I have been busy.

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TGIF!!!! Another week gone in July and I seem to be getting busier each week, I might be old but keeping busy keeps me young, that is what Mom says.

Last Sunday we went to the Annual TriPawd picnic which was so much fun. Lots of people and dogs, and of course lots of treats. They had a band playing music which was pawsome while everyone ate their food, Mom’s friend Melissa came also to hang out with us so while they were chatting I was of course napping as that is what I love to do in the park. The grass was cold and damp so we were not hot at all plus I must not forget

It was National Ice Cream Day, so Mom had surprised me by buying me some ice cream which was yum. I shared it with my friend Grumble so we both had some. It was perfect for a hot day and Mom of course had her cold brew coffee which she is addicted to BOL. She adds Chocolate Mix with mushrooms so she claims it is healthy for her, giggling as she tries to convince herself all the time. You can read more about the mushrooms on the below link and it is worth getting.



Stealing the treats from Auntie

On Sunday night I cannot believe it, Mom left me at home alone grr as she went to see a Broadway Musical with Aunty, she got home late and I was not impressed, I had to pee so bad I had an accident on the carpet, Mom was not upset, took me out immediately and then cleaned the carpet and I got some treats and went back to sleep. Mom explained to me that sometimes she needs to go out and will always come home to me but as I have aged my anxiety has gone through the roof and do not like being alone anymore although in my younger years I loved my alone time.

On Tuesday I was spoiled and went with Mom and my favorite Uncle to my favorite restaurant, Palmyra for lunch. It is a Syrian restaurant where the food is so good especially my favorite, the chicken of course. There Mom has an addiction also, their garlic sauce which she sits and licks till everything is clean BOL, she is a funny Mom.  On the way home we went and sat in the park for a couple of hours, which was great as I wandered around sniffing everything, and of course I got treats from the treat people. It was such a fun day especially as I got to do what I love doing so when I got home my tummy was full and I was sleepy, so I took a nap.

Smile, I got chicken

Relaxing with a full tummy of chicken


Yesterday and today, we took it slow although Mom had errands to go to I stayed at home and relaxed, I was good and did not pee in the house so Mom gave me some extra treats as a thank you.  I don’t mind during the day but not at nights as it scares me.

Mom has decided that this weekend we are doing park time and relaxing only, she says she needs some downtime and fresh air although BOL when we in the park I love wandering around and Mom comes after me so I will not go far so she does not relax as such, it is the price she pays for taking me to the park but still does it, she is a glutton for punishment.

What are your plans this weekend? Please stay cool and hydrated as the heat can be dangerous.

With love and woofs

From Layla

10 Replies to “I have been busy.”

  1. WOW sweet Layla, you sure have been busy! The park day sure looks like a fun time and I’m glad you’ve been enjoying yourself. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Brian great to see you, thank you for your Blog Hop which I always enjoy plus reading your updates. We are enjoying the park as the weather has been fantastic plus it is so good for both of us. Have a wonderful weekend

  2. Wow, you are having an incredible and busy Summer! Not so much for us since we live in a climate that is hotter than Haites. We are melting every day with 90+ degree temps so there’s not much for us to do. It’s so nice hearing about your adventures and events in the park w/ friends. We can’t wait for Fall & Winter to arrive LOL!

    • Cathy I would be melting too and that is why I will not move from SF LOL. We are having fun and need it also it is good for Layla and I wish you were here with your two to have fun with us, Stay safe and cool and have a great week

  3. Wow Layla you have worn me out. I need to go and have a nap with you girl! i know the US has some severe temperatures in some places so you stay safe young lady!

    • Marjorie thank goodness SF is cool most of the time so we are fortunate, and like you I need a nap too but its great as it keeps her busy and healthy and me too although by the end of the day I am exhausted.

  4. Oh my, you are keeping busy! It sounds like you need a relaxing weekend to recover from a busy week and prepare for another busy week ahead. The photo of Layla smiling because she got some chicken at the Syrian restaurant is just adorable!!!! I absolutely love that photo! Try not to overdo too much this week. Maybe spread the fun out a bit more evenly. 😉

    • Terri I am planning to do exactly that and her photo for the chicken is one of my favorites also especially as since aging she does not smile as much as she used to but that plave she loves and the owners adore her also, Have a wonderful safe week

  5. Oh, Miss Layla, you have such fun things to do there! It must be wonderful to enjoy so many adventures with your momma! So many cute tripawds…it must have been so nice to be in the company of so many dogs! And ice cream – yum! My Huskies loved it when I suprised them with ice cream treats (it was their favorite!) I do so love reading about all of your adventures…now rest up, the weekend is not fare away for some more fun times with mom!

    • Dorothy we are so busy all the time but it is good for her also and having the stroller has made life so much easier. We are resting up today especially as yesterday we were out most of the day and Momma is exhausted LOL. Your Huskies were amazing and spoiled the way they should be and ice cream is a yum. It is amazing how strong the Tripawds are and how much we can learn from them. Stay cool and have a great week, Layla xxx

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