Nili’s Journey Home

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Good Morning friends,

While I type this Nili is on her way home and should be arriving in about 3 hours. I decided to write the blog before she arrives so I can focus on her only and no social media till tomorrow.

I have been very blessed by my friends for stepping in and fostering her the last two weeks, it is hard on them as I think they have fallen in love with her plus Winnie their rescue had to say goodbye to her playmate this morning. I feel bad for Winnie at this moment because she has no one to play with and Nili will have the same problem although I am fixing play dates in my house for her.

As you all know Nili, was rescued from the L.A. Animal control where they put all her details down and I have subsequently learned they are not correct. A friend of mine who does animal rescue explained to me they cannot always do it as they do not have the funding for DNA tests. Avi, my friend took her to the vet for a check up and told me that she was not afraid at all WOW, and the vet told him the following:

She was sure Nili is about 2-2.5 years at most based upon her teeth and the brightness in her eyes. She has been through one or two heat cycles but does not think she has given birth. She is very healthy. No Upper respiratory infection at all and she can be spayed when I want. she heard no wheezing or crackling in her lungs. She weighs 16.4 lbs. She has a cutaneous histiocytoma on her head. but it appears to be healing on its own and is nothing to worry about. The scab came off in the doctors hand. She said is it doesn’t heal up completely in a month get it checked out. but she did not think it was anything to worry about.  She said Nili is a very healthy, alert pup, and a great rescue.

One of my favorite photos of Nili

I have already made an appointment for her to be spayed, first one I could get was 24th August but will phone and keep checking to see if there is any cancellations so park days will not start till she is fixed but will take her for walks, other adventures where there are no dogs. I also have to train her with recall although she knows the words Treats and Sit which is a good beginning. I am getting her a 14ft leash for the park when we do start so she can wander around and not get away.

This morning I drove myself nuts and child proofed the house, have everything ready for her and now sitting and waiting which is not easy LOL. Matt who is bringing her to me is every couple of hours texting Avi and then Avi texts me, it is a long ride from Palm Springs to San Francisco, about 8 hours and he will be stopping so she can potty along the way  but she is sleeping peacefully in her expandable pet carrier that the company Mr Peanuts gave her. They are such a fantastic small family business and so quick to help where possible. They sent for her a large expandable carrier, medium sized one and a pink regular carrier so Nili was spoiled. The medium sized I left with Avi to give to whoever he would like to as sharing is caring and that is so important.

Being bribed this morning to get in the carrier


Here is their link and I strongly suggest you look at all their amazing reasonable products.

Nili has a lot to learn so her schooling is beginning here and the sooner I start the better as her life will be so much easier. I have to stop her naughtiness of barking at bicycles, noise, running out of the door when it opens and so much more but she is a smart little girl and will learn. (Her Mom is an ex teacher LOL)

Treat time, Quasi, Nili and Winnie


So plans this weekend are to let her sleep, get into a routine, play with snuffle toys which I have got treats for, chew on bully sticks which I bought her and just relax together spending lots of cuddle time.

Before I log off to get ready to meet her I want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you thank you to Jonathan, Avi, Will, Shai, Boaz, Quasi, Winnie and Matt for helping me with everything, keeping Nili safe and amused and most of all getting her home to me, I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

Have a wonderful weekend, we hope you have loads of fun and relax also,

With a woof and love


Nili and Mom

15 Replies to “Nili’s Journey Home”

  1. I’m so excited for you, and Nili has no idea what an exciting life she’s walking into. Can’t wait to see what you get up to and to follow your journey

  2. I’m so excited for her to arrive home. You most certainly do have good friends. That’s a long drive. What a great pup to not be scared of anything. WOW!!! Sounds like you are already for the fur kid to arrive. Henry and I are sending you and Nili love and hugs. We are anxious for your adventures to begin. Enjoy your weekend!

    • Terri thanks and yes she has really done well with what she has been through and thank goodness for Mr Peanuts bag it made life so much easier, we cannot wait for her to meet friends and start socializing. Have a wonderful week with big hugs to Henry

  3. I know you sweetie is home by now and I can’t wait to see further updates on how she is doing. I know she will have a most wonderful life with you. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    • Terry she is home safe and sound and getting into mischief LOL but am loving it. Thank you so much as always for your Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

  4. How blessed you are to have such wonderful friends. I am sure Nili will have a wonderful life with you. She is adorable. May you both have great times together.

    • Sandy I am very blessed to have such wonderful friends and Nili is loving being at home and settling down really well. She is an adorable pup with lots of energy

  5. How exciting for you. Knowing she is on the way and thanks to friends will soon be safe in her new home with a mom who will totally spoil her. Happy Life Nili and I look forward to some wonderful photos from mom (yes she can take good photos OK?)

  6. Thanks for your kind comments about my photography, that made me feel good. I cannot wait to start adventures and park time with her as she is a bundle of energy and needs to burn it off LOL. I am very blessed to have friends who helped me with it all.

  7. OhMyGosh…I am so excited and happy for you to welcome Nili home! She is one lucky girl having you for her momma! I feel like sweet Miss Layla sent her to you! She is a cutie, and I know she will help heal your heart and join you on so many wonderful adventures I cannot wait to hear and see your photos about!

    • Dorothy I cannot wait too to share our adventures but all will start proper once she is spayed. Like you I know Layla is smiling from above and is always with me. I am very blessed to have had Layla and now Nili to share my life with. Big hugs

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