Another week in my life

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TGIF and we cannot believe we are half way through June. This year is going too fast or is it the Madam Social Butterfly’s schedule that is doing it.
All I know is I wish on some days the year would slow down a bit.

All Dressed Up

Last Thursday evening, 6 June, was the Annual Fundraising Gala for the Shanti/PAWS Project, an amazing event where money of course is raised to keep their programs going such as :

PAWS – Pets Are Wonderful Support who provide comprehensive support services for animal companions. They serve seniors and people with life threatening illnesses or disabilities – all of whom are low income with services such as pet food bank, financial assistance for vet care, emergency pet foster care, dog washes, dog walking, cat care and other volunteer based services.

And many other programs like the Margot Murphy Women’s Cancer Program, HIV Services Program, Volunteer Services Program, LGBT Aging & Abilities Support Network, Peer Advocate Care Team, Jeffrey’s Place and Community Support Council. 
You can read all about the amazing work they do on their website :

There were lots of dogs at this event, plus a bird and of course Lilou the Therapy Pig who helps at SFO Airport and many other places.
Layla got all dressed up in her fancy pink glittery dress and looked very cute. I of course as always took her expandable carry bag with so if it became too much she had a safe haven and was very happy for that.

Some of the animals at the event – You can read all about Lilou the Pig on her
website :

Musik has her own Facebook Page :
thanks to her Mom Beverly for this fantastic photo.

By the time we got home I was exhausted and Madam was full of energy LOL.

On Sunday we went to another event, did not stay long as with the heatwave here in San Francisco it was unbearable plus I do not want her to over heat although she was wearing her cooling vest.

It was the 9th Annual Three Legged Picnic in our Park. It was wonderful to see so many come to this with their three legged dogs, lots of fun although it was so ridiculously hot. Layla got blessed by one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence which made me very happy.

After her blessing with the Sister of Perpetual Indulgance 

Since Sunday and because of the heat which has finally broken we have basically been indoors as I did not want her to burn her paws on the sidewalk or over heat. We though did end the week with a fluffy party at my house on Wednesday night when some friends of mine went out and left their dogs, Savannah and Charlotte with us. Layla LOL just went to sleep while they played.

So as you can see never a dull moment in our lives, Layla keeps me busy which is great although I must admit I am now exhausted and looking forward to slowing down a bit this weekend PHEW.

What has been happening in your neighborhood ?  We cannot wait to hear !
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, stay cool,

With a woof and love from 

36 Replies to “Another week in my life”

  1. I’m still waiting for some sun here – still light jacket weather (and me and the dog are camping this weekend – likely will be cold). Dog events is the most popular part of my blog – there is something pet-related to do every weekend of the summer if you live near a major city. More than we can go to.

    • Sherri have fun camping and yes if you live in a city on weekends there is always something dog related to do which is great fun. I also do not go to all as it is over whelming sometimes

  2. Isn’t that always how it seems to work out – the humans are tired and the pups are just full of energy! That’s what happens at our house too. Sometimes I wish the dogs would share some of their energy with me! I hope you have an awesome weekend.

  3. I’d love to dress up Sophie and take her to a gala. Her sparkly collar from BlogPaws is still in good condition. That looks like such a great event.

  4. Wow you never have a dull moment. What a busy weekend. It’s nice to see so many organizations that support animals and people doing great things, especially for those with disabilities to make their lives easier. Layla looks super adorable in her pink dress. I understand the feeling about feeling exhausted. I need to practice better self care and take time to just chillax like Layla! Have a nice rest of the weekend.

  5. You’re a beautiful girl, Layla! You and Musik make a cute couple. That was quite the week you had. A party being the perfect way to finish. The gala looked like so much fun, and a great way to support the many wonderful organizations. Keep cool, ladies!

    • Thanks Sadie and I agree the party was the best way to finish off the week and relax. Thank goodness the weather has cooled down.

    • Thanks and I am exhausted from it all but it keeps us young and healthy LOL. I love her in dresses but she hates them LOL

  6. Wow! You sure do live an exciting adventurous life! Events, blessings, and a fluff party? We need to come there! I bet you are all a tad exhausted! Great pics…and love that dress on you. You ARE so pretty!

    • Thanks Dorothy and yes she has a busy social life LOL, hard to keep up. It would be awesome if you moved here. Thank you for the compliment

  7. We lived near San Fran for a few years and we love it. The dogs came everywhere with us. Glad you two had such a good time.

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