Brrrr the past few days have been cold here in San Francisco, so we have been indoors a lot, Madam is not that happy, but it has been too cold and damp to sit in the park.
Layla on Monday got groomed, full spa day and what was great was she and one another dog were the only ones there which surprised me although my groomer does not normally work on a Monday, but I was happy as it was not crowded and less stressful for her. We unfortunately had to cut her hair short this time as from the rain it had got matted especially on her paws so I am worrying now she will be cold and keeping clothing on her in the house so that she is comfortable and layering her up when we go out.

Phew at home from the groomer

Mom has blankets at the side of the bed as I love sleeping there plus one over lapping the bed so I wont bang my head
Events are starting up again and this weekend we are going to two different events on the same day oy vey. On Sunday they having the annual Skivvy Run in the Castro which is an amazing and fun fundraiser for AIDS and then we going to a Hannukah party which I am really looking forward to. Photos will be on the blog next week for all of you to see.
We are taking precautions, wearing masks and of course will test myself before going to be safe. I am not taking any chances as it is not worth it.
So socially life is picking up but am not over doing it either as LOL I do not want to put on weight after losing so much and feeling good with myself.
I was also surprised last week; I belong to a women’s international forum, and they asked us what talents we have so I told them I write a blog and gave them the link. I was chosen as one of the five winners and got a $50.00 on line debit card for shopping so guess who is getting two new fleece lined t-shirts which she can sleep in and be warm, Layla of course, it is her blog so she does deserve it and It will be the start of her Hanukkah gifts this year.
So that is what is happening in the Layla neighborhood, we are aging slowly, cold but enjoying life wherever possible.
Please stay warm and dry, have a wonderful weekend,
With love from Layla
Layla, your new group looks sweet and I’m glad you’re keeping warm with your fancy coat. Congratulations on winning the debit card too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Post.
Brian thank you and thank you for holding the Thankful Thursday Blog, it keeps me on my toes
Hi again Layla, it’s us, Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley. We just left a comment on your first, introduction post, and we meant to leave it here, but hey, how were we to know. We mean, hey, we’re dogs!
Anyhoo, two things. One, Mom loves your Little Miss Everything Shirt and also the picture of you in the stroller.
Two, she can’t find a way to follow your blog. If you can let her know, she would be grateful. Thanks, new friend!
Hi Lucy and Xena, we replied to your other comment and am always happy to see new followers. Mom made that hoodie for me, she bought a blank hoodie and then found the
iron on at Jo-Anns and there we go I have my hoodie telling everyone who I am BOL. I love my stroller as it makes Mom push me and get exercise BOL. I write the blog every
Thursday so it should be easy to follow, have a wonderful warm safe week, Layla
Congratulations on winning with your international women’s forum! Much deserved! You should get something for yourself too since you put Layla’s blog together.
Layla looks absolutely adorable with her haircut! Gosh, it does sound like a busy season for you both. Stay warm and healthy!
Terri thank you so much, it was a wonderful surprise, and yes I do plan to spoil myself also but as always Layla does come first. I love her haircut also
and although cold I am sure she is feeling so much better with it. We are very busy and I love it although exhausted LOL.
Have a safe warm week
I am glad you are able to get out and socialise. It is good for your wellbeing (and you get to show off a favourite coat!) I hope you have some fun this coming weekend.
It ‘s summer here and getting warm which is great after a super long and depressing winter!
Marjorie we were out and about all weekend and will share the photos of the blog next week. I am loving getting out and seeing people although for Layla it is
tiring but thank goodness for the stroller
Oh, Miss Layla, you look so gorgeous! I love your new ‘do!
Momma – congrats on the win! That is a super nice holiday gift! Happy shopping! I bet some things will be for pretty miss Layla!
I’m starting to venture out a bit more now too…very slowly (breaking in that new hip)!
Enjoy the howlidays girls!
Dorothy always good to see you and yes Madam is getting part of the win LOL. Thank you for your wishes. Please take it slow with your new hip especially in the snow, that
is Layla’s orders LOL. Enjoy the holidays and stay safe
Sounds like your Winter is off to a great start! Enjoy all the parties and fun events you have in your community. I wish we had more of them here.
Thanks Cathy and I am really blessed, we had so much fun but I am exhausted LOL. Sending you a hug