I have a question

TGIF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning friends and how are you doing ?

Summer has arrived and we are still on lock down so unfortunately not being able to be out to enjoy the weather but hopefully will be able to do so soon. 

Layla went back to the vet this week as she was yelping really loudly and another vet looked at her and said the same thing, neck injury so she is still on her pain meds and sleeping most of the time.

I have changed her diet a bit to tempt her to eat, Costco chicken which she loves and Gizzards which she gobbles down. She does not want to eat her regular cooked food and as one of the meds has to be with food am trying everything.  I am also putting pumpkin directly in her mouth before meals for fibre etc and it all seems to be working phew. So lets see how this goes.

She has perky normal times and then she just sleeps LOL. What I can say is she is very smart as she knows when we come in from walks she gets her meds so she runs to hide in her box and that can be a problem. I solved it by  keeping her leash, putting her on the bed and dosing her and then taking off the leash and putting her on the floor. I am winning this fight. The other fight we are having is once she goes out she wants to walk non stop and not allowed so I now take her back pack with me and when she has pottied she is put into it and I carry her home. I wonder who the slave is !!!!!!!!!!!!!

On top of it all at about 9 every night people in our neighborhood have started setting off fireworks grrrrrrr so I am having to give her on top of it all some Hemp Oil as she freaks out. Our schedule has gone down the drain totally but will figure it out again slowly once she is well.

So that is all the news in the Layla Neighborhood at the moment, nothing exciting but at least she is healing slowly.

I would love some input from all of you – the weather is really warm at the moment and I thought of taking Layla to the dog park and putting her in her carrier which she can sleep in and relaxing there, I have to keep her in the bag otherwise she wanders around to visit the neighbors. We would be in the shade only – what do you think ? 

 Your comments would help me make the decision.

Summer is here and we must not forget to keep our pets safe in the heat. 

And Now most important of all, Layla wants to wish all the dog dads Happy Fathers Day and we both hope you have a wonderful fun day.

With woof and Love from Layla

I am a Social Butterfly

Morning All,

Friday has arrived and with it my schedule as always is filling up. Yes I am a very busy little dog but it keeps Mom and I young and healthy although BOL she has to carry me a lot. It is also Pride Month so am now wearing my rainbow harness with Pride.

Last weekend, Saturday we took it easy as Mom was really tired. We just went for long walks and otherwise slept and did nothing.  Mom decided she needed it as it had been a long week for her.

On Sunday to make up for it, we went to the Chihuahua Meet Up where I become an honorary Chihuahua plus it is always held in an amazing park Stern Grove.

Below Facebook link is the video of her running into the park all happy, Miss Wiggly butt with her feather tail flying.


This is one place that Mom calls heaven, as it is so lush, green with lots of place to roam around plus the lake at the end of it makes it really peaceful. There were lots of dogs at the meetup which was fun as I got to smell a lot of them. I like this meet up as it is all small dogs so I feel safe. 

Mom was really proud of me as when we went for our long walk I even went off the path exploring which is something I do not do often but it was so much fun, so many smells to check out and so much space to roam around. Mom of course kept an eye on me as Coyotes have been seen in this park but in the middle of the day they are normally sleeping. 

It was such a pawsome day, we relaxed, ran around, and perfect weather just helped it all. I told Mom I cannot wait for the next one which is in July.
When we got home we were both tired so I was nice to Mom and let her sleep, she does deserve it sometimes.

The rest of the week has been slow as Mom has now finished work for the summer but last night we went to a big fundraising event for the Shanti/PAWS Organization and we will share it with you in our next week’s blog.

This weekend I know we are going to the Tri-Pawed Meet Up which is always held in our dog park so I will get to meet some new dogs which is exciting but other than that we have nothing else planned. 

So as you can see I am a very busy dog with a full schedule and I love it as after being stuck indoors during the winter it is so much fun to be out and about again.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and please share what your plans are.

With a woof and love From Layla, the social butterfly