National Disaster Preparedness Month plus Give Away

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TGIF !!!!!!!

Good morning all my friends and how are you all doing ? 

Over here in the Layla neighborhood we are still indoors most of the time because of the smoke in the air and I told Mom it is getting boring BOL.

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month for everyone and although it is in June for pets I personally think doing it twice a year reminds us to make sure we are prepared.

This is such an important month as with what is happening all over the world we need to be prepared especially for our fur babies as they depend on us in every way to keep them safe.

We always remind everyone to check their emergency bags, make sure they are up to date and nothing has expired, check our pets microchips, documentation and that the bag is ready to be picked up and we can go.

While I was checking our bag I started thinking about things I felt were missing for Layla so we decided to do a review on some new products by Tropiclean to add to our bag.

I am always looking for natural products, no chemicals where possible and these are really amazing and happy to share with you all. I am going to confess that Layla is a Tropiclean dog LOL as I use most of their products on her as they are safe, and with her allergies work really well.

01. Flea and Tick Spot on Treatment, Layla is a roller in the park, nothing like rolling on the lawn and I always worry about fleas and hate all the chemical flea products on the market so I tried their flea and tick spot treatment which is made from Cedarwood oil, Peppermint oil and Almond Oil. Since I put it on her I have not seen any fleas and she is not scratching, phew. 

Madam Roller :

I also want to add that they have flea and tick prevention products for your house and yard.

02. Oxymed Soothing Pet Wipes, love these as they are easy to put in my purse or have in my emergency bag and they help with itching and hot spots. They are made with purified water, glycerol, mild coconut cleanser, oatmeal extract and fragrance.

03. Waterless Dog Shampoo, it is deep cleansing and no rinse formula. It smells of Berry and Coconut so Madam smells very fruity.  The ingredients are purified water, mild cleanser, hydrolyzed plant protein, organic blend of while plum extract, cucumber extract, avena sativa oatmeal.  It also does not affect spot on flea and tick treatment either. This is a great product to have in my emergency bag as it does not need water and for those that go camping I feel it is a must also.

04. Tangle Remover, this is important to have for those dogs that get matted. It is a no rinse formula and for Madam who hates water this is just perfect.  Like the waterless dog shampoo it does not affect spot on flea or tick treatment.The ingredients are Purified water, hydrolyzed plant protein, organic blend of chamomile extract, kiwi extract, mallow extract, awapuhi extract, proprietary cationic emulsion, fragrance and vitamin E. Another one I will be putting in my emergency bag.

What I love about the Tropiclean products are they all made in the USA and are cruelty free. Plus for all cat parents they have fantastic cat products too.

Their link is :

I have been sponsored by Tropiclean and this Give Away is open for participants over the age of 18 and in the USA only.

Enter on the widget below :


Layla woofs good luck to everyone entering as she has put her paw stamp of approval on all these products and now she is going back to bed.

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone Be safe with a woof and love from Layla 

43 Replies to “National Disaster Preparedness Month plus Give Away”

  1. no, i am not really prepared, still dealing with water damages from last sept. because of my terrible insurance company. i do try to keep all of their things together, packing a separate tote and keeping a crate in the house. i also keep things in my car for emergencies.

  2. I think we are pretty well prepared for both humans and animals should a disaster happen. I firmly believe in having an extended supply of food and water, plus we have a generator. Praying we never need to use all that.

  3. What a great reminder to be sure ourselves and our babies are ready for emergencies! I check our bags with the change of seasons as I carry a cooling mat and cooling harness in warmer weather and sweaters and fleece and body heat reflecting mats in cooler weather. This year we’ve gone through SO much Benedryl I don’t have to worry about checking the expired dates. But will be sure to put their things in order again soon as we plan to travel in state.

  4. Oh, Layla sounds gorgeous! Bless her. Thank you for your suggestions for ideal products to add to an emergency bag. I hope you never actually have to use that bag though!!

  5. The waterless dog chshampoo sounds like a great product that we could use here! Our dogs are avid campers and outdoors loving pups – but too much time outdoors means stinky puppies lol! That being said, it’s hard to bath a dog camping without creating damaging grey water that’s hard to keep contained to dispose of appropriately. I’ll have to check this out!

  6. I’m semi-prepared. Luckily I live where we don’t have hurricanes or earthquakes or things like that. I recently got a new bag I’ll be setting up for my furbabies, and always have a crate for my cat where I can grab it in an emergency.

  7. We take for granted the safety of living in a relatively benign climate for disasters. Even with wildfires encroaching on our area a little bit closer every year. We have often discussed an emergency preparedness kit but we never seem to get around to it.

  8. Being prepared is so important. And it is even more crucial to include our dogs in the plans. When this pandemic was starting, I figured we better get a stash of some necessary food and supplies. And I bought freeze-dried food for Cookie–dog MRI.

  9. This is a great reminder, especially with all the stuff that is happening now! I realized that I need to add my dogs’ heartworm preventative to our emergency kit.

  10. Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve been wanting to try Tropiclean products for awhile now. We’re pretty prepared for emergencies, thankfully. We’ve had to evacuate our house quickly before thanks to a carbon monoxide leak, and back during hurricane sandy we lived in an area that was hit really hard. We went over a week without power. We keep a complete emergency kit for us and the pets stored in our car, so if we ever have to get out quickly all we have to do is put everyone in the car and go. The only thing I want to work on is getting a solar generator, but they are expensive so it’ll probably take me awhile to be able to buy it.

    • Michelle that is great that you are prepared and am sorry you that you have gone through emergencies, the Tropiclean products are amazing and I call Layla a Tropiclean Baby LOL, good luck

  11. We are semi prepared. We’ve been evacuated b4, because of fire. Make sure you have a toy for your pets, as well as a blanket they like. Abby our Golden doesn’t like water so we do us the waterless cleaners. Thank you for the reminders!

    • Isabella I love the waterless shampoo as it is so easy to use plus for our emergency bag it is awesome, I am always spreading the word about safety that is one of
      reasons I blog

  12. Thanks for sharing! I feel prepared if I need to leave with my pets but there are always those few things that you don’t really think of. I will have to go through our packed bags again to double check!

  13. Pingback: Does Your Dog Have A Disaster Plan? | The Dog Affect

  14. This is a wonderful post. These are things I didn’t think about including in my article, so I included a link to this article. ( does your dog have a disaster plan)

    I love your blog and the beautiful pictures of Layla.

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