New Year is around the corner

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Hello fur friends and human friends,

Christmas is over and New Years Eve is around the corner. The pets nightmare as I call it as so many are afraid of the stupid fireworks and that means pets getting lost.

I have spent the whole morning trying to update Layla’s microchip as I got a new phone and number and it is a nightmare. I contacted Avid as I thought that is where she was registered to be told she is not, LOL, the first thing I did when I got her I registered her. So I went digging in her files and emails from the day of her arrival, thank goodness I have a Layla file on gmail and found that she is registered to another company called PetChip I checked that company and all is good there with her profile etc but Avid is saying it is one of their microchips so she should be registered with them.

So have emailed that company and now waiting for a reply from them with the update of the new number.

This has totally confused me and have decided to leave it as is at this moment. Layla thank goodness is like velcro in the park and wears a tag on all her collars and harnesses where someone can scan with a phone and find me.

New Years Eve, one of the nights I hate when everyone gets drunk and sets off fireworks everywhere that it is scary. My heart goes out to all the animals that are in shelters shivering already from fear, and then have to endure the fear of the fireworks with no one around to comfort them. I wish we could just empty those shelters and all animals would have loving homes.

How do you keep your pet safe during the fireworks ? I as always puts Dr Bach Rescue Remedy in her water, a couple of drops of CBD oil on her tongue and from there just keep an eye on her. I do not take Layla out after like 8 in the evening unless she tells me she wants to go out. I make up her bed in the shower where she loves to go sleep, water is next to her, and a I also put a t-shirt on her which seems to help a lot. TV is going of course and that is how we spend our New Years Eve. I do not go out as I will not leave her alone.

Unfortunately we always have to remind everyone of the safety tips for their pets:

And most of all everyone please remember this when out partying:

So on this note we want to wish everyone a Happy New Year, may 2019 be a good year for all of us with lots of love, laughter, health and happiness.

Woof with love from

22 Replies to “New Year is around the corner”

  1. So pleased you got to the bottom of the chip issue. We sort of had something similar, but it was well worth talking to the chip companies as mine in the UK forwarded me to the right people for the second chip I had, and I am now registered twice 🙂
    I hopes New Year goes off without any incidents, and all is quiet–quite literally.

  2. I wish you both a very Happy New Year, and let’s hope more dogs and cats then ever find their loving homes, and those who inflict cruelty get the same back tenfold!! I never celebrated New Year to be honest, so nothing’s changed on that front and luckily I’ve never had a dog or cat who was particularly bothered which is good news for everyone. There are a lot of fireworks where I live and they tend to extend the festivities a few days so it’s certainly annoying. I’m a huge fan of the cd Through a Dog’s Ear and I know they’ve done tests in shelters and the research shows how much calmer shelter animals were when the music was played. Would be nice if it was available in every rescue facility.

    • Happy New Year Hindy and I have not heard of that CD and am going to look into it for Madam. Be safe and lets pray 2019 the shelters will be emptier and animals will be in their loving homes

  3. I noticed more and more fireworks going off now on New Year’s Eve…I never had it be an issue until a couple of years ago when my one Husky developed a sensitivity to fireworks. I’ll be giving her CBD to hopefully help keep her less stressed from the fireworks I know will be sounding. Here is to a happy, healthy, and stress-free New Year to all and their beloved pets!

    • Dorothy I swear by the CBD oil and yes the fireworks are becoming more and more of a nightmare lately. Be Safe and Have a Happy New Year

  4. Happy early new years. I hope you get the chip stuff figured out. You would think they would make it easier to update your information. We’re hoping to move soon so I’ll be in the same boat with having to update my boys’ chips. I’m lucky that my boys’ don’t really mind fireworks. We live right outside of NYC so I think they’re just kind of used to loud noises haha. I do hate how many people are out drunk, though. We always try to take our walks early then stay in for the rest of the night to avoid all the drunk people in the city.

  5. The one benefit to living here in the great white north is that the weather is often bad on New Year’s Eve so fireworks are less of an issue (knock wood). Like my cats I’m more of an introvert so I’ll be curled up sleeping with the cats on New Years or creating more content lol

  6. Chips can be a real headache. We thought everyone was done but DotKitten ‘s had disappeared so she had t be registered all over again!

    I am catching up for Dash Kitten for this week’s Pet Parade can you believe that Christmas flew by and New Year is nearly here.

    We agree about fireworks and shelter animals. It is NOT FUN.

    • It is hard to believe that the New Year is starting, 2018 went too quickly. Thank goodness for chips and am happy you have registered her as rather be safe than sorry.

  7. I hope you have a quiet and calm New Year’s Eve. They don’t do fireworks around here for New Year’s Eve, probably because it is usually below freezing. I wish that microchips were networked in a better way. I find the whole thing disappointing as well as confusing. The PetHub tags sound like a great first line recovery plan.

    • Beth actually the fireworks were really quiet this year PHEW and Layla slept like a log LOL. As for the microchip story it is so frustrating and am wondering to myself what the big deal is if they cannot reply to emails. Thank goodness I have the PetHub and going to just stick with that.

  8. Happy New Year! Fireworks are the worst, I wish people would just leave it to the professionals instead of setting off explosions so close to their home – and our pets, and people with PTSD. It’s so dangerous and inconsiderate.

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