Why we celebrate Pride Month

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Woof hello every pawdy, as you know it is Pride Month all over the world which is a month of celebrating so much that I decided to share with you here the history so you understand why it is so important.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated each year in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a tipping point for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States. It opened the doors to our freedom and being able to live the way we want to live, love who we want to love, and as they say it enabled so many to come out of the closet and be openly freely gay.

This year the theme in San Francisco  is #LookingBackandMovingForward and Washington DC was #peace,love, revolution

The Rainbow flag was created by an artist Gilbert Baker and the colors have a meaning.

Red : Vitality

Orange : Healing

Yellow : Sunlight

Green : Nature

Indigo : Harmony

Violet : Spirit


The Pink or Black Triangle: During the Holocaust the Gays were forced to wear Pink Triangles so that they could be singled out and persecuted, the Black Triangle was for the Lesbians who went through the same and that is why we wear those Triangles to remember the Gays and Lesbians who were killed during the Holocaust. In San Francisco every June they put a large Pink Triangle on Twin Peaks for the month to remember those that were killed.  It is the same reason the Jews were forced to wear a yellow Star of David, so that they would stand out and be alienated by the Third Reich and unfortunately met their fate in gas chambers.


So now you know why it is important to celebrate in June, as we are fortunate but there are so many countries to this day that torture the LGBTQ community and they have so many living in fear for the lives to this day:

Muslim Majority : Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Chad, Comoros, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine/Gaza, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Christian majority : Antigua & Barbuda, Burundi, Cameroon, Cook Islands, Russia, Dominican, Grenada, Guinea, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Kirbati, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Papua & New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Tanzania, Swaziland, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Zimbabwe

Other : Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri Lanka

I am aware that there are those in the USA that are against the LGBTQ community, label us and so much more but if we keep quiet, do not talk out against the hatred it will carry on and the sad part is that many LGBTQ more youth will commit suicide because of the pressure from those haters.

The reason I am talking out today is we speak out against animal abuse, protecting our pets, Domestic Violence, this is just as important as there are so many in the world that do not have a voice to speak out from fear so we need to be their voices.

So let us celebrate and this week Layla and I went to two Pride Parties, one had a Drag Queen who looked like Cher and sang her songs which was fantastic, a lot of laughter and fun and the other was a Pride Party at a Diving School, a pool party although Madam did not swim, it was just so much fun to be out and about celebrating this month with others. She is exhausted today from her busy week, I am too from pushing the stroller but it was worth it so this weekend we are taking it easy although she has a doggy birthday party to go to in one of the parks, photos will be shared next week.

Relaxing listening to Cher at the Pride Party

Waiting to go to the pool party

Happy Pride to those that celebrate and have a wonderful safe weekend

With a woof and love from Layla

13 Replies to “Why we celebrate Pride Month”

  1. You are such a sweet pup dear Layla and we’re glad that everyone can just be themselves where ever they may be or live. Your photos are adorable sweetie and thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Brian thank you for your kind words and support as always, she had a wonderful time and is tired today LOL. As always thanks for your Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and have a safe wonderful weekend

  2. Happy Pride Month, my friend! I never knew what the rainbow colors stood for, I thought it just meant diversity. I also never knew how members of the LBGTQ community were persecuted during the Holocaust – that makes it even more horrific than it was, which is unbelievable! I’m so glad you are not afraid to speak your truth, I really admire that. Another important point about domestic violence and pets is that so many victims won’t leave their abusers because they’re afraid to leave their precious pet with the vicious abuser. (As a survivor, I know you are well aware of this fact). Excellent post, thank you.

    • Cathy I am so happy you learned something as every day is a good day when we learn, we need to speak out and speak up for those that are suffering whether it is pets of humans as they do not always have a voice so we need to be theirs.

      I am sorry to read you are a DV survivor but like me you are fortunate to be free, sending you a big hug

  3. Thank you so much for explaining the background of Pride. Education is definitely needed. As they say, knowledge is power. So, thank you! I absolutely love the colors of pride and the meaning behind it is very insightful. Layla looks like she thoroughly is enjoying it all as well. She’s such a great pup! I can’t wait to see the doggie party photos! Have a wonderful Pride week!

    • Terri I am so happy you feel like me and learned something, sharing is learning from one and other, and I am so pleased you feel that way. Layla has had so much fun this week and will for definite share the pup party on next weeks blog. Thank you and have a wonderful week

  4. You and Layla had a busy week with Pride shows, parades, and a pool party! Glad you had fun and had the stroller in toe! No wonder you’re exhausted. Hopefully, you both can catch up on your rest this weekend.

  5. I am so glad the world of nature is able to share something the community can get behind, a beautiful rainbow! Love your you are so keen and ready to party. Hey senior girl – go for it!

  6. Miss Layla, you are the sweetheart princess of love and peace. <3 I love the pic of you on the rainbow sidewalk and that you got to attend some parties. I sure hope they made a big fuss over you! Your message of love is so needed in this crazy world today where so many hide behind their keyboard and spew hate against so many. I have always loved rainbows as a sign from heaven and loved ones, I do love that each color has meaning. I was not aware of that! You and your momma should be proud of your many messages of love and kindness.

    • Dorothy thank you so much for your kind words, the world is so full of hatred we need to speak out and spread the love and peace. The keyboard is a wonderful way to hide
      and spew the hatred as you stay invisible and that is so sad as the haters are not strong enough to face the reality. We have had a wonderful week and this week lying low. I love the meaning of the colors of the Rainbow as it speaks to all of us, Be safe with love from us

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