Halloween Memories

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Woof woof everyone,

With Halloween around the corner and we have been discussing this month Domestic Violence Awareness I am going to share with you one of my special memories of Halloween which was in the shelter.

When Mothers and kids run from the abuse many arrive with very little and have to start all over again. It is really sad to see these kids with a small bag with literally nothing inside and a Mother trying to soothe the child. The staff at the shelters are amazing and immediately step in with toys, clothing, hygiene items and whatever else is needed. I remember when I got to the shelter at night and was shown my room on the bed was a care package waiting for me with all the necessities to get me started. It is a comforting feeling to know you are being looked after and can finally breathe.

So when a holiday comes up like Halloween all the kids are treated to costumes of their choice donated by wonderful giving people and that way they do not have to feel left out when going to school or just walking down the road. The laughter and happiness in those moments is something money cannot buy. They also do get bags for their candy and of course lots of candy LOL.

I had Baby with me in the shelter at the time and there were Halloween dog parties in different pet stores so I decided to go get her a costume. I did not have much money and went to Goodwill and was lucky to find one that fits. I thought it was a space outfit until someone told me it was a fire hydrant ROFL, I fell off the bed laughing so much but she looked adorable in it.

So because we are on this subject we decided to skip the diary this week as we had a slow week and instead talk about trick or treating, or as Layla woofs treating only as she will not do tricks. You all know we love to support small businesses and when Jen approached us to give Layla Halloween treats I said yes for definite plus we decided to do a give away so one other dog can be spoiled too.

Layla was in seventh heaven when I opened the package, so many boxes beautifully wrapped and so many different smells, it was mind boggling for her as to where to start. I just sat back trying to take pics but she was moving too fast from excitement. She devoured a pumpkin looking one and wanted more but as she had not eaten her breakfast I said no and she will get another after dinner.

What I love about her treats is that they are all wheat, grain and soy free which really makes a difference when you have a dog with food allergies. The frosting is made of yoghurt with different flavors so in a way they are kind of healthy LOL. I will highly recommend these treats to everyone.

About Muddy Puppys :

They have the most Fun and Healthy Dog treats. All Natural, some Organic and some Grain Free. Decorated and Plain, Crunchy and Soft, Homemade / Handmade Gourmet Dog Treats. All made to order, and you can order custom or in bulk. Perfect gifts for your fur family.

You can read more about them on her Etsy Website :


The box of yummy treats give away prize :

Layla received hers as a wonderful gift from Jen whom we thank,

Good luck entering the Give Away which is open for the USA only.


Have a great week,
Woof with love from Layla

64 Replies to “Halloween Memories”

  1. My kiddos have costumes but not dressing up this year. We’ve had a VERY busy month and still running around so much! The treats look really yummy!!!

  2. i was going to dress the girls up as hot air pilots with a basket and a balloon, but that did not pan out,because they did not like the basket around their bodies. so i have to think of something else. i make new costumes every year, we do a theme.

  3. I have three dogs. My girl, Megumi, is going to be dressing as Supergirl. My two boys might just have to wear what they wore last year – Kenji wore a vampire cape and Seiji has a dinosaur head piece. I got one of my cats a costume this year, too, although she’ll only be having it on for a few photos. She’ll be a Day of the Dead cat.

  4. Holidays can be an emotional time for any of us, but I can only imagine what mother’s and their children go through at these times. It through wonderful, caring and thoughtful people like the ones at the shelter that help those in need and make a difference.

    • I know Kelly, it is heartbreaking and that is why the staff at these shelters are angels especially when it comes to the kids

  5. The staff, donors and volunteers at shelters can make such a difference in difficult times. My little rescue Kilo the Pug does tricks now because he loves attention and TREATS! He thinks Halloween Costumes are a bit of a pain but worth the treats for a quick photo. Those treats look great. Lucky Layla!

    • I agree with you they can. I saw Kilo’s costume earlier and he looked so cute as a bee. The treats are just amazing and Layla is loving them

  6. I can’t imagine how tough it is leaving everything behind and ending up in such a strange environment like the shelter. It’s encouraging knowing there are actually places that will accept animals, and what a comfort it must be. The treats look so fabulous I bet Layla can’t wait to get her paws on more!

  7. My Furbaby “Contessa” LOVE the treats from Muddy Puppys! She is usually SO picky, but she will gobble these treats up!!! I love to pamper my lil pup! I will be buyin LOTS more for Christmas gifts too!!! MuddyPuppys.etsy.com is where I got mine!!!!

  8. Baby does look adorable in that picture, what a funny costume! Those treats are so cute. They look familiar, I think we might have gotten some before, or else it was something very very similar. I have to be very careful with treats because my older dog has a lot of food allergies. I usually just make his treats myself, that way I know they won’t make him sick. It looks like Layla is excited about all those treats! Happy early Halloween.

    • She looked adorable but it was funny LOL. Those treats are amazing and I agree with you when it comes to food allergies rather be safe than sorry

  9. Those treats look and sound awesome! I bought a few costumes for the dogs but haven’t decided on which ones they are wearing. I got a cookie costume that is like a harness so should be more comfortable for the dogs who don’t like dressing up. I also got a unicorn and walrus costume ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Woww that is a box of beautiful treats I bet Layla was excited about it. Our pets are also part of Halloween and trick or treat I need to check these treats for my Bella. I bet she will love them

  11. Baby looked adorable as a hydrant! Layla hit the jackpot with her Halloween goodies this year, that’s for sure. I’m glad there were people at the shelter to show you some kindness at a time of need. You definitely pay that forward.

