Dogfest is over and it was fun

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TGIF!!! Good morning friends, wow what a weekend last weekend and thank goodness we had a sort of quiet week.


Layla is still not well, we have a good day and then a bad day so we taking each day as it comes and as my vet said to me she is over 18 years old so it takes time to heal from infections but what is worrying me is she is not eating the way she did in the past. I have been giving her Entyce which stimulates an appetite but it is not working so she is now on Nutrical which is a gel full of nutrients so am hoping it will build up her immune system again. Time will tell.

So, let’s get on with some fun, DogFest. As I told you in my last blog this is an annual fundraiser for an Elementary School, it is a day full of fun, dog costume shows, Lots of booths with dog food, treats, accessories and then so much more. As you all know I ran the booth for Real Mushrooms and yes Layla was with me. I had borrowed a pen from a friend and put a blanket in it so she was comfortable, able to move around plus have her water and food there. She munched on  lots of treats instead of her food but I decided as long as she is eating that is all that matters. I had big baskets of the table with Relax Chews and Immune System Chews for your pets. Bless San Francisco you always have the weirdos also like some that asked me if the mushroom chews were psychedelic mushrooms LOL or the best of the best was a woman walking around with a shopping cart, stopping at my table, picking up the basket to put all the samples in her basket, and when I stopped her and told her she could only have on of each she cursed me and on top of it does not even have pets. In a nutshell it was an exhausting day and by the time I got home I needed to take my shoes off and put my feet up. Layla and I slept all Sunday to recharge our batteries.

Layla in her pen, I put my jacket over to give her some shade as it was warm

THe red carpet for the dog events

Even a cat came

The food truck with treats and other goodies for the dogs

Love this hat

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence always volunteer

Fun in the park this week

So that has been our week, taking it slow, going to the dog park to enjoy the sun and of course all the every day things also.

And before we go to bed we must not forget this Sunday is Mayday for Mutts – Mayday for Mutts is a special holiday celebrated on the first Sunday of May to spread love and acceptance for mixed-breed dogs.

My beautiful happy Mutt, Layla

We hope you have a wonderful week, be safe as always


With woof and love from



15 Replies to “Dogfest is over and it was fun”

  1. I can imagine how exhausting it was, especially having to deal with some members of the public. I know how much you love those products, so hopefully you’ve helped introduce lots more people to such helpful supplements for their dogs. Glad Layla had a comfortable place to rest, and still be part of the fun.

    • Thanks Hindy and I have to look at the funny side when it comes to those people, absolute Chutzpah LOL. I was very blessed to have Layla with me in a safe place as she
      loves being outdoors and having fun

  2. Sweet Layla, I’m sorry your still not feeling well sweetie, we all send lots of gentle hugs and love your way. Dog Fest looks like it was a fun time. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Terry I am praying also she will get well soon thank you. Dogfest was so much fun and exhausting but I love doing it. Thank you so much for your Thankful Thursday Blog Hop as always, have a great weekend

  3. I’m so sorry Layla wasn’t feeling well, but she is an elderly Princess after all. She will have those bad days. Dogfish sounds wonderful! Too bad that one greedy witch had to show up – there’s always one selfish person who only cares about getting something for themselves. I’m glad you spoke up & didn’t let her ruin the event for you! Great job representing Real Mushrooms!

    • Cathy she was miserable that day but got totally spoiled. I love Dogfest and it is such a great fundraiser for the school and so much fun. You always have one greedy person who tries to get everything and I am giggling over it now. Real Mushrooms are the best and getting the word out was great.

  4. Ruth, you do not know me, but I work with Terry at the Cat Blogosphere and he told me that Layla was not doing well … please see the email I’ve sent to you today (Sunday) as I understand she did take a turn for the worse, and I’m so very sorry … we would like to honor her on your behalf.

    • Wow, a very big crowd. I hope you had a good time. Unfortunately there are weirdos abd rude people everywhere. I bet some of them tried some cbd dog chews to see if they could get high. Hopecyou got some well deserved sleep.

  5. Lovely adventure with sweet Layla at your side. I admit, I read this through tears knowing it was her last big adventure. What a great buddy she’s been to you and you to her. As you’ve said in the past, you both needed each other and that definitely was proven time and time again. I will miss hearing about her weekly adventures and seeing the latest sweet photos of her. I’m sending you lots of hugs and love.

    • Terri thank you for your kind words, I am going to miss them also as it got me out of the house but she was tired and I could not watch her suffer. She was my rock and so much more and will be missed by many. Hugs and love to Henry from me

  6. It sounds like it was quite a day! I’m glad Layla got to join you and get spoiled the whole time! I wish dogs could live forever

    • Tiffany it is my favorite event in San francisco and so much fun. Layla got totally spoiled that day and I agree I wish they would live forever

  7. I always love all of sweet Miss Layla’s adventures, and DogFest is no exception. I wonder, do all those folks who greet her know they are in the presence of a celebrity pup? Layla has a wonderful legacy of showing what fun things a senior dog, who happens to be blind, can do! It’s amazing and very inspirational.

    I spy with my eye…a Husky at the doggie food truck!

    What a memorable day – so fun!

    Sending this with warm hugs. xo

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