Wednesday Woofles

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Good Morning,

It is a hot sunny day today so Mom told me we going to spend part of the day in the park to take advantage of it as soon winter will be here with the rains.
Plus Mom is like a zombie at the moment from the day light savings and is a bit grumpy so the park sounds tempting BOL.

We had a very busy weekend this past weekend, Saturday Mom volunteered and I slept and Sunday we went on an adventure.

Every year Pawtrero BathHouse & Feed Co. have an amazing event closing off Brannan Street for most of the day. It is a fun event with vendors, dogs in costumes and of course different rescue organizations plus Animal Control.

They have two stores in San Francisco and their mission is to educate us about the nutrition of food for our pets. So the vendors there had really good foods and treats for us to learn about. I came across one or two that I had not heard about so it was awesome to see what is new on the market. Plus of course Layla had the time of her life tasting treats and freeze dried foods

Pawtrero BathHouse

They had a garden with BBQ’s going for us tired hungry humans which is organized and run by the Delancey Street Project Organization which helps ex convicts start their lives over – a brilliant project and one I fully support.

So while wandering around I came across a vendor that has one of the cleverest products for those of us that like to be outdoors with our dogs and they were kind enough to give us one.

It is called Poochables To Go – and what it is is a pet food and water travel system all in one. How it works if you have a food bowl attached to the bottom of the water bottle but the water bottle sits in a long bowl also. Easy to carry and easy to use. See the photo below. I have used it in the park with Layla on Monday and found that it was very convenient and would highly recommend it to anyone that is looking for something simple when outdoors or hiking.

If you are interested in looking more into it this is their website :


This coming weekend Mom has told me we doing no adventures but going to be sleeping, eating and park time as she needs to relax BOL as she feels she is getting old.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood, it is all good, happy and full of laughter and fun.

Have a great week all,
With woof and love from Layla

38 Replies to “Wednesday Woofles”

  1. Sounds like a fun event Layla. You’re one lucky pup getting to sample so many delicious food and treats, and it seems to be a regular event. When we used to take day trips with Red and Jack, or even just a couple of hours at the beach, because Red ate so often there was always a knapsack with food and water bowls, snacks etc. That food and water bottle combo looks like it would have been a perfect and less cumbersome solution.

    • Hindy it is a wonderful combo and really does make my life easier. I love the events as I love to see what is on the market as it saves me then sitting online all the time LOL.

  2. That event looks like it was fun. There are a lot of dog events and festivals in Seattle and one year I tried to go to all of them. Now I don’t have time to go to most of them but try to go to 1-2 a year that benefit animals.

    • Jessica there is so much to do and I try to keep Sundays open where possible to do something with Layla, now the events are over and winter is around the corner we are going to be inside more. All the events in SF have rescues which for me is so important

  3. Looks like lots of fun! We have something similar to the Poochables product, but not the same brand. It’s awesome for trips to the park. I like to bring my dogs water from home since I’m not always sure if the places we go are going to have water fountains etc where we could get water for the dogs.

    • It makes so much sense I make to sure to carry water with me all the time also as it is really important plus as you say rather be safe than sorry. I had a similar one to the poochables but it did not have the bowl at the bottom and was smaller so am really happy with this one

  4. No BBQ for the pups? I bet they would love it, although it’s probably not best for them.

    My wife and I like to hike with our dogs a lot. We’ll have to check out that Poochables.

    • LOL nope no BBQ for pups but they have so much treats there they don’t need it. I highly recommend the poochables as it makes life so much easier for hiking or just being out.

  5. Sounds like a fun event! Also, sounds like San Francisco has many cool dog-friendly events. I love the Poochables To Go Product. We have something like that for water, but doesn’t have the clever food bowl attached.

  6. Your community always has such fun events. This store sounds wonderful, I see they like to be a part of the community. Those two signs are great! Glad you two had fun.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    • Lindsay so true it is fun to see what is happening in the industry and now will have to wait for next year as I think this was the last event

  7. Okay, I’m a little jeally at how many fun things you have to do there and all the great adventures you go on with Mom! Nothing happening here!

    I’m with your Mom…I have not caught up to the time change yet. Funny how one little hour can really throw me off! (And I’m not liking the early darkness. Makes me feel like the day is so much shorter)!

    • I know that feeling with it being darker earlier, means less time in the park also as Layla does not like the dark outside. We are lucky with all the free events but I think the luckier people are the rescue organizations that have so many that they can participate in to help find homes for the animals

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