It is Wednesday, middle of the week.
What a week we have had, raining non stop that we have hardly gone out and between working and trying to get Layla out when the rain stops it has been exhausting but today the sun is shining and hopefully it will be for a couple of days.
As you all know I watch Layla very carefully health wise as she is getting older like me and am always looking for ways to keep her healthy. I had noticed she was losing weight all of a sudden and was concerned so I took her to the vet a week a ago to find out what was going on. This was a vet I have never used but due to different reasons I had to go to her and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I have never met such a cold person in my life who all she was interested in was how to make money. She did not answer my questions, told me that she had a gum infection and did nothing about it, and in a nutshell I walked out of her clinic nearly in tears and worried big time.
I yesterday went to my regular vet and I walked out of there smiling and relaxed. She gave Layla a proper examination, we did a blood test to check her on the inside and I also found out she had put on one pound phew. I sat with her talking about what I am feeding her, where I am getting the information and she was really happy with what I am doing. She checked her gums and gave me some antibiotics for them although they are not as bad as I thought. I also learned something from her which makes sense and that is :

The calming hemp oil sounds like it would be good
It is fantastic highly recommended
Sounds wonderful!! Am entering the contest! Thank you!!
Good luck
The 4Paws Paw Balm sounds like something Defy could use
So true and hope you entered
My senior cat has hyperthyroidism and because of it her fur and skin tend to get very dry. I’d love to try the hemp oil supplement for cats for her. I do give her a little fish oil, but would love to find something that works better for her. She also gets stressed, so the calming part sounds really good to me.
Linda it is a fantastic product and a must to try – good luck
These products sound great, I’d be most interested in the hemp oil supplement. I’m so sorry you had a negative experience with the Vet on staff that day, she sounds awful! I’m glad you went back and saw Layla’s regular Vet, she sounds so great. I hope her gum issue heals up quickly.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Sending love and they are great
Glad your baby is doin ok! Great info here, thanks for the insight on coconut oil! I use that sometimes and will try switching. Also love Reatorative Botanicals human products, excited to try to pet products for my senior guy!
Chelsea good luck with entering and I agree their products are amazing
I’m so glad Layla is doing better, gained weight and you got to see a vet you love and trust. It’s frightening walking out of a vet’s office with no answers, and no confidence. I love the sound of both products, they both sound amazing and I know Jack would benefit from both, but especially the topical relief balm. According to the vet he has seasonal allergies and I prefer natural solutions when possible. I entered so let’s hope!!
Good luck Hindy and love those products because they are natural
The hemp oil supplement sounds great! I would like that. I’m sorry you had a negative experience with that other Vet but your regular Vet seems terrific, stick with her. Love to Layla.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Sending love back and we are lucky to have such a great vet. Yes those products are fantastic and highly recommended
That first vet sounds horrible, I’m so glad you were able to get Layla seen by her regular vet and get your mind put at ease about her health.
Me too and am so relieved now phew
So glad your regular vet appointment was better. It is so important for us to like our veterinarians! Did she mention why she recommended against coconut oil? I would be very interested as I do give it to my dogs. Does she have a specific alternate she would recommend?
Heather she said that we animal oils are so much better for them than coconut oil, so I have switched as I do see the logic in it and she liked the Hemp oil with cod liver oil that I am giving her so have taken her off the coconut oil
We love using hemp oil as a kitty calmer for two of our spastic cats and one with food allergies. Thank you for having this offer!
Our pleasure and we happy you are and it is working. good luck if you entered
We had nature’s give-away this week … freezing rain. Could have done without that. I call her a step-mother nature.
LOL Jana and we hope you entered the give away from here, the products are amazing
Love these products! And I’m so glad to read that Layla is doing better – gaining weight and being her adorably, fabulous self! Will participate – as well as share!
Thanks Rebecca and they are awesome for us and our pets, highly recommended
Layla I’m happy to hear your doctor’s visit went well! Very nice. Only one pound too?! I myself can’t say the same, LOL…I’m working on that. It’s nice to hear that these lovely products are working so well for you too. Good luck to the participants.
Thanks Kamira and we hope you entered as they are for us parents also
I knew animal based oils were the way to go for cats, but I didn’t realize that it was necessarily the same for dogs. Makes sense though.
Thanks for a great giveaway, I’d love the opportunity to try the products.
I learned from that also and Holly the products are amazing, good luck
This stuff was OK with the vet? Then you must be very happy to give it to Layla. Praise indeed so keep going. Animal based oils makes sense I suppose, maybe animals don’t work so well with plant stuff all the time?
I was really surprised also in a way but really happy also. Animal based oils makes so much sense the more I think about it
Happy to hear the visit to the vet went well and that she supports what you are doing for Layla.
Thanks so much and yes it is great when your vet is happy with you
The comfort balm looks neat to me
It is a great balm
these sounds like great products. congrats on becoming an affiliate of this company. i think the products that i like the most are the pet balm and the comfort balm6 advanced for my back when it starts acting up from doing too much yard work.
Sandy they are fantastic and thank you. Good luck with entering
So sorry about that poor vet experience. I’m so glad you were able to get back in with your vet. The products sound great! I’m a huge advocate of hemp oil for my dogs and have also become an affiliate (different company) after seeing such success with it. I am quite happy this is a choice for us for our pets, now! Congrats on your affiliation!
Thanks Dorothy and good luck with yours
I like the sound of your vet and those products. Great giveaway to start the year. Thanks
Thanks and good luck
I would like to try the Restore CALM6 oil for myself.
They are amazing and I am loving them
The calming hemp oil sounds great for both me and hubby. This is all new to me but sounds amazing!
Layla looks so beautiful and glad she is doing better!
Thank you and I put the link for the hemp products on my blog so you can check it out, I love their products
I am really interested in the comfort balm!
It is a great balm
I’m so sorry that you had to deal with that first vet. I’m glad that your regular vet was able to put your mind at ease and help Layla.
Thanks Beth and thank goodness all was straightened out and she is back to her happy self