Life in the Layla Neighborhood

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Woof friends,
How are you all ? 
Last weekend Georgie and Gidget came to visit, they caused havoc in the house and I just went to hide in my box and sleep but did keep an ear open just in case treats arrived although I must say Mom is good and always makes sure I get some.

I did remind them that I was here with a growl when they tipped the water bowl over and it nearly wet my blankie, that would have made me mad. BOL I watched Mom curse them as she mopped up the mess and then put a towel underneath the bowl for safety when it was refilled.

We have had a heat wave the past couple of days and it has been really hot so Mom has taken me to the park to sit under the trees where it is cooler than the house which was fun although I just slept of course. Mom said she needed the fresh air and I actually think it did her good. I also did find time in between napping with a good smelly roll, and I stunk Mom said so she bathed me to get the smell out. I hate bathing but for once I enjoyed being wet because of the heat, it really cooled me off. I am also one lucky girl to have a cooling vest which really helps and I think Mom needs one too. 

Today the weather is cooling down, the fog is showing slowly and I am happy but so is Mom. They are also talking about rain this weekend, can you believe it. 
There is no dog sitting this weekend at this moment so it is going be a Mom and Me weekend which I am really looking forward to.

Our lock down days are becoming a bit more of outdoors which I am happy with, my appetite has returned which is great and I think that we are a lot more relaxed and finally in a new routine. Mom is also spending less time on social medial and now tries to go off line by dinner time so we then cuddle and play which is lots of fun. She hid my favorite toys from Gidget and Georgie so they cannot ruin them like they did with others so my favorites are all in good shape.

OH ! Before I forget one of my uncles got me a mask, it is a cute color so I can be safe although I do not like it BOL, but if it is necessary then will wear it. Mom is being good and wearing hers when going out and shopping although she says she cannot breathe BOL.

There is a Jewish Holiday today, Shavuot which Mom calls Cheese Cake holiday as you eat dairy products and one of them is Cheese Cake. Mom was telling me that in Israel the children stand in the streets and throw water bombs at everyone which sounds like so much fun although I do not like getting wet. So am praying at this moment I will get some cheesecake from Mom and will let you know next week.

So that is what is happening in the Layla Neighborhood, I cannot complain as Mom is being great, spoiling me lots so I am one happy camper.

Chag Sameach, Happy Holiday to those that celebrate,Have a wonderful weekend 

With a woof and love from Layla 

26 Replies to “Life in the Layla Neighborhood”

  1. So glad to hear that you got your appetite back, Layla. A doggy needs to eat well to stay healthy. Hope you get some of that cheesecake you were talking about.

    Have a wonderful holiday and a great weekend.


  2. It’s been hot here too despite the fact we had light flurries barely three weeks ago. I went from heat to air conditioning. Are you in-house dog sitting now? Are people going away?

    • I have two clients that drop their dogs off when needed, the one is my neighbor who is moving so she needs help with her baby and the other has anxiety attacks when left alone so when Mom needs to shop or whatever he comes here, they get on really well together. Yes I am in-house sitting and loving it.
      As for weather, it has gone crazy everywhere

  3. That’s good that you are allowed visitors again although annoying they knocked over the water and get in your space. The humans wear masks out in our house too, although not Kilo as he could not breathe with his fkat face.

    • I do not let her walk around with mask as I worry about her breathing. As for having guests it is only the dogs as Moms drop them off outside my building LOL, and it is great for everyone to have a bit of a change

  4. I see in the comments that you got some cream cheese, I bet you loved it!

    I’m glad that it has cooled off in San Francisco, being too hot is so uncomfortable and of course, it can be life-threatening. It was unusually hot last week here. The high was 93, which is not that hot by some people’s standards, but way too hot for me! Luckily, it has cooled off now.

    • Beth am happy it has cooled off, the heat is awful and our apartment is not built for it either LOL, but that is why she has her cooling vest as it is a life saver. She did get some cream cheese but not cheese cake

  5. I hope that your holiday was wonderful and that your mommy let you have a little cheesecake, Layla. Your face mask looks very nice on you. It’s a great color to go with your fur.

    • Thanks Robin and no I did not give her cheesecake as it has sugar in it, but it was good. I love the mask on her and the color is awesome

  6. You are such an interesting barometer of the weather Layla! I am just glad you and your mum can get outside, even though things are difficult right now.

    You know, I need to come and visit to get cheesecake. With all the pups and food it sounds THE PLACE to be!!!!

  7. A cheesecake holiday? Any holiday that involves cheese cake sounds great lol. I have a cooling vest for Plush (but he hates it), I tell him every time I put it on him – you shouldn’t hate your best – I’m jealous, I would love one.
    Have a good week Layla – looking forward to hearing what you are up to next week.

  8. There was never a good reason to prevent people from spending time outdoors. On the contrary, there are many health benefits to being outside including the prevention of viral infections such as the COVID.

  9. I just saw this and Layla’s mask was SOO cute! I think it’s important to have a mask that’s fitted to our pets ready just in case we get into a situation where it’s necessary. While it’s not a bit deal right now, based on information that has been made public, that’s not to say that it won’t be in the future! Better safe than sorry, right?

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