The sun has been shining and Madam is happy

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Hi and woof to all my friends,

The sun has been shining which has been pawsome as Mom and I have been out and about walking a lot BOL and went on adventure.

Mom has come to the conclusion when we are out walking I want to walk to South Africa as I make her walk about 6 or 7 blocks each time, uphill and downhill and off we go. She does not realize that excluding me needing to potty there are lots of smells and pmail to check along the way and shhh don’t tell her but I drag her in the direction where all my treat uncles are so I can get a snack along the way.

Last Saturday we went to the Shi Tzu meet up in another dog park. It was chilly and windy but also nice to be out although I told Mom I do not like dog parks anymore, too much going on and it scares me so am not sure if Mom will take me again. I sat on Mom’s lap most of the time while she chatted with the hoomans and was so happy to go home when the time came. I do love travelling on the bus and trams but that is different as I feel safe in my backpack and Mom carries me.


Tomorrow I am going to my Uncles garden and really excited. I love that garden as its only me, no chaos and just sniff and wander around while Mom chats with Uncle and they drink tea.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment, keeping Mom on her toes and BOL I think she is losing some weight from the long walks.

Before I forget it is my gotcha day next week so Mom is going to do a give away for some yummy treats and food for someone lucky dog.


Be safe and have a great weekend

With a woof and love from



12 Replies to “The sun has been shining and Madam is happy”

  1. Sun? What’s that, lol! We are gearing up for another major snow storm this weekend, so can’t relate to your nice weather. But that’s ok, the bitter cold and snow in the winter makes the spring and summer feel that much nicer. Happy early gotcha day!

    • Michelle I have been reading about the cold and would love some LOL although Layla would freak out. Thank you for your wishes and will pass the on to her. Stay warm

  2. Oh, how exciting – your Gotcha Day coming up!!! Sending over some early happy wishes to you, Miss Layla! You’re doing a great job of walking Mom, and I am sure she really appreciate your checking on her. Honestly, I am slow and loved how my Wolfie was too (especially for a Husky). He was just my speed, although at times he, too, had to stop and look and wait for me. So you can walk me if you like! I need slow. And you have green grass and a beautiful view…we have snow and ice, oh and snow and ice….

    • LOL Dorothy she walks me non stop like an energizer bunny. I sometimes want to walk slow but no chance with her. The weather here has been amazing although I personally could
      do with some cold weather – I love the cold although am not sure Layla would like snow and ice. Stay warm

  3. I love the “peemail”. I’ll have to remember that one. I’m glad Layla is keeping you busy and well exercised. There’s a lot to do and see when you’re a pup in a city with so many smells. I hope you enjoy the warm weather in your uncle’s garden. Have a great week!

    • Terri there is lots to smell in the city and a half hour walk normally takes an hour with all the sniffing LOL but she is happy and that is all that counts. We had a great
      time in her Uncles garden with lots of smells but hoping for some cold weather for a couple of days.

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