It is a long weekend

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TGIF !!!!

I am so happy it is going to be a long weekend as I need a break, life is becoming hectic slowly and I am exhausted and I think Layla is also.


Last weekend we had a fluffy sleepover again which was fun, lots of laughter, lots of walks and playtime with them while Layla did what she does best and that is sleep BOL.


I love these two dogs and enjoy every moment with them.


This weekend is a long weekend and I have no plans, am going with the flow but plan to take Layla out for some adventure, not sure what yet but will share with you next week.


Memorial Day is a somber day in my eyes, I cannot understand how people can wish others a Happy Memorial Day, the sales that are on, the BBQ’s and so much more, I feel people are celebrating not respecting those that died during the wars.


I, out of respect do not celebrate in any way but remember those that passed away, and stay at home excluding walking Layla of course.


So on this note everyone stay safe, enjoy your long weekend with your families but please also think of what I wrote here.


With woof and love from





22 Replies to “It is a long weekend”

  1. I understand what you mean, but to me Memorial Day is not only a time to remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice, but to also remember what they fought so hard for – and that is our freedom. Freedom to be with family & friends without fear. Freedom to enjoy our country and all it offers us. Freedom to worship as we choose. Freedom to love and live as we choose. This day reminds me of all who served, how much braver and tougher they were than I am. How they would be so proud to know that America is still the Land of the Free Because of the Brave, because of them. It is a day to remember the fallen, but it is also a day to remember and celebrate what they gave so much for. So the rest of us can remain free. I believe it’s what they each would want, to be both remembered and celebrated as well. We are rejoicing in the freedoms we still have, not in the terrible sacrifices that had to be made to get and keep those precious freedoms. Please don’t be upset with people for celebrating freedom and our way of life. God Bless America! Please Forgive me for the lengthy, passionate response. It’s how I feel It’s what I believe.

    • Cathy I understand you but I just cannot celebrate on this day, it is for me respecting those that paid the price for freedom and I personally think they deserve that respect by remembering them

  2. I just said the same thing here to my family about why do people say “Happy Memorial Day?!” It is a day of reflection and honoring our war heroes who gave their lives for our freedom. Truly a somber day.

    Sounds like you’ve been busy, but in a fun way. Miss Layla, sleepovers are fun!

    Get some rest now girls!

    Have a safe holiday.

    • Dorothy am so happy you agree with me regarding Memorial Day as I cannot for the life of me understand the Happy greeting.

      Layla loves her fluffy sleepovers and everyone has lots of fun.

      Hope you have a restful safe holiday

  3. It’s a good idea to go with the flow when you feel stressed. You do not need to do anything you don’t want to except enjoy your peaceful time.

    I hope your Memorial Day is a fluffy fun one and a relaxing time.

  4. I know the USA doesn’t get an much holiday entitlement as many other countries so I am guessing people appreciate time t0o cherish their families and remember their own loved ones who gave their lives for their country.

    Here in New Zealand we have ANZAC day on Monday 25th of April to remember those from NZ and Australia who died in conflicts and in the UK Remembrance Day on 11th of November.

    • Marjorie it is the same as in Israel they have Memorial Day the day before Independence Day, it is a day to reflect and remember those that have fallen and not celebrate the way they do here in the USA

  5. Growing up in a military family, I understand the importance of Memorial Day. However, like Cathy, I think that it is also a time to celebrate our freedom and enjoy each other’s company if possible.

    • Beth you have a good point but for me this is a day to remember, I lived in Israel all my life so have been through wars etc and when it comes to this day I honor them not celebrate

  6. Being from Canada I never gave that much thought, although now that you mention it I understand your feelings. Like so many “holidays” the reason why they came into being is lost, and sadly there are too many people who have no idea what they represent other than a day off work.

    • Hindy it is so sad what has happened and I just find it so disrespectful to those that have sacrificed their lives, people need to learn respect again

  7. This is an important day for America and their fallen solders. I also know many see it as the start of summer so look to the sun and remember Laylas’s joy in being outside and her stroller times. 🙂

    We have to balance rememberance with gratitude for the freedom we have now. Our ability to help others has never been easier with shelters, charities and social media and we need to look after people of every race, colour and creed to honour Memorial Day.

    • It is important all over the world, maybe not on the same day but it is a day we must not forget those that fell fighting. I agree with you that many think it is time to start summer holidays, fun times etc but I feel it is one day that should be put aside out of respect for the families of fallen soldiers. Layla loved going out all the time in her stroller and did not know what day it was, it was part of her daily routine which I stuck to till the end.

      Respect is so important and that is my point in the post and you said it perfectly.

  8. We, too, will always remember our fallen so we can enjoy all the joys and freedoms we have today, including celebrations.

    I so loved Miss Layla’s adventures! I am so glad you will be continuing to share her.

    Sending hugs xo

    • Dorothy it is so important to remember those that gave their lives for our freedom. I will of course carry on Miss Layla’s legacy as it is so important. Sending hugs xxx

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