September is National Disaster Preparedness Month

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Woof Hello all my friends.

Did you know September is National Disaster Preparedness Month. Are you prepared?

We are family so we all must be prepared, humans and we pets so if something happens we can just leave the house safely. With climate change and weather conditions changing all over the world we must be prepared just in case we are caught off guard. It is a worry and I worry especially since Layla has aged and become blind what would happen if I am not home so I have come to an agreement with my neighbors that when I go out for a couple of hours they are warned just in case and I leave a pet carrier out with her harness inside so that they can grab her safely and leave the building.  It might sound crazy but for me I feel more relaxed knowing she is safe plus I have a sticker on my door saying blind dog inside with instructions that the pet carrier is there for her to go out in as she cannot walk fast.

Being prepared with a disaster bag is so important also. I have one prepared with items for Layla and me, including food and water. Living in San Francisco where earthquakes can happen without a warning, I would rather be safe than sorry.

So who is prepared and what do you have to grab to get out safely ?

Last weekend being a long weekend and the weather being perfect I decided to take Layla down to the Embarcadero or Promenade, it is easy to get there on train ride each way and they have a wonderful lawn there where I sat back and relaxed while Layla ran around tail wagging and happy. Umm did I say sit back and relax LOL I was chasing after her to make sure she did not leave the lawn and land up on the promenade which was full of people, dogs, bikers plus so much more. She had so much fun and actually at one point lay down and fell asleep. It was a great couple of hours, relaxing and there is nothing like smelling the sea air of the bay, watching the yachts sailing by, the seagulls flying around and the calm blue waters was so calming.

Lots of new smells

Smelling the flowers

Am thirsty

You can see on the video below how happy she was running like there were no problems in the world, a happy Layla is a happy Me.

This weekend I have not thought what to do am going with the flow but am sure we will do something fun together, make memories and be outdoors enjoying the weather while it lasts.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Stay safe,

With a woof and love from Layla






12 Replies to “September is National Disaster Preparedness Month”

  1. Layla ~ glad you got to run around and Mom was able to relax a bit ~. great photo of the bridge and of course, you sweet one ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    • Hi and thanks so much for visiting us, we had a wonderful time last week and I think we going to do it again this weekend. Enjoy your road trip and have lots of fun,
      Love Layla

  2. We hope we are prepared in case something happens. We have multiple go bags and we practice tornado drills too. Layla, you were sure having fun and we enjoyed seeing you on video. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Brian I am so happy you are prepared as it is so important for all your family and you of course. I am happy you loved the video as it made me smile so much seeing her wagging her tail and walking around. Thank you as always for your thankful Thursday Blog Hop I am so thankful for it.

  3. I don’t think your preparedness plan for Layla sounds crazy at all. It’s a very smart and sound plan. Everyone needs to have a similar plan for their dogs and pets. You just never know what will happen and when. I love watching Layla’s tail wagging walk at the park. I know who takes whom for a walk now. I LOVE it!!!! I hope you and Layla have another wonderful week. I’m sharing your preparedness plan in hopes that it will inspire others to do the same.

    • Terri thank you as always for sharing and I think everyone should have one plus it keeps our minds relaxed as such. I love that video also of her tail wagging which is so seldom lately but she was just so happy to be there and kept me on my toes LOL. Have a wonderful weekend with love from Layla

  4. This month is the perfect time to remind people how quickly natural disasters can occur, sometimes with little to no warning. When you’re in a panic is not the time to start scrambling around for your pet’s stuff. You seem very well prepared and are so lucky to have neighbors willing to help if needed! I have a pet emergency Go bag ready for the dogs, so we don’t need much time to prepare to leave asap in case of emergency.

    • Cathy I am so happy you are prepared but that is so in your nature, pets come first and I agree in a panic we never think proper so it is so important to plan ahead at a slower pace, stay safe and have a wonderful Sunday

  5. A lot of people rely on the authorities to provide them with care then are surprised when little or no help reaches them quickly in a disaster. Being prepared is essential.

    • I so agree with you we need to be prepared and not depend on anyone especially when it comes to food for our pets as they could be on a special diet which they emergency
      response would not have.

    • Dorothy it is so important to be prepared for ourselves also, rather be safe than sorry. I love seeing her toodle around also it makes me smile to know she is enjoying
      being out and about. Be safe as always

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