Good Morning Furfriends,
June is nearly over and July is nearly here. This year is going too fast for us and we cannot keep up anymore BOL.
Last weekend was a busy weekend for us, it was the annual Pride and Dyke March in San Francisco. The weather was great and a wonderful way to be out and about.
On Friday evening Mom and I went for a long walk to visit a Rocket Dog Rescue event not far from our house, I got spoiled with a yummy treat from the pet store there and Mom got a t-shirt saying “Be Kind to Animals or I will kill you” Rocket Dog Rescue. This is one of my favorite organizations in the city and they do amazing work. Pali the founder is just incredible.
You can read all about her here on her website :
On Saturday I became Mini Dyke and Mom took me to the Dyke March. The weather was hot so we went early to find a spot on the street where they march and there was shade for me. Of course we went early as Mom always says the earlier the better. It was fun to be out in my backpack of course, where we sat in the shade and just watched the world go by.
I do not like the noise of the Bikes but have decided as Mom likes it, I will suffer for that and give her something she likes, so you see I can be nice sometimes.
The Bikes roared up the road, Mom filmed while I sat in the backpack and the bikers all loved me, petted me and I was spoiled although I do not think I would want to ride on one. Then came all the people walking, lots of them plus dogs all dressed up in rainbows like I was. We walked with them, although me the Mini Dyke sat in the backpack and Mom did the carrying, so I became mini Dyke in backpack. What could be better thank that.
You can see the film of the Dykes on Bikes on our Instagram account :
We must have got home at about 7 in the evening and Mom was tired, and I was hungry and exhausted also, so we ate dinner and just went to bed.
On Sunday was the big parade, we had been invited to join in on a trolley and ride with SHANTI/PAWS but Mom decided it would be too much for me so we stayed at home. Now she is regretting it ha ha ha.
Our weekend was awesome, this week is going to be busy but with 4th of July looming we must discuss that.
4th of July – Mine and many of my fur friends nightmare – those damn fireworks.
This is a day to celebrate with families but we must not forget :
Although this is a day for partying, having fun, picnics and BBQ’s it is also one of the days when we should be also extra cautious with our pets, making sure they are safe at all times, they are wearing their collars, and especially when the fireworks go off they are inside the house, in a calm place with their blankets and whatever else makes them feel safe and secure. We must also remember not to raise our voice to them but treat them extra gentle to help with the stress.

4th of july
When the fireworks go off : “They will do anything to escape. Dig, climb and sometimes injure themselves to get away as they do not know what is happening.
I, for example, from the morning give Layla CBD oil to start off the calming effect, walk her not later than 6 in the evening as their are always those early birds with fireworks and most of all I make up a bed in the shower for her, which has no windows, keep the lights off there but the door is open so she can hear me, and I keep the Jazz station on the TV. There is also of course her water bowl and food.
I have found this works wonders with her, and she sleeps through all the chaos. I will not take her out later than 6 in the evening unless she comes and tells me she needs to go out, which she is smart enough to do.
July 5th is the nightmare for all shelters. That is the day when all those irresponsible owners find their pet is missing and the shelters are over flowing with pets. It is the busiest day in the US for Shelters and unfortunately we must not forget those also that have got injured when fleeing the noise.
So a reminder, when you go off to enjoy yourselves, make sure your pet is safe in the house, TV on with music, and all windows are closed so that they cannot escape. That way you can sit back and enjoy yourself and not have to worry. I personally, do not go out and am more relaxed being home in the evening with Layla.
So on this note, we are wishing everyone a Happy 4th of July, be safe, have fun and protect your fur kids,
Layla is now doing what she does best, sleeping
Mom and Layla
Ah, watching the world go by sounds so good right now, it’s been a busy month! You have the best seat for parades and adventures!
Oh, July 4th…my one Husky is not fond of those fireworks at all! They started here a month ago already. Sigh. Hope you have a safe and quiet holiday!
