May is National Pet Month

Friday has arrived and that means weekend, woof. We hope you have a great one.

National Pet Month is observed in May. National Pet Month is a celebration of the benefits that pets bring to people’s lives – and vice versa. It is celebrated here in the USA in May and in the UK in April.

National Pet Month

What are the benefits of having a pet, there are endless benefits but I think the most important ones are as follows:

  • They keep us fit
  • They make sure you’re never lonely especially through hard times and what we have been through the past year
  • They lower our stress levels – I try to stay as less stressed as possible so Layla does not stress out
  • They can help you make friends, so true as by walking your dog, going to dog parks you are meeting people
  • They can improve your immune system – yes they do as keep us healthy in so many ways.
  • They can stop your children from developing allergies which is so important plus they teach children compassion and responsibility.
  • They keep you safe
  • They can provide companionship to children with learning difficulties
  • Pets make us happier
  • Pets help us cope with crisis

I have realized this so much from when I was in the Domestic Violence Relationship how much Baby helped me and I was blessed to have her.

Layla has done the same for me especially the past year – without her I am not sure where I would be. Seeing her waggy tail when I come home from an errand makes my day every day.

As I am typing this I am realizing how blessed I am to have Layla in my life, we are both aging together but loving each day, she makes me laugh, gets me out of the house, and her cuddles in the morning is something money cannot buy.

So our question is what does your pet do for you on a daily basis?

Happy National Pet Month Everyone,

With a woof and love from Layla and Me