National Pet Preparedness Month

TGIF !!!!!!!

The days are going too fast and I cannot keep up anymore and wondering if everyone feels the same way.

The past week Layla has been ill. She hurt her neck, not sure how, but last Thursday she yelped when I was brushing her, so I checked her everywhere and thought I would just monitor it. Well on Friday she woke up from her afternoon nap to go out to potty but could barely walk, all hunched up and yelping again. So I carried her inside, nearly having a heart attack and called the vet clinic immediately and they told me to bring her in.

So that is what I did. You cannot go into the clinic but the vet tech comes out to get all details and then you wait for the vet. Three hours later they took her in to check her and by then I was freezing cold, hungry and stressed out. He checked her, not a vet I know, and then came out to me to ask some questions. He checked her vitals which thank goodness are good, and told me she has hurt her neck. I got pain meds for her plus an anti inflammatory and have had her on bed rest as such since then. I carry her outside to potty and then bring her back in. 

I am relieved she is eating and drinking phew. I also bought her chicken jerky to tempt her with food LOL. I had some other questions as I had been so confused with all on Friday night so emailed her vet on Sunday and she explained everything to me in easy English LOL. After that email I started relaxing more. Layla is on the mend, it is going to take time, she has yelped once since then and I am monitoring her daily. I emailed her vet again today as her meds are nearly finished and wanted to know how to move forward, he told me that if she yelps again I can get refills which is good to know.
So that is what is happening in our neighborhood.

June is National Pet Preparedness Month, a  reminder of what to do in case of an emergency or natural disaster.  It is also National Microchipping Month and they both are important and connect with each other.

Have you got an emergency plan for your pets ? I do and update it whenever necessary.

I have a close friend who will take Layla if something happens to me as I would not want her to land up in a shelter at her age especially. It is something that everyone should make sure is in order at all times and especially with what is happening at the moment with the virus.

Is your Microchip updated ? Please check so that they are safe.

Please stay safe everyone,  keep your pets safe 

With a woof and love from Layla