Gotcha Give Away

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Friday has arrived, first week in February and Mom has been celebrating my Gotcha Day the whole week. Some of my friends know my story and how Mom found me but am going to share again.

When my fur sister passed away, Mom was with no fur kid and hated coming home to an empty house so after three months she decided to start looking again for a new rescue fur kid. My Uncle was in Los Angeles on business and his friend who lives there is a rescuer offered to help me, she is now my Aunt Cindy. Mom saw me on PetHarbor, emailed Aunt Cindy who went to the Carson Shelter, met me, called Mom and the rest is history. It was an online love affair.

Every year we celebrate my Gotcha Day with lots of treats and my favorite Costco Chicken, yummm, it is the one day in the year Mom does not watch my weight.

It has been 11 years since Mom rescued me, I am now about 14+ years old and Mom has become really strict with my diet, making sure I eat healthy and as she cooks for me my diet has to be very well balanced.

I have been eating Dr. Harvey’s Holistic Dehydrated food for some time but when Mom read about the Paradigm, a green superfood mix she knew she had to get it for me as it is made with 6 dehydrated vegetables, plus herbs and multi vitamins. It has not starchy vegetables or grains so it helps me keep my weight. It is easy to prepare, you mix the food with hot water, add fish oil, let it stand for about 8 minutes and then add the protein you want to add.

Mom also decided to get me some of Dr Harvey’s treats which I love and will never say no to, she got for me a bag of the dehydrated Wild Alaskan Salmon Bites and because Valentines Day is around the corner what could be better than a bag of dehydrated Chicken Hearts. A great way to show your love for each other.

Layla chomping on her new treats can be seen on this video :   

Dr. Harvey’s link to read more :

There is a coupon for 10% : LaylasWoof10

So, to celebrate my Gotcha Day and Valentines Day we decided to share these goodies with my friends and are having a Giveaway.

The Giveaway is for US residents only, you must be over 18 years old to enter. 

We were given these products to review by Dr. Harvey’s.

Below is the link to enter and we wish everyone good luck.

Now am going to finish my dinner and everyone please be safe and stay warm.

Woof with love from Layla

24 Replies to “Gotcha Give Away”

  1. Happy Gotcha Day! and hope that you have many, many more. my girls would love to try these. thanks for the contest. I think both of you lucked out finding one another.

  2. i do home cook for my oldest because she has liver disease and is on a very restricted diet. i use to have 3 gals and cook for them all, but it got a little much. my youngest gets half and half.

  3. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Layla, we didn’t know your story, what a nice way to be Gotcha’d. We’ll pass on the giveaway since we’re not pups! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Brian thank you for you wishes and yes our story is very special to me, I will try next time to do a give away which includes something for your cats.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day Ms. Layla! I love the story of your Gotcha Day. It’s a good thing to celebrate such a day. While my dog, Henry, has never tried (to the best of my knowledge) Dr. Harvey’s products, they look like something he’d really like. He especially loves salmon. Seems like the smellier, the better. I’ll have to look at getting him some Dr. Harvey Salmon Bits.
    Pets to Layla for her Gotcha Day!

    • Thanks Terri and Dr. Harveys food and treats are amazing, there is a coupon on my blog for you to use also. Henry will love them and I agree the smellier the better LOL

  5. Happy Gotcha Day and here’s to many, many more. We love Dr. Harveys and I don’t have to worry about any of the ingredients.

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