Another week in the Layla Neighborhood

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Woof to all our friends,

March has arrived and that means summer is around the corner which I am sure many of you are happy about.

In my neighborhood it has been warm, no rain which is pawsome although Mom is upset and says we need it. I will let her be right this time.

Gidget and Georgie have been spending time here playing like crazy and I am the referee and growl when they come close to me. I keep telling them I am an old lady and do not have patience for all the playing and jumping around so the growl puts them in their place.

You know the saying you can teach an old dog tricks well LOL I am still laughing over this, Layla in the 9 years plus that I have her has never chewed up or shredded a toy and last Thursday she did it so I think she has learnt from Georgie and Gidget.

Mom is loving having them, but as she says, with the water bowl flying everywhere and water all over the ground our floor is clean all the time BOL. 

They are keeping her busy and healthy as she is walking more than usual also and when they go out I hide in my box for some down time and then make her walk me without them. I have her well trained.

Today, has been a crazy morning for Mom, she cleaned the house (not sure why as the other two are here), a new mattress was delivered so she has loads of laundry to do now and she got me up early to get everything done. I am not really happy about that one as I need my beauty sleep.

I asked Mom what the plans are for this weekend and she told me she is not working and wants to go to the Tulip Festival which I am excited about  as that means riding on the bus woof doing happy dance. We will also be meeting another blogger and  her dog so I will be making a new friend and am excited about that one.  So Saturday is going to be a good day and Sunday no plans. What are yours this weekend ?
NOW something serious :

This month is Poison Prevention Awareness Month for us pets.
This is so important for us to remember and know about to keep us safe.
What is poison for us dogs :
1.    Chocolate
2.    Rodenticides
3.    Anti-inflammatory medications
4.    Xylitol (sugar-free gum & more)
5.    Grapes & Raisins, Onions, Garlic, 
6.    Antidepressant Medications and Stimulant Medications 
7.    Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol)
8.    Vitamin D Overdose
9.    Stimulant Medications 
10.  Fertilizers 

What is poison for our cats  :
1.    Lilies (Lilium species)
2.    Spot-on flea/tick medication for dogs
3.    Household Cleaners
4.    Antidepressant Medications
5.    Essential Oils
6.    Anti-inflammatory Medications
7.    Mouse & Rat Poisons (rodenticides)
8.    Stimulant Medications 
9.    Onions & Garlic
10.  Vitamin D Overdose  

And final list for all pets :
Autumn Crocus
Lily of the Valley
Sago Palm
Tulips and Hyacinths 

So please everyone, keep us safe and if something happens call the Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661 This is a 24/7 helpline and there is an incident fee of 59 dollars.

On this note, I have finished dictating to Mom and now need a nap,
Have a wonderful weekend Layla

18 Replies to “Another week in the Layla Neighborhood”

  1. Layla has been keeping busy! I love that she’s feeling her oats and tearing up a toy! Let us know what type of mattress you got – they are so hard to select. Thanks for the poison tips, will share!

  2. Spring is in the air here on the East Coast too. My pup and I are looking forward to running and playing at the park very soon.
    Poison prevention awareness month is very important and helpful to many pet parents getting ready for Easter and Planting spring flowers in the garden. Pets need to be carefully watched to stay safe. (From Ava Jaine – Dachshund Station)

    • Ava I cannot wait for spring and being outdoors again, I think we all need it. Yes with the holidays around the corner, spring included we need to revise everything and make sure our pets are safe.

  3. My dog once got into my wife’s medicine. We called Animal Poison Control (not sure if that’s the same number you provided). They were super helpful and advised us to take her (the dog, not my wife) to the 24-hour emergency vet for overnight observation.

    Nothing came of it – my dog never showed any signs of being poisoned – but it was still super scary.

    • Joe I am sure it was scary and am so happy that your dog was safe, it is so important to remember to take precautions and know what to do if something happens

  4. You sure do stay busy! We are hoping to go to the bluebonnet festival. They finally opened a tulip farm close by too. They are my favorite flower and to see fields of them is so exciting. Thank you for joining the Pet Parade.

    • Hi Melissa and good to see you, thank you for the Pet Parade. I love tulips and a festival makes your eyes go wild with all the colors, cannot wait to see the photos of your bluebonnet festival, wow it must be beautiful.

  5. Layla wears me out with her enthusiasm and zest for life. I laughed when I read about her keeping the two pups in their place with a growl – Attagirl, you tell ’em 🙂

    I know there are so many things that people honestly don’t know poison our pets. Thanks for your comprehensive list. You could save a life here!

    • Thanks Marjorie and little Missy has a big mouth when necessary, it is quite funny to hear her. I feel that this keeping our pets safe has to be spoken about a lot more plus there should be more information on labels on all products, not only for pets but kids also

  6. Sago palms are often sold at big box stores as house plants. And usually just labeled as palms which overall are safe. Hopefully the labeling will improve.

    Enjoy the tulip festival and meeting your new friend.

    • Thanks Emilia and we did not go in the end to the Tulip Festival because of the rain. I agree all plants should be properly labelled not only for pets but for kids too. We had a great meeting with our friend and will share more on our blog this week

  7. So important to protect our babies in the same way many humans do their two-legged kids. I had a boss upset with his dog because she got into a bottle of ibuprofen. He called her a stupid dog. I said “how stupid are you to have the ibuprofen in a place where the dog could get it.” Accidents happen but many accidents are preventable.

    • I agree we are the ones that should be taking the precautions to protect them and when accidents happen I blame the humans 90% of the time

  8. Henry agrees with you, Layla, those youngsters need to be respectful of their elders and give us our space! We finally got to enjoy a beautiful spring-like day yesterday. Still lots of snow on the ground, so no danger of getting into things that aren’t good for us quite yet.

    • Henry Layla sends you a woof for agreeing and I think Spring will be here early this year. It is always so important to keep them safe 🙂

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