Old Lady Quirks

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TGIF !!! Let the weekend begin and we hope there will be a bit of sunshine because the two old ladies of the Layla Neighborhood, Mom and Layla need some warming up.

And now we are sure why we called this blog Old Lady Quirks, it is because we are getting older and with age comes the new quirks, and bless Layla the list is growing. My vet laughed when I told her and all she said that is the aging process and I must get used to it. So as I do giggle over some of them I though we all need laughter in our lives so lets share and make a blog of them.

Layla is turning 12 this year and with it I have noticed :

01. She is afraid of the sound from the microwave and we live in a studio so now when I use it she hides in the bathroom, so there is a bed in the shower for her now.

02. She loves to sleep late in the mornings which is fine with me but once we are out she can walk the whole of San Francisco if she can, and will sit and be stubborn if she does not get her way. So we do a lot of zig zagging as she wants her way or it is no way, giving me a miserable look at the same time.

03. The dog park she is suddenly not comfortable going to as she does not like the clapping that some of the dog owners do although we are sitting away from them, this I am really working on as summer is around the corner.

04. In the evenings when I take her for her last walk at about 6 – 7, she loves walking around the supermarket parking lot, lots of smells LOL and we can do this like 6 times and then will walk past the entrance to go home, Madam trotting away all happy, me exhausted and hungry.

05. Thank goodness no food quirks phew as the above is keeping me busy as it it.

As you can see with age comes quirks, and some quirks means adapting your life to the old Lady’s needs which is becoming interesting on a daily basis.

 So on this quirky note, we hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, with a woof and love from Layla.

28 Replies to “Old Lady Quirks”

  1. Oh no poor Layla afraid of the microwave…bless her! Like you said, thankfully she’s still eating and the rest of her quirks just make her the unique pup that she is. Adds to her charm don’t you think!

  2. I have noticed that Bentley sleeps sounder than he used to but he is still ready to cause havoc in the yard if dogs or people dare walk by our fence when they are outdoors. BOL!

    • They keep us amused and on feet, would not change it and Bentley you cause all the havoc you want with Layla’s approval BOL

  3. LOL Layla…as I get older I like to sleep more too. And Shhh don’t say anything but I like the fresh bakery smells when I’m at the supermarket! 12 years strong and still living it up!! Go Layla!

    • LOL oops I forgot about the sleeping, and yes I love the fresh bakery smells in the supermarket also. She is going like Piss and Vinegar

  4. Bless her for being a healthy, happy 12 year old! Icy is 9 and she’s suddenly becoming sensitive to many sounds. It’s so weird! Hope you are having a great weekend.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    • Cathy I am lucky with her being healthy and happy same as I am sure you feel the same about Icy. The sound thing is something I am learning to deal with and poor Icy that she is going through the same thing, Have a great week

  5. Layla is looking good! I love that she is happy to circle the parking lot for a while. Nelly is also turning 12 in April, but I haven’t noticed too many quirks lately. She does seem to be a lot more playful now, but I think she is happy because, after a long gloomy and gray winter, we are getting some sunshine. I hope the two of you had a great weekend!

    • Thanks Beth and hope you have a great week, I am happy to hear Nelly is more playful that is great to keep the alert and busy.

  6. Oh, miss Layla, you look “mahhhvelous” (does anyone get that anymore? Am I aging myself?!)…you make almost-12 look wonderful! With three 11-year-olds and an 14-year-old pup, I, too, notice some changes and quirks as they age for sure! But, as long as they enjoy those sniffs and walks and food, (and our company), it’s all good!

    • I so agree with you, she is teaching us that aging can be beautiful and I feel the same as you, as long as she is happy and healthy all is good

  7. 100% agree that our senior pets teach us a lot about aging! We had my mom’s elderly 14 yo cat come to live w us after she passed. There was so much life in his last 18 months! Look at senior pets so differently now!

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