Woof it is me !!!!
October is coming to an end and although it means that Domestic Violence Awareness Month might be ending but it does not mean we must forget about Domestic Violence that happens daily all over the world and we must not forget the abuse the poor animals go through because of it. We must keep standing up for them and be their voices.
With our reminder of this awful daily occurrence below is a list those in this situation should try to remember to do, keeping a journal and having it all written down will make life easier when one runs as they will have proof. It is not easy to do but the more information you have the better.
Below is the National Domestic Violence website.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
We pray you will be safe and get away safely from the abuse.
Halloween is a fun holiday for kids but can be really frightening for pets and therefore we should take all the precautions to keep them safe.
Layla does not get dressed up as she is uncomfortable in a costume and her comfort comes first in my eyes although in the past LOL I did try so am sharing with you some of her pictures – but those days are long gone and now her costume is her dress harness which she seems fine in.
Below is a list of how to keep your pets safe during Halloween as they are part of our family and need to be.
So as this is the last blog for October and another month is beginning next week we would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween, do not OD on candies LOL and of course please keep your pets safe.
Woof with love from
Domestic abuse awareness needs to be everyday, not just for one month of the year. Thank you for the information for those that may find themselves in such an awful situation.
And Layla, you do look cute in your Halloween outfit
Kelly I so agree with you and that is why whenever I can speak about it I will and the information is important. Layla did look cute but she was not happy LOL
Thanks for all of the important tips! I have had family members who were victims of domestic violence. My heart breaks for women who are too afraid to leave a bad situation. We hope Layla has a fun Halloween!
Thanks Lola and so true if we keep speaking out they will hopefully get the courage to leave the bad situations.
Layla and I will be in the dog park till it becomes chaotic
I’m thinking Layla is not impressed with the tutu, but the safety tips are great!! While it’s wonderful there is an entire month dedicated to raising awareness for domestic violence, you’re right that it’s important to keep the conversation going and focused on this terrible ordeal. Absolutely makes sense to keep a journal so you have proof to take to the police. You’re making such a big difference in womens lives.
She is not impressed LOL. You are so right we need to keep this dialog going to help others
A really important message to keep sharing whatever the month. The more the light is shined on the darkness of domestic violence the better. Hope you and Layla celebrate a very happy Halloween and celebrate your freedom.
Holly thank you and you have a very good point, we need to speak about abuse all the time so that those in the situations are not forgotten.
Happy Halloween to you too and am loving my freedom
Domestic Violence month brings the topic front an centre, and that we can be thankful for. More know about it which is very important.
Layla is lovely, whatever it is she wears:-)
Marjorie thanks for the compliment and I loved putting her in the tutu but no more as she does not like it.
With the violence in the world today we have to speak up as I pray in the long run it will help
Thanks for sharing all these helpful tips this season as well as spreading awareness about Domestic Violence Awareness month. So many people talk about women escaping violence but forget often times pets are caught up and impacted too!
Kamira and that is why I am speaking out for those that do not have the voice.
While I wish people didn’t have to deal with domestic violence, it is really good information to have in case someone needs it! Thanks for sharing these Halloween tips!
My pleasure Beth and it is always good to be reminded
Great tips! I’m hoping that more domestic abuse shelters are opening up to people who have pets, it’s great that you’re raising awareness.
Thank you and I am praying the same that Shelters will help more
It’s great that you make sure Layla isn’t stressed by wearing a costume. Mr. N likes clothes but I think he’s in the minority. Happy halloween!
She is not happy today wearing them so I do not put them on her, it is the same with clothing, she likes to be nude LOL
I knew I forgot to mention something.
This dressing pets up malarkey. UGH! Sorry but unless your cat or dog is REALLY used to this kind of thing… NO NO NO!
I so so so agree with you
Wonderful post, Rochelle. I love your passion and compassion for people and pets. Great information here. Sharing.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Thanks Cathy and I hope there are those that can learn from this.
Thank you for the safety tips for Halloween. I guess I will turn off all the lights and go to the back of the house with the girls again this year.
Awwwwww but I know how you feel and thank goodness my apt building has a security gate so no one can get in, be safe
It is great to bring awareness to Domestic Violence and hopefully help more victims escape and recover (with their pets). Kilo also prefers running naked but doesn’t mind his harness or certain comfortable accessories. He will happily pose in some costumes briefly for a photo and treats (secret – I have usually cut up most things, especially shirts and they are placed around him loosely to look like he is wearing them – he loves treats and attention so much he actually races over and sits waiting but I never make him actually wear anything out except maybe his super comfy poncho if it is really cold). Good safety tips for Halloween.
LOL Kilo is quite a character and treats always work. Layla is ok with a harness and I do have a harness dress I might put on her for Halloween
THese are all great tips. Thank you for all the information you’ve shared this month about domestic abuse. You are making a difference. ♥
Thanks Melissa, I always say if I can help one I will be happy.
Thank you for all your advocacy for Domestic Violence, especially since it is very personal for you. Awareness and education is so important so no one ever feels they are alone.
And, boo to you, pretty Layla. I love your harness dress! My Huskies do not dress up either, although they will tolerate a hat or bandana if lots of treats are used to persuade them! Hmmm….I wonder who just got tricked for treats?!!
Have a safe and Happy Howloween!
Thanks Dorothy and I did not dress her up but did put her Devil hat on LOL, she looked adorable and got lots of treats. I don’t think many dogs do enjoy the costumes. Happy Halloween.
Thank you for your advocacy which is amazing too
The thing Jasmine hated about Halloween were all the people coming up to the door and ignoring her. Eventually, that would get upsetting to her. So while living down south, hubby would take the pups to the farm, away from the commotion.
I understand that totally and am sure many dogs feel that way, you were fortunate to have an option with them to make life easier.