for Natural Disasters
- Lots of love and playtime
- Spoil them rotten.
It is so easy to do the above as they are our fur kids and depend on us to live a healthy happy life.

Shnoozing in the park
What do you do to keep your dog happy?
Have a safe weekend
With a woof and love from Layla