The Challenges of living with an Aging Dog

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Friday is here, week is over, although a short one it has been chaotic as always. Life is never boring here.

Layla and I are both seniors, we are aging gracefully together but its hard to see your baby age and facing new challenges each day.

Layla is now blind, her halo is fantastic, but I think the harness for the halo is hurting her back so am not walking with it all the time and trying to figure out if I can attach it to her regular harness. I have noticed the difference in so many ways. I look at it as trial and error till we find the balance. I am concerned about her back and neck, and I need to keep that in mind as I do not want to her hurt her. She is as stubborn as always and its either her way walking or no way so we have our arguments LOL.

With her loss of sight, she has become a barker, standing, and barking for attention and it has got out of control in many ways and exhausting me so its another challenge I am dealing with. If I give her the snuffle ball, she quietens down till she has got everything out of it and then we start all over again. I have turned her into a snuffle ball monster LOL. (The reason her food is there and not where it used to be is she is  having problems eating from the raised bowl as she knocks it over so this is the solution I found for her food)

Her eating has not changed, she is eating well, getting all her supplements and I feel the mushrooms have done a lot of good for her plus because it has Vitamin D which increases her appetite.


Food or Snuffle Ball, which should I choose, Layla


One of our new routines is instead of walking her at noon each day I am taking her to the park where she can wander around, sniff and get fresh air and I can get some fresh air also plus balance myself out. It seems to be helping as she loves that freedom and I sit away from all the crowds.  The plus with the park is there is nowhere she can bump her head when wandering around. These are the times I wish I had a garden.

On guard

Shnoozing on the lawn

Otherwise, her happy personality has not changed, she is a healthy happy girl, bossy as always and I would not change it for anything in the world, even the sleepless nights when I check to make sure she is breathing LOL. I cannot believe she is 15 years old, it seems like yesterday I rescued her, we are aging together, crossing the bridges together, and living our lives as best as possible.

Before we go for a walk this is a reminder that July is National Pet Hydration Awareness Month, please keep your pets inside from the heat and make sure they are hydrated with lots of fresh water.

July is Pet Hydration Awareness Month, please make sure your pets are hydrated

So that is the life in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment,

Have a safe wonderful weekend everyone

With a woof and love from Layla and Crazy Dog Mom











14 Replies to “The Challenges of living with an Aging Dog”

  1. It does sound like you two have a good routine and I imagine that’s pretty important for her. Hugs from all of us and thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. I hope you figure out a good solution for Layla’s halo! Nelly is 15 years old too. She is hard of hearing and slowing down but overall is okay. Our other two dogs are also seniors and their eyes are starting to get cloudy. I feel so lucky to have senior dogs, but I know it is going to get tougher emotionally as they age.

    • Beth I have decided to stop with the halo and we seem to be doing a lot better, it is hard emotionally watching them age but they adapt really well but am not sure
      about us LOL. Having three must be a handful but you are an amazing Dog Mom so am sure you get it all under control.

  3. Poor baby! I hope you figure out a solution for the barking, Walking her in the park is a good idea, and it’s a great opportunity for you both to get out and enjoy the weather. One challenge at a time with these dogs. Jack’s mobility has gone downhill. It’s so hard for him to walk, we rely a lot on his stroller. The vet says he was born with wonky limbs, and as he gets older and his back end gets weaker, more pressure is put on his front legs which are already twisted. The harness I bought him makes a big difference for our walks. Today I discovered what looks like a growth (or two) on his tongue, so I’ll be calling the vet tomorrow. It’s definitely rough watching them age.

    • Hindy I am so sorry to hear about Jack’s growth on his tongue, please let me know what the vet says. The stroller is an amazing idea and I am thinking of
      getting one for Layla also. Your support for me through it all I am so grateful for, you relax me every time panic. The barking is something I am going to have
      to learn to live with. Always good seeing you here

  4. It is difficult to see our furbabies go through the aging process, it’s harder for us than watching ourselves aging. Layla is probably barking because she doesn’t feel as secure as she did now that she’s lost her sight. It’s a big adjustment for her. It’s great that you can still take her to the park where she gets to wander & sniff around. She must love that.

    • Cathy you are so right, I think it is from fear and anxiety but hopefully she will slowly stop it as I do not want complaints from neighbors. I love the park
      and she seems to be so happy there that I am trying to do it daily weather permitting of course. It is hard watching them age I never think about myself though LOL.

  5. You’re a great dog mom! You and Layla were definitely meant for each other. I’m certain you’ll figure out how best to use Layla’s halo. I love the idea of trying to attach it to her existing harness. Taking Layla to the park where she can’t hurt herself is an excellent idea. I know you’ll both come to a resolution on the barking. Hang in there, you’ll find the solution. I just know it!

    • Terri thanks for your vote of confidence I really appreciate it. The park is a great idea and really sticking to the routine now for both of us. As for the halo
      I am this week going to see if I can figure it out. Her barking is something I need to figure out to stop as it is getting out of control. Looking for solutions
      for everything is good for me as it keeps me busy.

  6. Aging is no fun. I’m glad Layla is still happy and maintains her personality. It’s great you found a way to get her out for some exercise and fresh air–so important. Hugs to Layla.

    • Thanks Jana for your vote of confidence, it makes me feel so much better. The fresh air is good for her plus me and exercise is something that keeps her happy
      as she is not bored but sniffing around, walking happily and that makes me feel good, Hugs from Layla

  7. Laye has the best mum in you and I know she realises this. I just wish there was an easy way for you to get her wearing the harness – I hope you can sort something out for her.

    I love the park idea though,sounds and smells are awesome stimultion for your girl!

    • Thanks so much Marjorie and I am hoping I can sort omething out with the halo also but I must agree with you the park time is the best medicine for both of us

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