Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Happy Friday Everyone,

October has begun and this month is a very important month for me as we will be talking about Domestic Violence and how it affects both Humans and Pets. This is also the reason I am such a strong advocate against abuse for both Humans and Animals.

To start off the month I decided to once again share my story, as I am a survivor, a proud survivor that got away and now has a voice to speak up.

I met Baby, a tan Chiweenie, while I was visiting the SPCA in Southern California. She had just been surrendered by her family. It was love at first sight. Her loving eyes and beautiful face just made me want to hold her and keep her. They kept her for 48 hours to spay her and check her out, and then I fetched her.

Baby changed my life from the moment she came to live with my now ex-husband and me.At home, I was a victim of domestic violence on a daily basis. With Baby around, I finally had an excuse to get out of the house, by telling my ex I was taking her for a walk.I went for long walks with her, which helped me get away from the stress I was submerged in day after day.My life was hard. My ex controlled the money, the computer, the phone, everything. He didn’t give me access to bank accounts, I was not allowed to answer the telephone, I could not check e-mails, not even the mail box.I was isolated from the outside world, including my friends and family. When I was allowed to talk to them, he sat right next to me, so I could not say much. He timed me when I went to the supermarket or went shopping. If I was a bit longer than expected, I got yelled at. His constant emotional abuse was to me harder than any physical abuse, since body wounds heal quicker than emotions. I was walking on eggshells all the time.

No matter what I did, to him it always looked wrong. Baby kept me going with her loving personality, her wanting cuddles, her unconditional love. And the moment we had a chance, I packed up with her and ran. We found shelter with a friend, who hid us until we could get our lives organized.We were penniless, but I knew in my heart that all would fall slowly into place once we were safe and by ourselves.

Upon arrival in San Francisco, Baby was fostered by some wonderful women from the Domestic Violence Organization Shalom Bayit (Their link is on my links page) and when possible she became the first dog accepted into a domestic violence shelter. (In another post I will discuss the pros and cons of having a pet in a Shelter)
I finally found our own little place we called home and were living a peaceful happy life with lots of laughter, fun and so much more.

10/5/10 Baby, my little trooper, my angel, my everything, grew her wings and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She had contracted IMHA and within 48 hours passed. It was one of the hardest days of my life, one I will never forget as she had kept me going during my darkest hours.

My friend said something to me which sticks in my mind “Baby came into your life at a time you both needed each other, and left when she knew you were safe so that you could rescue another”

In January 2011 Layla arrived, and the rest is history.

If you are in a Domestic Violence Situation you can go to the National Domestic Violence Hotline :
Tel : 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or their website :

If you are in the situation we were in, know that where there is a will there is a way. Against all odds, Baby and I did it. You can do it, too and today compared to when I did it there is so much more assistance out there for you.

So we are asking everyone this month to share our story as it is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and by sharing maybe we can help others.

Please be safe, Baby and Layla’s Mom

Boo Halloween is around the corner

Woof it is me !!!!

October is coming to an end and although it means that Domestic Violence Awareness Month might be ending but it does not mean we must forget about Domestic Violence that happens daily all over the world and we must not forget the abuse the poor animals go through because of it. We must keep standing up for them and be their voices.

With our reminder of this awful daily occurrence below is a list those in this situation should try to remember to do, keeping a journal and having it all written down will make life easier when one runs as they will have proof. It is not easy to do but the more information you have the better.

Below is the National Domestic Violence website.

National Domestic Violence Hotline

We pray you will be safe and get away safely from the abuse.

Halloween is a fun holiday for kids but can be really frightening for pets and therefore we should take all the precautions to keep them safe.

Layla does not get dressed up as she is uncomfortable in a costume and her comfort comes first in my eyes although in the past LOL I did try so am sharing with you some of her pictures – but those days are long gone and now her costume is her dress harness which she seems fine in.

Below is a list of how to keep your pets safe during Halloween as they are part of our family and need to be.

So as this is the last blog for October and another month is beginning next week we would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween, do not OD on candies LOL and of course please keep your pets safe.

Woof with love from

Woof it is Me

Woof to all my friends,

October being Domestic Violence Month and a month that brings back so many sad memories for Mom we decided last weekend to enjoy life and freedom instead.

