Lock Down means Give Away

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Woof hello friends,

How are you all doing ? Are you going crazy with the lock down the way I am ? I would love to know.

While we all complain about it at the back of my mind I always think of the poor animals in zoos that are on lock down 24/7 and therefore feel I should shut up and focus on how lucky we are.

This week has gone fast and funnily enough with the lock down we actually have been quite busy.

On Sunday I finally managed to get Layla in for her annual check up, I cannot believe she is nearly 13 years old.  All is good with her but unfortunately she is starting a cataract on her right eye now, so her sight is slowly going.  The vet told me to watch it and if it starts bulging we will discuss what to do.  So I am taking each day as it comes. When we went, a technician came out to fetch her, bring the forms to fill in and then he took her in. The vet called me afterwards to tell me everything plus she left a phone message so I could listen again at home. It was traumatic for Layla not being with me for those 30 minutes but I knew she was in good hands so relaxed. I think vets all over the country are doing amazing work under the circumstances today and a big thanks to them.

The weather warmed up for a couple of days so I took advantage of being able to sit in the park under a tree on an island as I call it, my blanket and relax out doors which has made a difference in Layla also. We are all really good in the park keeping safe distances. Layla was also excited as she got to see her friend Lucy, one of the only dogs she kind of plays with LOL, so it was good for her and me. I feel recharged as such which is a great feeling.

Now for the important, with everyone inside and looking for different treats, toys and other goodies for our pampered pooches we, Raw Paws Pet Food and Layla decided to do a give away this month for 5 lbs of raw frozen chicken neck bones. Layla loves them, they keep her busy, she walks around the house with them, has buried one under my pillow, LOL ewwww.  They are healthy and keeps her happy. I am a big fan of Raw Paws Pet Food and I give Layla their supplements also and swear by them.  If you want to keep your pets happy I suggest you check their products, being a Jewish Mom if I suggest something you know it is good.

Its a big big bag which means lots of chewing fun worth $ 33.99 and now on sale 
for $ 23.99

And don’t forget when you shop there if you use the coupon Layla15 you get 15% off your shopping, and with todays’ economy every penny counts.

Link :  hhttps://www.rawpawspetfood.com/

Raw Paws Pet Food also decided to donate some of their food to a rescue organization of my choice also, so I chose Dreams. I love companies that keep rescue organizations in mind, they are the better companies.

Who is Dreams :

DREAMS has been dedicated to saving seniors out of central valley shelters since 1998. SO far DREAMS has been keeping things small due to limited income. With so many seniors in need after 15 years of being a private sanctuary we have started working on non profit status in California. Where when money permits we can rescue many senior or disabled animals in need. We are striving to be a hospice sanctuary for critical seniors in their last months. We have around 40 acres in the foothills of central California where our home sanctuary is located. We are a no cage, roam free home for senior animals in need.  

I personally know Danielle, and knowing her if she had the financial means she would be rescuing more on a daily basis. Danielle has a heart of gold, between her Sanctuary and homeless people in the town where she lives, she helps wherever possible, amazes me on a daily basis and never stops. 

Below is the Give Away App to enter :

Link :http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/7d1ec19c50/?

We have been sponsored by Raw Paws Pet Food for this give away and it is for the USA only. Please note you have to be over 18 to enter.

Layla and I are at this moment listening to the daily afternoon Melissa Etheridge concert which is awesome as what can be better than rocking out while blogging, and on that rocking note, good luck to all those that enter, and please be safe 

With a Woof and Love Layla 

26 Replies to “Lock Down means Give Away”

  1. My dog would love these!! I had a baby recently so my dog needs something special to spoil him while he adjusts to a new human in the house!

  2. I did not know Melissa Etheridge was doing a concert every day. That’s amazing. I’ll have to look for it.
    Life hasn’t changed too much for us. My husband has been retired since last summer and he worked from home anyway. My part-time job is essential but I work from home. The only difference is how I do the shopping and how it heightens my touch-and-go social anxiety.
    The most important thing for me is maintaining as much of a routine as I can, especially for Bella, and getting her out to places where we can enjoy Mother Nature’s bounty.

    • Angela I just read your blog and the hike seemed amazing, I am loving the Melissa Etheridge concerts and they are on Facebook so it is easy to watch. Be safe

  3. I’m sure glad Layla had a pretty good check up and my goodness, Danielle is sure doing some wonderful things with her rescue. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway. My boys already eat raw so the necks would be a welcome addition to their regular diet. I’m sorry about Layla’s eye. Hopefully it doesn’t progress too quickly. I know what you mean, my oldest dog is 11 now and I don’t know where the years went! My Kit has to go to his vet next month and I’m kind of hoping that things are more back to normal and I’m able to go inside with him. I know him going in without me will make him and I both more nervous, even though I do trust the vet of course. Stay safe!

    • Michelle my pleasure about the give away, Layla is loving the necks and that is why I thought we have to share so others can taste and enjoy also. It was scary leaving her with the tech and sitting outside but I also decided that she knows the vet, knows the place and is in good hands plus because she is aging I wanted to make sure all is okay. I am looking at her losing sight as it could be worse and we will cross every bridge as we come to it. Stay safe all of you !

  5. My dogs would love these chicken necks. We have been out hiking and backpacking during this time. I’m a hospital maintenance worker and going on adventures with Artie and Bowie is keeping me sane. Thanks for hosting the giveaway, as all our pets are helping us focus on the positive in our lives.

  6. How cool that she is doing a concert. This must raise spirits so much! Our orchestra is doing amazing things here in New Zealand which is fantastic.

    I am glad you were able to get out. Being inside with no option for a breath of air must be extremely challenging and tough. We can walk here and, like, you, I find it a way to get balance and keep sane.

    • Marjorie I wish your concerts were at an hour that I am awake LOL, I would love to hear them. Melissa concerts are great, a wonderful half hour each day to forget all. As for the park, it was the best medicine for both of us and now that the sun is coming out here and there am trying to take her to get some relaxing time.

  7. I’m glad that you were able to take Layla to the park and she played with Lucy. Hopefully, Layla’s cataract doesn’t give her any problems.

    • I am also grateful we were happy to get out for a bit so she could see some friends, it is good for her. As for her cataracts we are monitoring them, that is all we can do. Stay safe

  8. Having almost all seniors, I genuinely appreciate the excellent work done by DREAMS. I’m glad Layla was able to get her annual appointment. It’s incredible how organizations/services have adapted to this new world. Enjoy your time outdoors (we’re expecting another blast of snow).

    • Awww Sadie, stay warm and Dreams does an amazing job.It does amaze me how people / organizations have adapted to the new norm as such and I was really grateful she managed to see the vet, Stay safe

    • I hope so too but with age things happen and we have to learn to live with it also. I am also relieved that vets are essential and that they saw her.

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