TGIF !!!!!!!!!! We cannot believe we are in the middle of October and the year is nearly over. It has gone fast.
The past two weeks have been hell in our house as Layla got a flea bite, am not sure where but she started scratching like crazy, had hot spots and there was no sleep in this house.
There are no emergency vets in San Francisco anymore so it was a nightmare trying to ease everything with no vet help although I knew we had an appointment on the 7th which had taken me two months to get. There is also a shortage of vets in the city so many clinics are not taking on new clients. My favorite vet from my clinic has left but the vet I got to see is amazing also.
This is a city that has more dogs than kids and this is the situation we are dealing with.
So this is what I did, thank goodness I had some Apoquel which I started giving her and then started researching on line.
Layla takes an amazing senior supplement from a company called Vetericyn called ALL-IN Dog Supplement for seniors which my vet approved so I went onto their website to see what else they had. Voilia I found hot spot treatment and shampoo so I went shopping.
The products I bought were :
Vetericyn FoamCare® Medicated Pet Shampoo – this shampoo helped so much with her itching it was like magic after I bathed her.
Vetericyn Plus® Antimicrobial Hot Spot Spray – easy to spray on and works wonders.
Vetericyn Plus® Hot Spot Antimicrobial Hydrogel – This I put on after the Hot Spot Spray and it is amazing.
I went to the vet on the 7th I took a shopping bag with me with everything to show her and she was really impressed. Her overall health thank goodness is good, her weight is good, her diet is good and my vet was really impressed that I am feeding her the Dr Harveys Allergy food (Turkey) mixed in with my home cooked food, so I was one happy Mom.
She did find that Layla had a skin infection from the fleas so put her on an antibiotic which is working wonders. I hate medicines but I also realized we needed to get rid of this infection as soon as possible.
Today, one week since we were at the vet Madam is eating like a pig, which is fantastic as her immune system is being replenished, she is back to being happy Layla and the itchies have nearly all gone. The only problem I have is getting her to take the medicine, she is a smart girl and knows I hide them in chicken so she will not eat the chicken when I give it to her LOL plus she hides in her box so I cannot get to her, so I have started blocking the box in the evenings especially till she gets her pill.
Never a dull moment here but I highly recommend their products which they have for other animals also, especially those that are outdoors a lot as they are just fantastic.
Vetericyn has sponsored me for this review by sending me a care package of their products for Layla for emergencies.
Their website is:
For my readers they are offering a coupon of 10% off, valid till 12/31/21 Good for 2 times per customer – LAYLASWOOF
Have a safe weekend everyone,
with a woof and love from Layla

Mom punished me also with a groom and then a bath a week later with the anti itch shampoo, she deserves the stinky eye
Oh my goodness- I’m glad Layla is doing better! Flea Allergies (and allergies in general) are so frustrating sometimes, and the current state with vet appointments makes it even more difficult. Glad you found some products to help while you were waiting for your appointment!
Nikki I am so blessed that I got those products, it made her more comfortable and we finally could sleep. Her hot spots have healed beautifully and she is back to being her, no scratching no nothing. You should check them out and have them in the house for emergencies
Aw I’m sorry Layla had to go through that. My dog Kitsune is allergic to flea bites too. I use a preventative on him and since I started using it we haven’t had to deal with flea issues anymore. I know people have mixed opinions on using preventatives but when you have a dog with severe flea allergies it really is the lesser of two evils, in my opinion. I’m glad to hear Layla is feeling better.
Michelle I use a preventative on Layla also so am not sure how the flea got her but it was hell. I really suggest you look into
their products to have in the house for emergencies. Their supplement is fantastic also
Oh Layla don’t giveom the stinkey eye she is only trying to help you…and she did!! Aren’t you back to your sweet self?? Thanks Rochelle for all the info I may have to try them soon.
Cheryl good to see you
and if she did not give me stinky eye we would worry LOL. Their products are amazing and you should try them plus you have the coupon, always good seeing you on the blog
Aww so sorry you had a rough few days Layla. The itchys are never fun. I’m glad that the Vetericyn products helped tremendously. You look so refreshed and happy. You and mum enjoy your weekend. No more itchys!
Kamira phew no more itchies, I am so happy I found the products although Layla is on their senior supplement which is amazing, have a great week
I sure am glad that sweet Layla is better and no longer itching, that’s really good news! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!
Brian thank you for your blog hop, the products are fantastic and they have for cats also. I am so relieved she is not scratching
anymore also
Never underestimate the power of a determined dog mama! Great going finding the perfect solution for Layla. She must’ve been so relieved to have her skin calmed. That was good timing to have a vet appointment in the same week. Vet appointments are crazy to get these days.
Terri thank you for the compliment, I so agree with you vet appointments are nightmares at the moment but finding the products was magical phew
Not enough vets? Good grief. I am guessing because its hard to get an affordable home and office space things are not being replaced and that includes veterinarians!
I am glad Layla is looking up, she is such a fighter it would take more than a flea to flatten our girl!
Marjorie you are so right, she is a little fighter. As for vets they are moving out of the city for so many reasons and it is really sad as the pets pay the price
Hot spots can be so difficult to clear up, especially if you don’t have access to the products to assist you. With Daviana’s sensitive skin, I have had to deal with that far too many times, and it never gets easier to see them struggling. I’m glad that you’ve found something that is working for her and that the vet was able to provide medication to speed up her healing. Take care sweet Layla!
Britt those products are amazing and worth having in your cabinet for emergencies, you should get some for Daviana you will not be sorry. I was so lucky to be able to see our vet and get it all sorted out. Layla woofs thank you
It is amazing how much grief can a single flea bite cause to a dog with flea-bite allergy, isn’t it? Poor Layla. The immune system can be quite a torturer.
Jana I so agree with you, one stupid flea and all hell breaks out but thank goodness she is so much better.