It is not that we are ignoring the sad fact of the abuse of women, kids and pets but it has been a long journey for Mom and having that freedom and sunny weather Mom decided to take advantage of it.

We are though going to include the Power and Control Wheel of Animal Abuse in Domestic Violence as this is an issue close to us and they do not have a voice but we do so we need to speak up. You are welcome to share this on your pages or websites and be there voices too, it would be much appreciated.

Last weekend was a long weekend, so much to do all around San Francisco as there are always free events. Mom sat and worked out what we would do and the adventures started. BOL the only time I ever let her be boss is when making those decisions. It was also Fleet Week weekend and I do not like the jets flying over us plus Mom thinks that money should be used for better causes.

On Saturday they had in our Dog Park an event called Bark at the Park. This event honors our K-9 Heroes and their human friends during San Francisco Fleet Week. Lots of dogs, fun, and loads to learn on how to keep our pets safe during disasters. A really great noisy event, plus I love supporting these organizations that do so much for us.

On Sunday was the annual Castro Street Fair – this is just a fun fair with lots of booths, food and dancing. We, of course went although I carried Madam in her backpack as it is chaotic the best was popping into one of the booths called Pet Wants, Layla woofs best treats in town and she got utterly spoiled.

On the way home from the fair we stopped in the park, hung out with friends and just relaxed. The weather was perfect.

On Monday I decided that was it, no events, no nothing and instead relaxed in the park with all our friends. It was just a relaxing day.

So as you can see our life is always busy and I love it especially as I can take Layla with me although I must admit I do base a lot on Pet Events as they are fun and I really enjoy them.

On this note we going to end our weekly adventure blog as Layla is waiting for dinner and I must make mine too. I have a big pot of veggie soup simmering also – yummmm.

Have a wonderful weekend and everyone please be safe.

Woof with love from Layla

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

This past weekend Mom and I decided to have a picnic in the park as the weather is slowly changing and today, Tuesday is raining grrrr.

Mom wanted to go also as to sit and reflect her past with October arriving and it being Domestic Violence Awareness Month she felt she needed to clear her head, think of my sister Baby and enjoy the outdoors and freedom.

Mom is a survivor, and this month brings lots of memories, the sad ones and then the happy ones of being free and as Mom says she knows she did the right thing staying in the relationship to protect my sister whom I never met.

So we sat there talking, me lying by her side like I always do, and thinking about all the women that are in abusive relationships but will not leave because of their furkids. Something Mom understands.

It is very easy for people to say pack up and run, but when you know that most shelters do not take pets where does one run to ?

Mom in the past has blogged about how hard it is for shelters to take the pets, some say they should but when you look at the reality it is not easy as there are kids dealing with trauma, allergies, staff overworked, and so much more that we have to instead find a solution to help those pets while the victims try to get on their feet, figure out their lives, and find themselves.

This is something that has been going through Mom’s mind a lot as to how to help them, and some ideas have come to mind but now it is how to get that kind of project going.

So while we were chatting about this, Mom set up my own picnic – yummm. We had received this Dine Away Set from Overland Dog Gear Company and just love it as it makes life so easy when wanting to have a picnic. The set includes a travel bag, 2 food carriers, a placemat, 2 collapsible bowls and a food scoop. Even with the food and water it was not heavy to carry and made life so much easier than what Mom has been doing in the past.

Mom also received from them a Day Away tote which includes a food carrier for food or treats. Now there is nothing in plastic bags or containers spilling everywhere. This tote is fantastic as it is spacious, place for a bottle, can slide on luggage and the best is that it zippers up so I cannot get my nose into it to get to the treats BOL. The best of all is if you are planning a weekend away with your dog he / she will have his own bag for his things so you do not have to pack them with yours, I just love this idea.

To read more about their products you can go to their website

Overland Dog Gear

Personally I think these are a must in a house for those that do travel with their dogs and I was thinking to myself if only I had had them when I ran as it would have made my life so much easier, thank you Overland Dog Gear for giving me these products to review.

So while we sat there talking, me munching, Mom drinking coffee life seemed to look brighter cos she said : Layla we are free to enjoy life so lets put aside the past and enjoy the rest of the day.

And that is what we did.

Be safe everyone, have a wonderful week with woof and love from Layla