    • Lola they are just amazing in the shelters and thank you for the compliment – I loved Baby’s costume LOL and yes Layla did hit the jackpot

  12. I would think the holiday season is the hardest time to be in the shelter. Blessings to the people who make it as “normal” as it possibly be.

    I’m taking my cat to a Halloween themed show this year. I’m not going to decorate my cage space, but I think Plush will participate in the costume contest. I’m trying to decide between a bat, a pirate and a witch costume for him. Leaning toward the bat because it fits on just like his harness which he’s used to wearing. And I saw a super cute picture of a little black cat bat online. I don’t think we’ll win, people get REALLY into it, but it will be a new thing to do together.

  13. I remember your story about leaving an abusive situation and being at the shelter with Baby. That is really thoughtful that staff at the shelter take the extra step to help others feel a part of Halloween day. Oh my! Layla is one happy camper! Those treats look divine! Sharing this post as well! Good luck to the participants.

  14. I don’t have plans to dress my dogs up for Halloween. I have done it in the past a few times, though, for my one dog who didn’t mind.

  15. That is nice the children are able to get costumes and participate in Halloween when they are in a shelter. OMD! The fire hydrant story had me giggling. I’m not sure what the boys will be for Halloween. They may get photoshopped costumes. LOL! Those treats look incredible.

    • I think it so great also that the kids get to participate in Halloween. As for Baby’s costume I still giggle to this day over it. Cannot wait to see what you going to do with your boys. Good luck

  16. Bow-wow, you hit the Halloween treat jackpot, Layla! Those cookies sure do look yummy! Your story touches my heart. It is so good to know that there are other caring people out there helping others in their time of need. We all need to look out for one another. Your story about the spacesuit…oh my…I am still laughing! But I can sort of see it! My Huskies are not fond of dress up, but they do tolerate my putting on festive Halloween headbands and bandanas, and they will let me use cute props, like plush pumpkin they can chew up! BOL! Thanks for hosting the tasty giveaway! My pups are salivating at the thought of those Muddy Puppys!

    • Yes she did LOL and is in seven heaven, they are amazing treats and smell so good. I am happy you laughing with me over the costume baby wore LOL.

      It is great to see that there are caring people in the world

  17. Thank you for sharing your story with us, I’m so glad they made you feel safe and welcome when you arrived at the shelter. I hadn’t thought about that before. This box of Halloween goodies for dogs looks delightful! Icy and Phoebe would love it.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  18. Oops! I didn’t add what my dogs will be for Halloween in my comment. Phoebe will be a Mermaid and Icy is still working on hers…..
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  19. Thanks so much for sharing about the care package in the shelter and the Halloween costumes. I have some costumes that my kids outgrew a while ago, I’m going to look into donating them to a shelter.

  20. I loved Halloween as a child. As an adult I like participating in trick-or-treating with children coming to my home. However candy has gotten so expensive and people drop their kids off in droves in my neighborhood and it scares my cats, so I donโ€™t participate anymore. I loved the Halloween costume that Baby was wearing.

  21. We don’t celebrate Halloween. And I would not dress up my dog anyway. Living in the middle of nowhere, we don’t need to worry about any of the risks and stress either.

  22. We’re working on Lady Shasta being a
    Bee – maybe the queen bee? And Miss Maizie will be a Ladybug if I can get them both to cooperate.
    That is so great that the shelter tried so hard to bring a sense of normalcy to an otherwise totally not normal situation.
    I visited MuddyPuppys website – those treats as well as the Halloween giveaway treats look so yummy – I know my Ladiez would love some.

    • Kim I cannot wait to see the photos of the queen bee and ladybug ๐Ÿ™‚ I agree with you the shelters do so much to give the children a normal life it is just amazing. MuddyPuppys have amazing treats and highly recommend them

  23. O.K. I confess. We don’t dress up for Halloween in our house. The way things have been rather chaotic the last few weeks I didn’t even get out to PetSmart to pick up a batch of spooky cookies for her. I got a late start getting things in for winter this year so I’ve been a busy bee re-stocking the food pantry including lots of bags of dog food, and finally finding a pair of short winter boots to replace my old ones that kicked out after 20+ years. That way if we get snowed in we’ll all be warm & well fed. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Thank you!! ๐Ÿ™‚

        Yes, Sheba is spoiled. She rather confiscated the older recliner chair in the living room when we first got her 8 yrs. ago. It’s been her chair ever since. She sleeps on my bed with me at night, loves treats, play time, car rides, & enjoys walks around the yard (we have about 1/4 of an acre sized yard counting back & front).

          • I try!! ๐Ÿ™‚

            She can be a real lovebug when she wants to be. For example, earlier this evening while I was sitting on the couch she came over & put both paws up on the couch between my legs standing up on her hind legs, then took her right paw & wrapped it around my left arm exactly the way you’d hug a person. Then she rubbed her head on my chin & gave my face lots of puppy kisses, & yes I gave her face lots of kisses too.

            She’s also a hand holder. She likes to grab your hand with her paw & just hold it. What’s really cool is she’ll bend her paw around your hand exactly the way we humans do when we hold hands with another person. She’s got one heck of a grip too!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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