February Pets Holidays and Observances
- Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month
- National Pet Dental Month
- Responsible Pet Owners Month
- Dog Training Education Month
- National Cat Health Month
- Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
- Humpback Whale Awareness Month
- International Hoof Care Month
- National Bird Feeding Month
- National Wild Bird-Feeding Month
- Responsible Animal Guardian Month
- Responsible Pet Owner Month
February 7-14: Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week
February 11-17: Home for Birds Week
February 18-24: National Justice for Animals Week
February 18 – 24: Bird Health Awareness Week
February 2: Layla’s 18th birthday party
February 2: National Hedgehog Day; Groundhog Day
February 3: Doggy Date Night
February 3: Feed the Birds Day
February 5: Western Monarch Day
February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day
February14: Valentine’s Day
February 17: World Pangolin Day
February 17: World Whale Day
February 20: Love Your Pet Day
February 22: Walking the Dog Day
February 22: National Wildlife Day
February 23: National Dog Biscuit Day
February 27: World Spay Day
Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day with woof and love from Layla