Yes she does, the Princess has a good life LOL. It has been a crazy month and July now has arrived. I hate them and am so sorry he does not like them but tell him he is not alone and that they start early makes me mad. Have a safe holiday with a woof from Layla
Our mom HATES July 4th. Believe it or not, Lexy and I aren’t too afraid of the big boomers. Sometimes we jump in the window to see what’s going on and Mommy chases us away. Sometimes, though, some are REALLY loud and those we don’t like. Be safe!
Awwww tell Mommy I don’t like them either, be safe and have a wonderful holiday
Sounds like a fun weekend. I don’t know when you have time to rest Layla, you’re such a social butterfly. No July 4th where I live, but there are other “holidays” people tend to go fireworks crazy. Thankfully I’ve never had a dog or cat that was bothered, but thanks for those very helpful tips for keeping our fur babies safe and at home. Can’t wait to hear how you’re going to celebrate.
Hindy you are fortunate not to have the crazy fireworks as it is hell for the poor pets, we just going lie low and relax
I’m hoping that Bravo-Boy won’t be bothered by fireworks, as it’s his first experience. We’ve been working on “party time!” with treats for thunder, and that’s helping. These are great tips to keep pets safe, thanks!
Thanks Amy and I hope Bravo-Boy won’t be bothered by the fireworks, Happy Fourth of July
Sounds like a great weekend…. Luckily you have nice, dog friendly weather to enjoy. Have a wonderful holiday!
Thanks and we are planning to, Happy Fourth of July
Thank you for posting tips for 4th of July. People don’t realize how stressful it can be for our furry friends. Be safe out there everyone but enjoy!
Thanks Michael and it is so important to remind everyone, Be safe and have a wonderful day
Sounds like you had a great weekend last week! This weekend will be different, as most of us are concerned about fireworks scaring the pets. I love your safety tips, thanks for sharing. The glow jewelry is a new one for me – why are those dangerous for pets to wear? Is it because they could chew on it?
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Cathy thanks and we hope you have a great weekend also. I am also concerned about the crazy people with fireworks so we will be lying low this weekend and taking it easy
Great new look! My biggest complaint with July 1 (different country) is that it becomes backyard fireworks weekend. We expect July 1, but then the 2, 3, and those in the neighbourhood who think they’re American, July 4 set off fireworks too…. it’s the surprise days (technically not legal) that throws my house of three fur babies for a loop.
I so agree with you, there are always those that think they need to set them off daily and it is so unfair to the pets. I just wish they would ban them
Why be subtle? Just say it. LOL Nothing subtle about that t-shirt, is there?
Nope and that is why I loved the t-shirt LOL
Love the t-shirt! You must be exhausted with all these events. Layla is so lucky to have her mom carry her around in a backpack!
Sandy I love the t-shirt too and yes it is exhausting all the events but it is fun also and she loves being carried around in the backpack
It is so sad that so many animals get lost during Fireworks. None of our dogs mind the fireworks, but they stay home. We used to take Nelly (always on a leash) but now that we have three dogs, we leave them at home.
It is really sad and that is why we all need to remind as much as possible. Happy 4th of July and be safe
Our Canada Day is July 1st. It is very hot this year and there will be some fireworks but not as many as July 4th in our area. Kilo the Pug stays home and cool with just a few short walks in the shade as needed. Good tips to keep pets safe.
Happy Canada Day and stay cool and safe
Sounds like another great and eventful weekend for you! Thanks for the 4th of July tips; a lot of people don’t realize the stress and fear it can cause for our pets.
Yes it was. Happy 4th of July and be safe
Sounds like you’ve been really busy! Glad to hear that you handle the noise of the bikes well. I hope you don’t have too many fireworks near you.
I am praying the same when it comes to fireworks as she is petrified poor thing = be safe and happy 4th of July
Sorry we missed you at the parade! Rooney and I marched in the Corgi March portion of the pride parade! It sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I hope your 4th was quiet and calm!
It would have been awesome to meet up but keep us in mind next time you in our area. Have a great weekend