Welcoming a new Rescue into my life

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TGIF!!! Friday has arrived and I need to put my feet up and relax a bit, I am exhausted from a crazy hectic week that thank goodness turned out well in the end. This blog is going to be in two parts, the first one is today.


Since Layla passed, my home has been empty and cold, and I realized two weeks ago the time had come for me to rescue a new fur kid, to speak out Layla’s legacy in so many ways. So, I started searching for a new fur kid. I will not buy as you all know and love black mutts so that was my goal to find another black mutt. Why black? Because they are the hardest to get adopted.

Nili in the shelter


The past two weeks I have spent hours searching on every FB page, website plus so much more and it horrified me to see the number of dogs sitting in shelters, owner surrenders, lost dogs that had not been claimed and so much more. What upset me most was seeing how many seniors have been dumped, poor babies, what a way to spend their golden years. I did not want a senior but middle aged to grow old with and then, one morning, while perusing one of the FB pages, I saw my new fur kid.

She was in the Los Angeles Animal Control, a stray that had been picked up and not claimed, about 4 years old and immediately asked this friend, a rescuer if she could get her for me. It is impossible to get anyone on the phone to put a hold on the dog, you must go there when they open and adopt the dog if it is still there, a Catch 22 situation and I hit the jackpot and got her.

My nightmare with all this started when my friend last minute could not go so through the help of my ex-Boss, he introduced me to a good friend of his, and I was very blessed as Jonathan went there and adopted her.  So now we had her, we had no one to foster her as I am in San Francisco and my friend could not, so Jonathan took her to groom her and get her food and although he could not do this he agreed for one night, took her to his house. (he has two dogs) The following day, Friday, a week ago, Shai, one of my boys that I used to tutor, drove from Palm Springs to Los Angeles to fetch her and take her home to Palm Springs to his home, (my ex-bosses moved there from San Francisco a couple of years ago) and that is where she has been since. Nili is house trained, walks well on a leash so I think she was very well cared for in her past home but not being microchipped and having a collar they had no way of finding her owners.


Her name in the shelter was Gladys, oy vey, but I have renamed her a Hebrew name Nili. She has settled in there, happy, playing with their dogs and we now have finally arranged for her to come home on July 25th, which I cannot wait.

Nili is not spayed as the shelter said she had a chest infection, so Avi is taking her to his vet to have her checked up and I plan to have her spayed here in San Francisco, I am blessed that the SPCA has free spay and neuter clinics.  She is now microchipped so I am at ease also.



So, friends I would love for you to welcome Nili and there will be many adventures and fun time to share with you once she has been spayed and settled proper in her home with me.

The second chapter of her rescue you will be able to read next week, but before I go a special thanks to everyone who were my rocks, my glue who kept me together mentally and came together to get her and keep her safe, I owe you all big time and so blessed to have you in my life.

Have a wonderful safe weekend and please hug your pets


Layla’s and Nili’s Mom




32 Replies to “Welcoming a new Rescue into my life”

  1. Seeing her adorable face I understand why you fell in love with her. I look forward to reading and hearing about all the adventures you two will get to experience together, and for many years to come!

  2. I’m so happy for you. I was thinking of getting Pierre a friend but his constant stomach issues has me thinking that he’s better as an only dog.

  3. She’s adorable and so blessed to have found you and your circle of friends who could adopt her for you. I look forward to Nili’s updates. ❤️❤️

  4. Congratulations to both of you! I am excited to get to know Nili through your blog. She is adorable and will help you heal. She is a lucky dog!

  5. Beth thank you so much and I am so excited also, I cannot wait for her to come home and get the adventures going again, yes it will be good for me. Have a wonderful weekend

  6. She is adorable. I think she will be a ton of fun for your and you will have each other to hang out with. I can’t imagine getting up in the morning without at least one dog to take for a run or walk, feed, hang out with, talk to, do everything with. Congratulations to both of you!

  7. Thanks so much and you hit the nail in the head, life is very boring without a dog so cannot wait for her to come home and keep me on my toes. You are blessed with the wonderful dogs you have and I love your posts. Have a wonderful weekend

    • Thank you for your Thursday Blog Hop which I always enjoy and yes it is happy dance time, she is adorable and I cannot wait for the adventures to begin, have a wonderful weekend

  8. What a roller coaster! I will be relieved when she makes it home to you on the 25th. She is an absolute cutie pie! She looks like Layla and she looks like a sibling of Henry. Not bad at all. I LOVE that front-view photo of her. It seems like she’s saying, “I can’t wait to see you, Mom”. The photo of her leaving the shelter is awesome! It is certainly good to have good friends to help you out in times of need. I will be anxiously waiting to hear about her arrival home next week. Hugs to you!

    • Terri thank you so much, it has been a roller coaster and I am truly blessed to have friends who have stepped in to help me. I cannot wait for her to come home too and the adventures to start plus of course training her with recall etc. Big hugs to you and Henry, have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Isn’t she the sweetest dog and so worth the effort you have put in! Welcome Nili and we look forward to hearing more from you when you settle in with mom!!

  10. This has MADE MY DAY!
    How wonderful for you and Angel Layla, bringing peace that you will love again and feel Nili’s love in return. They say our hearts expand, I think it’s very true.
    Congratulations, Annette x

  11. Nilli is adorable. I’m so glad you rescued her. This is a great way to celebrate Layla’s memory. A house without a dog is not a home. Very happy you aren’t alone. Take care.

  12. Congrats on getting a new 4 legged child. Nili is
    adorable, reminds me of Layla. I can’t imagine not having a little girl to come home to. Even with one my house feels empty because I have gone from 3 to 1 since 2017. Enjoy.

  13. I am so thrilled for you and for Nili! I look forward to reading about your adventures together. She has a great Mom!! Congrats! ❤️

  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Nili is so beautiful, I’m really happy that you have decided to open your home and your heart to rescue another furbaby. It is such a shame that she wasn’t microchipped OR spayed! That smells like an irresponsible owner and maybe a backyard breeder. She is so very lucky that she’s ended up with you as her new mommy – she should only know how pampered and spoiled she will be! She couldn’t end up with a better person to live out her life with. I wish you and Nili many happy years together with fun and adventures.

    • Thanks Cathy, and I agree and irresponsible owner has lost out but thank goodness she never has had puppies so am relieved with that. Once spayed she will start going to dog parks and lots of adventures. I cannot wait to start all over again with a new pup

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