TGIF!! Summer is here, sun is shining and thank goodness it is not so hot in San Francisco but having the sun out with no fog is a treat for us, so we are taking advantage of it as much as possible.
Smelling the grass and wandering around :
This weekend is going to be busy, woof. On Saturday we are spending the morning in my friend’s garden which I love. Its good for me to sit on a chair and kvetch over tea with him while Layla wanders around sniffing and of course napping in the sun. Perfect way to spend Saturday plus there is shade if its too hot for all of us.
On Sunday we are going to the Annual Three-legged Dog Meet in our park which is also for blind dogs. It is their 11th meet up and its fun just to sit under trees, chat with other dog parents, and just chill. I will be meeting a close friend there also who Layla adores so I am excited.
Otherwise, I am busy as always, keeping the Madam healthy and trying to get to the dog park daily so that she has freedom to roam around and I do not have to worry about her bumping her head or anything else. Plus we must not forget the snuffle ball which keep her happy and busy in the house LOL.
I must admit it is so fantastic that events are starting to start again and life is getting back to normal phew, it is so healthy for all of us to be outdoors doing things and not stuck indoors.
What are your plans this weekend? Share with us!
Have a wonderful weekend, make sure you stay hydrated and cool,
Hugs and love from Layla