What are we up to !

Happy Wednesday all,

We have recovered from the AiDS Walk and last weekend I decided to just relax and take it easy whatever easy is LOL. On Saturday I did volunteer like I always do but then the rest of the weekend was just Layla and Me, walking, and relaxing in the park. The weather was perfect for it and hopefully next weekend will be too.

And of course Madam has to do this :

Lets Roll and get Stinky

I am at the moment re-evaluating Layla’s food as I feel with her getting older am questioning her supplements etc plus with what I have been reading online lately with the no grain, yes grain, etc which is mind boggling and confusing I think the time has come to do it. Plus I already cook half of her food and make some of her treats so why not do the whole lot at home. (I use Grandma Lucy’s Macanna Premix for the extra supplements plus add others)

So with the research I am starting to go to the different pet stores in the city to see what they have, what is interesting and get more ideas.

On Monday we went to visit a store called SFRAW. It was an adventure for both of us as it took 2 bussess each way to get there and by the time I found the place we were hot and tired. Layla of course was in her backpack and I made the mistake of forgetting her cooling vest at home. Bad Mom.

What is SFRAW – They are the largest resource in California for people who feed their pets raw food. It is a great store with loads of products of all kinds, some were incredibly interesting like the frozen chicken necks which you can feed your dog, I am petrified to do that as the bones are small and have always heard that they are not good for your dog although I do have friends that feed them to the dogs and if they sell them then I do know it is perfectly safe.

They support local family farms that practice humane, organic, sustainable and pastured farming methods. So everything is really healthy.

They do not ship their products but their treats which they had which were slices of goats cheese, turkey hearts and beef hearts. Layla got to come home with the turkey hearts which she loves.

Their website :


I have started making Layla a new treat which she loves, and what I love about giving them to her is when we are on the go they can also be a type of food which is better in the long run.

The recipe is simple :

One pound of ground turkey or ground chicken or salmon which I chop up (I do not use ground beef as it can be fatty sometimes)
One Egg
Grated veggies like carrots, zucchini, broccoli and whatever else you want to add

Mix all together, lie flat on a baking sheet so it is about one inch thick, Bake in oven on 350 Deg till ready. (I leave it softish)
When cool I cut into squares and store in a ziplock bag in the fridge and take out as I need.

Bon Appetit !

So as you can see there is never a dull moment in our lives and as a good Jewish Mom one of my main focuses is keeping her happy and healthy as possible.

Madam is at this moment doing what she does best, sleeping and I am off here to carry on with my research and will keep you all posted in the next blogs with recipes. I am always open to suggestions so bring them on 🙂

Have a wonderful week all.
With love as always

Two old ladies doing the AIDS WALK

Woof its Wednesday !

We are half way through the month and the year is speeding by, I cannot believe it.

We have been busy as always Layla keeping me on my toes raring to go some where all the time, she is a busy bee for an 11 year old and I love it and would not change it for anything.

On Saturday I volunteered like I always do but kept it slow also so we would have more energy for the big day which was Sunday.

On Sunday we left the house at about 8 in the morning to get there on time plus depending on public transport I would rather be early than late.

Layla was in her element as we were riding the tram which she loves so it was a great way to start the day. We had to walk down hill from there to Golden Gate Park – Robin Williams Meadow where it was all happening.

There were loads of people, different booths, each organization had its own booth where they had set up snacks, etc for their walkers. We also had to sign in and I got a baseball cap, t-shirt and badge as a thank you for raising the money that I did. I also received an invite to the party afterwards but I did not go as Layla was tired and so was I.

Why is this event so important – With what is happening in the world today Organizations are having problems with funding and to keep them going every dollar helps so being able to get people to sponsor me, helps an Organization keep on doing the amazing work they do.

Why the Shanti Project – PAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support) are part of the Shanti Project and as we are clients of theirs it is my way of giving back to them. They are an incredible organization and I do not know where I would be without them today. I have been with them since I had Baby, they helped me when she passed away, and they have been with Layla ever since.

What is the Shanti Project : ​ Shanti Project exists to enhance the health, quality of life and well-being of people with terminal, life-threatening or disabling illnesses or conditions. Through a continuum of services, including in-home and onsite patient and care navigation, emotional and practical support and preserving the human-animal bond, Shanti strives to achieve the highest medical and quality of life outcomes for San Francisco’s most vulnerable.

Shanti is a Sanskrit word meaning “inner peace” or “tranquility”. It is an appropriate name since, ultimately, all of Shanti’s direct service and educational programs are aimed at easing the burdens and improving the well-being of people in difficult life situations.

The mission of PAWS is to preserve, support and nurture the human-animal bond for those most vulnerable in our community.

As a Domestic Violence Survivor this organization have become my rock in many many ways and have helped me become who I am today and therefore being able to walk the AIDS WALK and raise some money for them makes me feel great as I love giving back and this is one way I can do it with a smile on my face.

What is really unique about the walk also is that it is diverse, you will find kids walking, elderly people walking and of course the dogs walking so it makes it to be a fun family day for everyone. As you walk you have volunteers cheering you on, stands with water and other goodies, bands playing music, dancers and of course the natural beauty of the park.

Layla trotted along most of the way in her pink cooling vest which was great as I did not have to worry about her over heating although the weather was cool, I carried her backpack for emergencies LOL and I think when we got to the last mile is when she started lagging a bit so I put her in the backpack and carried her to the end. I think she was amazing though, doing at least 5 miles of the 6.2 miles with little legs but most important of all is we completed it – WOW.

So that was our Sunday, a long busy day but well worth it as I loved the walk in nature at a great easy pace chatting with a friend but giving back to the community at the same time.

I would like to say a special thanks to the following :

01. All my friends that had faith in me and sponsored me, you are all heroes

02 Jones Natural Chews who donated to Layla and Shanti lots of treats so no dog would starve and what was left over thanks to you has been put into the PAWS Pet food bank for others to enjoy.

Jones Natural Chews

03. Cool Aid for sponsoring Layla with the cooling vest, what a wonderful gift keeping her cool and comfortable during the walk – love this vest and would highly recommend it to everyone.


04. Last but not least, The Shanti Project, you are all amazing, no words can describe my gratitude for all you do and a special thanks for helping me get home after the walk with a ride.

The Shanti Project

Layla is off to her box to sleep after reading this through with me and I am drinking coffee,

Have a wonderful week all, take care and thank you for reading our blog this week,

Woof with love
Layla and Me